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Posts posted by Yew_Coniferous

  1. 9 hours ago, Kalehart said:

    It's occurred to me that this seems to conflict with the Kha goddess Metzli being the Moon deity. Are they meant to share the domain? Apologies if this has already been asked, didn't see it addressed when I looked.


    A year or so back a new batch of LT posted some clarification lore for the origin of the world, creation of the universe, that sort of thing. The Soulstream was defined as the moon during that post (which was a huge surprise to all the Ascended). I cannot speak for what Metzli is up to, but Aeriel is 100% definitely on the moon and she rules over it as her adopted realm.

  2. Gating raid times to ‘peak hours’ shafts raiders on off-peak timezones, like Australians. Overcomplicating a casual system like raids to require a casus would only make raiders try harder, and I don’t trust staff members not to abuse the system to prevent themselves and their player groups from being raided.


    Citing memery and toxicity is not a valid complaint when every single system and group on the server is guilty of it. If the problem is to be solved we need to patch the hole in the leaky boat not bucket out water every ten seconds.

  3. Full Name: Yew Coniferous
    Age: (Some kind of strange sketch akin to the rings inside a tree's trunk is drawn here)

    Residency: Mother Grove

    Major Subject: Deistic Studies

    Secondary Subject: Literature


    (The following paragraph appears to be a transcript penned by a third party.)

    "Druid man talk much about thing Yew not understand. Big thing in plant and tree Yew not see. Want learn what thing is. Yew also want learn how talk good and make sense better. Want learn what letter things mean."


    ((Discord: Jallentime#2639

    ((MC Username: Cielosoro

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