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Posts posted by Roanske300

  1. Kuyouch would just sit in one of the tents in an old encampment he used to live at, which still stands too, contemplating his life choices


    "Fuckin' figured, I've been here for years now, out in the cold... Haven't seen another soul in ages and wouldn't you know; the first one I encounter, in years at that, tells me of another fuckin' friend that died. God, what have I done to deserve such punishment, at my age? You're breaking my heart and destroying my life, and have been doing that for the past five decades. At this rate, I'll lose everyone I hold close to me heart. fuckin' hell." He'd sadly say to no one in particular, holding his hands close to a fire. "Just take it, just take my life if you want to torture me, I'm done with it." he mumbled, falling to the earth. "JUST TAKE IT. JUST SMITE ME DOWN FOR FUCKS SAKE. DO IT, I DARE YOU TO KILL ME LIKE YOU KILLED MY FRIENDS!"



  2. An older man would hear of this, though he'd be standing at the grave of a brother-in-arms "Sometimes... Sometimes decisions like this make no sense at all, Thomas. Why would you disown someone that has disowned you as his father ages ago? If it weren't for you getting killed without me, I would do the same as many have done before. It honestly pains me how I see an relationship which shouldn't be broken, just fade away like **** all. It pains me to see the children I practically was the godfather of, leave over and over again." he'd murmur, walking away "May God have mercy on you, Thomas." he'd add, looking up at the sky and shaking his head

  3. "There's a fine line between utter nonsense, and making a slight bit of sense..." Kuyouch Cirïn, one of Riviä's oldest soldiers, and Duke Thomas' friend would murmur, putting the piece of paper down before throwing it into the fire he would be standing in front of. "Though this, this is everything only a lunatic could ever come up with. Lies, lies and more lies. Suffered have I never, not in the decades I've been raising my blade in the name of Duke Thomas, he who should be a King." he'd simply say, shaking his head.


    Declaration of Fealty, 1679

    Issued and Confirmed by Ser Kuyouch Cirïn of Neufert , 2nd of Sigismund’s End, 1679


    To the Nobility and Gentry of the Duchy of Rivia,


    I, Ser Kuyouch Cirïn of Neufert, do hereby swear my fealty and service to the Duchy of Rivia and the ducal family, the House of de Hartcold. I offer my service and aid in all of their endeavors, promising that all of my kin be forever in servitude to Duke Thomas I and his descendants. I do so swear this before GOD.



    Ser Kuyouch Cirïn of Neufert, Knight of the Order of the Purple Lion


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