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Posts posted by Edgaralston

  1. Out-Of-Character Information

    Please do your best to correct spelling and grammatical errors, this is an RP server and writing is the main form of communication!


    What’s your Minecraft account name?: edgaralston

    What timezone are you in?: UK (BST)

    How old are you?: 15

    Are you aware the content and interactions on this server may not be appropriate for children under the age of 13? (You must be at least 13 to apply): Yes.

    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Yes, I have.

    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: I love the fact that your always in character, So that you always have to be aware of the situation and can immerse yourself in their experiences.

    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense? (if so we can help clear it up!): No, they all seem fine to me!

    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: I was informed by a group of friends.

    Link(s) to past Whitelist Applications (If applicable): N/A

    Have you logged into the server yet? (You cannot be whitelisted without logging in at least once): Yes. 





    What is Roleplaying?: To act out or become a character, assuming their identity, In a different world or place from that of your own.

    What is Metagaming?: Using information that in character you do not know, and acting upon it. 

    What is Power-emoting (Powergaming)?: To essentially overpower other players, and their emotes, to achieve whatever you want. For example:

    *Jonathan slices Edmund's head clean off*

    The player emotes them doing something that the other can do nothing to prevent. This would be Powergaming/Poweremoting, it should be like this:

    *Jonathan attempts to slice Edmund's head off*

    This gives the player a chance to react and have a say in what happens. Adding to a better and more constructive narrative built by players.


    In-Character Information:

    Character’s name: Grunk Ugaka

    Character’s sex: Male

    Character’s race: Orc (Uruk)

    Character’s age: 29

    Biography: Grunk Ugaka was a small Orc, the runt of the litter of pups his mother, Granka, gave birth to. As Grunk grew, he was beaten and bruised by his siblings, 'Such is our way', Said Granka. Grunk and his siblings began the regular Uruk routine in their early life, being taught the ways of the Axe and club. He was taught to be fond of his kin, they were to be respected upmost and above all. Grunk understood their warlike arts, an average student, wielding the immense strength of his kinsmen. He was always fascinated with the spirits him and his kind revered. When Grunk was nearing maturity, his family were moving camp, when a huge, blasting sandstorm ripped through the desert heat. It fractured the group, the dust clogging up Grunk's eyes so that he could not see his way. Their torchlight dimmed, and Grunk was left in the pitch black, with not a candle to guide him. Grunk curled in a ball that night. And many nights to come. He moved across the great planes of sand, surviving on small lizards and black-tainted watering holes. Grunk resented his family for not searching for him, he wanted nothing to do with a people who would abandon him, was it because he was a bit smaller than his Uruk brethren? Weaker? He knew not, Grunk kept moving through the desert heat. He eventually happened upon a group of humans, he had heard about them. Granka said that they were not to be trusted. But Grunk knew that his mother betrayed him, and left him alone in the dark. He went to the humans, they taught him things, showed him their wonderful delicacies. He loved their food. Their food tasted good. Grunk went with the humans, and travelled with them around Atlas. He grew with them, stilll remembering his past as an Orc, and fearing his kin finding him with these humans. Grunk did really love food, and he respected the humans that provided him with it... They tolerated him, he was useful to gather lumber and build shelter from the rain, but there was no real friendship among them. This simple life of travel all came crashing down upon Grunk, however, when one of the men grabbed his sweetroll from his paws. He didn't mean to grab the human's throat so tightly, and to hear the snapping sound. One of the humans drew their weapons, a sharp blade of steel. Grunk ran, being sliced and battered by the men, much like he was sliced and battered by his siblings all those years ago. Eventually the humans gave up their chase, and Grunk was left cut and bruised, just escaping with his life. He was on a beach, somewhere. Grunk liked the sea, it smelled of salt and had a nice breeze. This sand was soft, unlike the packed, hard stuff in the desert. Perhaps if he followed the shoreline, he could find somewhere to gain his bearings? The humans he met had told him of a town nearby, Norland was It? Maybe he could find more Orcs like himself? Grunk now seeks adventure, and a /lot/ of food. With nothing but the rags on his back, and sweetrolls in his pocket.

    Personality Traits: Grunk loves food, and will do almost anything to obtain a good meal. He is rather grumpy at times, and speaks in simple sentences, not an Uruk of words, to be sure. He can also be upbeat when happy, especially with friends.

    Ambitions: He wishes to have eaten every meal possible, and have the largest larder in all of Atlas. As well as to find some friends that will respect him.

    Strengths/Talents: Grunk loves to eat, eating is his passion and he loves fine foods from across Atlas. Grunk also is a decent fisherman, although he can tug on the line too hard, on occasion. Causing the fish to be lost, and Grunk to be thrown into another spurt of grumpiness. He also possesses some skill with an Axe, but his combat skills are limited and he usually ends up using it to fell trees for campfires.  

    Weaknesses/Inabilities: Grunk cannot write, and hates books. He is also afraid of the fellow Orc-Kind finding him, and what they would do to him. He is also afraid of wielders of dark magics. 

    Appearance: Grunk looks like the average Uruk. Green skinned, at a height of 7' 3', he is not the tallest Orc, but makes up for it in body fat around his gut.

    Skin: https://imgur.com/a/o5MZc 

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