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Posts posted by GlobalAssembly





    Revival of the Global Assembly

    Penned by Caius Roswell-Rubens, Chairman of the Global Assembly

    14th of Snow’s Maiden, 1697

    14th of Horen’s Calling, 1697


           The Global Assembly, originally founded in 1651 by the late Lotte Baptiste, served as a neutral diplomatic institution for nations of all political and ideological orientations to interact with one another in a meaningful manner. Nearly fifty years later, after its original inception, political leaders from all corners of Atlas have agreed to reintroduce the organization for the well-being of the denizens of their nations, and for the convenience of world leaders. Heads of both state and government have the right to assemble with both their allies and adversaries on neutral grounds.



           The Global Assembly has held a number of bi-annual conventions in the past, where delegates from each and every member nation are in attendance to discuss international affairs and policies, with attendance ranging from 40 - 70 participants. These conventions are free from political turmoil, ensuring that all ambassadors can assemble in an environment without fearing for their own diplomatic safety. At these conferences, delegates may raise political issues they wish to discuss with other nations, make an announcement to the international community, or submit a legal motion to either implement or repeal a segment of international law. These conventions are often considered the Global Assembly’s “biggest function.” Six have been hosted in the past.



    An artist’s rendition of the Second Convention, hosted in Cyrilsburg, Curon; 1653


           In addition to our regular conventions, the Global Assembly is also tasked with hosting meetings for other sub-organizations within the Global Assembly. The most prevalent of these committees is the Human Summit. The Human Summit was arguably the most successful committee, dealing with all affairs pertaining to human politics. Their most notable action includes the signing of The Adylith Solution in 1654, where the disputed sovereignty of the Adylith region was debated. At the time, proponents of Adylithian independence declared themselves an autonomous Kingdom, whilst international observers dubbed them a faux-Kingdom. The debate revolved around the legitimacy of a non-noble house to declare regal titles, in which the former Kingdom was demoted to a Barony. After numerous hours of debate and negotiations, Adylith was incorporated into Curonic territory as said Barony, but granted large amounts of independent rule as an acceptable compromise. In this, the Global Assembly proved that our function as a diplomatic organization was not only effective in accomplishing our international goals, but also necessary. Other instances of sub-organizations assembling include the International Thanhium Committee and the Otto-Borner Conferences.



    A depiction of the Human Summit’s conference to discuss the titles of Adylith; 1654


           The resources provided by the Global Assembly are also of utmost importance. World governments are too busy to fumble around with maps and providing information about other states to their constituents, which is why the Global Assembly offers to act as a reliable database for such information. The Secretary of Public Relations’ office is tasked with publishing up-to-date maps, global announcements, and information relating to the governments of each and every member state.



    The map of the Global Assembly at it’s peak; 1660


           The legal aspect of the Global Assembly cannot be undervalued, either. The GA has been responsible for codifying and enforcing international law, drafted and approved by the General Chamber, which includes delegates from every member state. Whenever two or more governments present conflict not worthy of war, but must be resolved regardless, the Global Assembly offers to act as an impartial judicial mediator. The international courts ensure that both international law is upheld, while respecting the sovereignty of member states.



    An artist’s rendition of the international court hearing the case of The Crown of Renatus-Marna vKing Leoiarizaltzu Salbatzaile de Savin of Santegia-Haria; 1655


    The Global Assembly experienced wild success in these realms, which is why we shall pledge to uphold all of our prior duties to the international community.



    The Global Assembly is divided into three chambers, each with a different level of authority. In addition, the Global Assembly’s staffers are also divided into various departments, based on their delegated tasks.






           The Chairman of the Global Assembly is tasked with the general oversight of the entire organization, and he is the head of the Administrative Chamber. It is his duty to appoint executives to lead each department, and to host conventions when available. The Chairman acts as a neutral arbiter of global affairs, and ensures that the organization abides by all regulatory standards. Ideally, the Chairman will be selected via elections, after the organization is well established.

           Caius Roswell, the second Chairman of the Global Assembly following Lotte Baptiste, is a former law professor at the Academy of Holm, having earned a degree there himself. He’s since moved on to devote his life both to being a clergyman, as well as a diplomat.




    Alexandra Bradshawe


           The Secretary of Internal Affairs is in charge of communicating between both ambassadors, personnel, as well as the public. They lead the Interior Department, tasked with safeguarding important documents, keeping track of the international treasury, and ensuring that the needs of all ambassadors are met. They are the right-hand to the Chair.

    Alexandra Bradshawe, the current Secretary of Internal Affairs, previously served under the first iteration of the Global Assembly as the Press Secretary. Prior to her diplomatic career, Secretary Bradshawe was also an entrepreneur in the private sector.




    Charles Napier


           The Secretary of Justice is the top judicial executive in the international community. They’re given the task to appoint justices to the lower courts, organize legal proceedings, and cast judgement on matters of international conflict.

           Charles Napier taught alongside Chairman Roswell at the Academy of Holm as an instructor in law enforcement tactics. Since then, he’s also taken an interest in local Imperial politics, venturing to promote legal reforms across the Empire.






           The Secretary of Security is delegated the task of leading the Sentry divisions in the Global Assembly, who act as the neutral guardsmen during diplomatic sessions. In addition, the Secretary of Security assists the organization with ensuring all security protocols are met when introducing new policies.




    A depiction of a miscellaneous secretary


           The Chamber of Personnel includes neutral staffers in the Global Assembly across all departments. This includes Sentries, who act as neutral guardsmen, Justices, who are appointed to rule on matters of international legal disputes, and Clerks, who work directly for the Department of Interior. These individuals oil the international community to make sure the gears keep turning.




    An artist’s rendition of the Third Convention, hosted in the Holm Senate Hall; 1656


           The General Chamber refers to all delegates and nation leaders from member states, who are given the privilege to participate in international diplomatic discussions. They are, of course, the bulk of the organization, serving as both the constituents and the boss of the Global Assembly. The General Chamber holds the power.



           From 1651 to roughly 1662, the Global Assembly served as one of the most powerful and effective diplomatic institutions in history. However, due to the legislative powers members states held over each other, third party forces dismantled the organization in the name of unfettered autonomy. Despite an overall positive approval rating from citizens, the Global Assembly was unable to sufficiently function at that time. We’ve since decided to reform our legislative system, granting states more autonomy and more power in dictating international law, and have instead opted to focus primarily on providing resources to governments and facilitating international discussion.



           We encourage all nations to partake in the Global Assembly once again, after witnessing it’s previous success. We ask that your head-of-state or ambassador contacts Chairman Roswell ((Liam#7649)) to schedule a meeting to discuss the terms of entry. In addition, if you wish to work for the Global Assembly, please contact either Chairman Roswell’s office directly ((Liam#7649)), the Department of Interior ((Whiplash#1815)), or the Department of Justice ((Hanrahan#4886)).


           The Global Assembly holds three classifications of member states; Full members, partial members, and vassal members. Full members are states which meet the qualifications detailed in the elucidation of statehood, gaining their own vote and full member powers in the General Chamber. Partial member states are nations which, for one reason or another, lack the ability to become a full member. They’re privy to most rights that the full members hold, yet they may not vote when discussing policy propositions, although they’re given speaking power during assemblies. Vassal member states are direct vassals of full or partial members, and are given both spectator and judicial privileges. However, they are not allowed to partake in matters of international diplomacy.


    The Global Assembly is honored to be welcomed back into the international community. May we soon achieve our former glory in providing diplomatic excellence to all nations. Be on the lookout for future announcements.



  2. [!] A survey is published throughout Atlas, given to various channels of communication from almost every regional government.



    Est. 1651


    The Global Assembly

    General Approval Survey


    It has come to our attention, as an administrative body overseeing international affairs, that it is prudent to garner the approval from the citizenry of Atlas. As such, please speak to your nearest government official to retrieve a copy of this survey. We wish to accumulate responses from the citizenry of all regions and nations, not simply from our own members. We thank you for your participation.


    (( https://goo.gl/forms/Y5nfY7QR2MY2EQnm1 ))
    ((A follow up thread, with a neat and fancy info-graphic and data, will be posted in about a week.))

  3. [!] You know the drill by now.





    Est. 1651


    The Global Assembly

    Fourth Convention Report





    [!] An artist's depiction of the Fourth Convention, 1658


    The Fourth Convention of the Global Assembly took place recently, on the 9th of Sun's Smile, 1658 ((Sunday)). It took place in the capital city of Kaz'Ulrah, Kal'Tarak, from within High King Garrond Frostbeard's gracious throne room, which he allowed us to use. This was, by far, our largest and most productive conference yet, introducing the new member states of Fenn, Marnian Hanseti/Judah, and re-introducing Haense.




    This meeting focused primarily on nation-submitted legislation and motions. The Chairman gave an introductory statement, stating, "The Global Assembly will no longer be holding your hands. It is the duty of the member states to now guide the direction the Global Assembly takes." Afterwards, Dreek Ireheart of Kaz'Ulrah gave an opening statement, welcoming the delegates to their capital city. In addition, Fennic ambassadors gave a lengthy address to the General Chamber, introducing themselves as the newest members of the Global Assembly.



    [!] The Fennic delegation addresses the General Chamber, 1658


    From there, twelve propositions from various member states were presented and voted on -- only a quarter of them passed, although many were extremely close votes, and are expected to be reproposed in the near future.


    Passed Legislation


    Azdrazi Are Now Protected

    The Dragonkind Protection Act, proposed by Renatus-Marna, passed in the Chamber. It ensures that the Azdrazi are now an internationally protected culture, protected from any offensive harm at the hands of individuals, groups, or governments. Should a nation not wish to allow Azdrazi to reside in their lands, they are legally allowed to deport any Azdrazi individuals to Renatus-Marna for housing. The bill passed by a narrow margin of 5 - 4, with the Dwarven nations of Holm and Kaz'Ulrah abstaining, as well as partial-member states Kadarsi and Rivia. Haelun'or, also a partial-member, opposed the bill.



    GA Treasury Embezzlement Regulations Are Tightened

    Proposed by Dylar Salgus, a citizen of Kaz'Ulrah, the Embezzlement Act of 1658 imposes much more restrictive regulations on the Global Assembly's treasury funds, regarding embezzlement. This has provided the organization's treasury with additional regulations, to prevent misuse of the minae donated. It passed by a vote of 3 - 2, with every other member shockingly choosing to abstain from a vote.



    Crabs, Sharks, and Sea Turtles are now Protected Species

    (crabs are banned)


    Proposed by Deputy Applefoot of Dunshire, the Protection of Exotic Aquatic Animals Act garnered the attention of environmental advocates around Atlas, persuading a majority of members to vote on the bill to ban crabs, sharks, and sea turtles from being killed, sold, or consumed. All vendors have been given a week's notice to cease the sale of any of these seafood products mentioned. Anyone caught partaking in the slaughter of crabs, sharks, or sea turtles are subject to a hefty fine from international courts. The bill passed with a vote of 5 - 4, while all other members abstained.



    Nations Are Now Subject to Stricter Standards

    Proposed by Renatus-Marna, this bill, the Procedures of Earning the Title of Nation, detail the new regulations put into place, outlining the formal requirements for becoming a legitimately, internationally recognized state. It includes measures demanding nations provide proof of the traits listed in the Elucidation of Statehood, and also includes a provision, allowing member states to call into question the legitimacy of another member state. This procedural bill passed by a vote of 5 - 3.



    Failed Legislation

    • The Thanhium Protection Act, proposed by Morgan Hallowfall of Thania, and sponsored by Dunshire, would have implimented much more strict regulations on the usage of thanhium, and would have redistributed stockpiles of the dangerous mineral to different locations. It failed in a vote of 5 - 6, with only Haelun'or and Rivia abstaining. The legislation is expected to gain further traction, as the Dominion only voted against the bill due to the fact that it didn't, "Go far enough" in regulating thanhium. This bill is expected to be brought up for a revote at a later date.
    • The Non-Combatant Civilian Protections Bill, written by Kadarsi, also sponsored by Dunshire, was proposed at our last convention, as well, by Saeed Ibn Malek. This legislation would have provided a copious amount of support for peaceful civilians not involved in warfare. It did, however, fail by a vote of 2 - 6. Although, they did gain more support than the first time the bill was proposed.
    • The Fair Elections Act, proposed by former Cyrilsburg mayoral candidate Ser Stephanos Palaiologos, would have banned state or municipal governments from merging candidates' tickets, as was done in the Cyrilsburg election after a mayor and deputy were merged into one ticket, and became a controversial issue among voters for a short time. However, this bill was unanimously shot down in the General Chamber, failing by a vote of 0 - 9, with Fenn, Southron, Haelun'or, and Rivia abstaining.
    • The Free Market Repealment, proposed by Dunshire, would have repealed Article III of the Dominion's previously passed Free Market Denomination Act of 1666. The bill, in itself, instituted a standard symbol for the Mina, but Article III banned the Global Assembly from passing any economic regulations. If repealed, this would mean that the Global Assembly would be permitted to pass economic regulations. This was a heavily debated topic, but in the end, failed by a vote of 4 - 5. It is expected to be brought up for another vote in the near future.
    • The "Bill of Rogue Nations," proposed by Renatus-Marna, failed by a vote of 2 - 7, the bill's only supporters being Renatus-Marna and the Dominion. This would have given the Global Assembly the ability to dub generally dishonest and unreliable nations as "rogue," and prevent them from attending any international meetings.
    • A sub-bill of the "Bill of Rogue Nations," the Condemnation of Norland would have dubbed Norland as a "rogue nation." This motion also came from Renatus-Marna, but failed by a vote of 2 - 5. Most delegations did not want to condemn Norland, as it effectively wouldn't have done anything, with the previous bill failing.
    • The Economic Democracy Act, proposed by Dunshire, would have internationally banned the private control of the means of production. All products would have to be owned collectively by the workers. This failed in the General Chamber, by a vote of 2 - 8, the only supporters being Hanseti (Judah), and Dunshire.


    In other news, the Global Assembly HQ is under construction in Cyrilsburg, Curon, and is being constructed on internationally neutral soil. This means that the building itself shall be a neutral ground for meetings, and a site of protection for victims of international criminals who feel as if they must be protected from the state.


    As the Global Assembly becomes the largest international organization in decades, we also wish to give more autonomy to our members. The Global Assembly will no longer be guiding nation leaders, but instead, will allow them to control the narrative the organization takes. It is their time to shine, from now until the end of time.


    You can find a full library of our documents here.


    Be on the lookout for future updates. Godspeed.



    Est. 1651


    The Global Assembly

    Application for Citizen Law Propositions




    Upon voting on the most recent proposals for international laws, the Global Assembly has deemed it crucial to allow citizen propositions to be presented, as well. Whilst legal propositions from other nations and delegations reserve priority, propositions from civilians shall be allotted, as well. Should you propose legitimate legislation, it shall be presented before the General Chamber to be voted on by ambassadors, hailing from their respective nations. This legislation may include any sort of law or regulation you believe is essential to the well being of Atlas, ranging from war rules, to procedural regulations, or whatever else you, as an advocate, are passionate about. If you are to propose a piece of legislation, you shall be granted the opportunity to travel to Kal'Tarak, the location of the Fourth Convention, and present your bill to the world. After such, the legislation will be debated, and eventually, voted on. Should you garner support from a majority of the chamber, your own bill will be codified into law.


    There is a 50ന  processing fee. Outside of this small administrative cost, however, you must only devote your time and passion towards writing this piece of legislation.


    Please review the legal process and template for proposing laws. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact the Global Assembly's administrative offices. If you're unsure of how to complete a certain section, worry not, the administration shall fill it out on your behalf.


    ((Law template: Click here ))

    ((Current lawbook: Click here ))

    (( Send proposals to this Discord; Liam#7649 ))


    We look forward to your submissions. Even if you cannot attend the meeting itself, it shall still be presented in your steadfast.


    Godspeed to you all.


    [!] The notice ends here.

  5. [!] A publication from the Global Assembly's office is sent out to all major newspapers, heads-of-state, and other such popular locations to submit information. It would be the report for the recently held third convention, oh boy!




    Est. 1651



    Third Convention Report





    [!] An artist's rendition of the Third Convention, held in the Holm Senate Hall, 1656



    As a foreword, we apologize for the late report, but our offices have been extremely productive, and swamped, the last few Seeds.


    On the 10th of Malin's Welcome, 1656 ((Last Friday)), the Global Assembly officially held it's Third Convention, where all member states, partial-member states, and even some special spectators, convened this time in the city state of Holm, a long time Assembly member. We were honored to have their glorious Senate hall host our third convention. Our third convention held an outstanding 44 delegates, this time around.


    With the additions of The Dominion of Malin, the Southron Confederacy, the Warhawke Chiefdom, and the Sohaerate of Haelun'or, we are more than happy to house our new arrivals, in addition to the Princedom of Fenn, who did not attend the Third Convention, due to signing onto our charter shortly after the convention.


    You also may notice that our cartographic style has changed. This is a new design, issued by our administrative branch, a complete overhaul of our previous versions.



    ((NOTE: Kadarsi has since migrated to Santegia-Haria))


    Convention Summary

    The following sum up the events of the Third Convention;


    • Haense's flag hung in memorium of the previous state's leadership, as they were the practical founders of the Global Assembly. We took a moment to honor the now defunct government officials who made the Assembly a reality.
    • The General Chamber introduced international laws, which now dominate the scene of international legal code. For too long, our members have believed that there is no legal recourse for international conflicts, and thus, find it appropriate to establish such. The complete book of international laws can be found in our public records, and is updated regularly.
    • The Dominion of Malin witnessed a stunning victory, after proposing legislation which limited the international slave trade by banning the purchasing of slaves across member state borders, and required the fair treatment of all enslaved individuals. It passed with a stunning 8 - 0 vote, with the Southron Confederacy and Sohaerate of Haelun'or abstaining from the vote. The bill can be found here.
    • Another piece of legislation passed, but by a very narrow margin of 3 - 1, with all other members abstaining. This bill declares a new, internationally recognized symbol for the Mina, to be used in order to acknowledge the Mina henceforth. ( ) The bill can be found here.
    • Finally, a third piece of legislation was proposed, but ultimately, faced a miserable defeat. The Non-Combatant Civilian Protections bill was proposed by Saeed Ibn Malek of the Kadarsi Tribe, sponsored by the Halflings of Dunshire. The proposition was shot down in a 1 - 4 vote, with all other members abstaining. The bill would have provided protections for civilians during times of war. The bill can be found here.
    • The Global Assembly's treasury raised almost 13,000 this year. The audit report can be found here.


    Speech Transcripts


    Kronheim's opening statement, delivered by Consul Dwain Irongut


    "Esteemed Chairman, Your Majesties, Highnesses, Lords and Ladies. On behalf of the Consulary Republic of Holm, our nobles and citizenry, we of the Dwinic folk have the honor to extend you the warmest of welcomes to our home. We have been honored by this most noble assembly to host the Third Convention of its kind, in high hopes that the communities of Atlas will share in our fervor for a better world. The world that we share is ever changing, an unpredictable variable whose denizens strive every day for survival, prosperity, and well-being. It is not always that one can predict the road ahead, with so many factors involved in our everyday lives. Mayhaps some among you harbor doubt, or even fear that such a convention we are now participating in, is futile and serves no role in the grand scale of the current geopolitical landscape. Indeed, with the likely speculation that some factions represented in this hall were about to partake in what might have become the bloodiest chapter yet in our history, it is no wonder the belief in the promise of peace is not always present. The reality could not be further from the truth, however, that such a convention is now more important than ever, where everyone gathered here today must represent the hearts of their respective people, and state their intentions. In these very halls, we hope that we can rid ourselves of doubt and obscurities, and let our fellow denizens of the world know as clear as crystal, what our roles in the future ahead will be. With this in mind, let me first of all, as Consul of the City State of Holm, begin by declaring the intentions of our Republic. Holm is a community based on mutual prosperity through trade and science. We wish to remain so, and tend to our already good relations with many of you most esteemed factions represented here today, while welcoming anyone else willing to reach out. Finally, I wish everyone good luck in today's discussions, and hope those involved can part ways from the convention a little wiser than before. Chairman, the stage is yours."


    The Dominion of Malin's introductory statement, delivered by Treasurer Azoth Hawksong


    "A wise man once told me that peace is not our natural state. It is something achieved. No words ring more true than in the confines of this Global Assembly. Cooperation is a powerful tool of which the world's inhabitants have so often forgotten about or purposefully found itself in opposition to. With the establishment of this Convention of Atlas, a certain atmosphere is present; I am sure you all have felt it. We owe it to all of ourselves to strive for peace. War will come, that is no secret. Conflict is something we all year for in some capacity; however, with this current institution, the Dominion of Malin and all of its representatives call upon the other nations of this world to allow us to sing true as one voice in the face of such dangers and future strife. Cooperation, my friends. This is our path. We thank you for allowing us to join the conversation outside of our borders and openly rejoice at the prospects and endeavors we will no doubt embark on. Together. Thank you.


    The Warhawke Chiefdom's introductory statement, delivered by Chieftain Locke Voidyre


    "The stars have always seemed so distant to us all here on the ground. We constantly grasp at them hoping to achieve some newfound understanding or power we had not yet uncovered; all in the hopes of holding a star. I am here today because this Assembly is our chance at holding onto just that. The relations here are strengthened not by a silly slip of paper, signed by a few gentlemen, but by the kindness and cooperation of leaders seeking to better the world for their people. The Warhawke Chiefdom is immeasurably proud to sit upon this Assembly and tell each and every one of you here that we are on your side. We all stand together as one movement of change and prosperity in this world. We hope that the relations and discussions had on this day and every day after it will contribute to a long and prosperous life of peace between us all. Thank you.


    Saeed Ibn Malek of the Kadarsi Tribe, delivering a speech on the rights of peaceful civilians during wartime


    Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, I shall begin With Bismillah.


    Great Leaders of Atlas, And Brave Ambassadors, We were Called Upon to Suggest, Our Views For International Laws, Oh great People... I speak now...So that on the last hour We are not punished for standing up to promote the Good!


    And forbid The Evil


    The Kadarsi Tribe, As Followers Of GOD almighty, Thanks with the Help of the Dunshire For allowing us to bring this Propose forth, Say that we, as nation leaders, As governments to Have mercy, As you All know, Wars Are all around us… And Every day we hear Of villages Burned, and the livestock destroyed, Families wiped from the earth.


    Oh you who WILL meet Our lord, And will be asked why...why did you not have the mercy in your hearts and accept our proposal, Which was most certainly just!


    We propose, That If you MUST have wars...If you must fight...Leave the People alone...Do not raise your swords and aim your arrows at the innocent people! Stop stealing their homes, their lives and everything they own...Look around you today, Do you see all the orphans!? Has it come to now that we are no longer people? Have we lost our souls were we dont even cry when we see or even hear that a single soul dies?! Woe to you who think the suffering of innocent and simple people to be right!


    Stop the Destruction of homes, and the massacres of thousands! If you have siege weapons! You are required to rebuild those people’s homes! The walls Are fine But the homes! Where you miss and destroy their homes! So when you destroy a Home by accident REBUILD!


    Do not destroy the trees, or the earth! Only cut down trees if you HAVE TO! And if you do cut down a tree if you have to YOU MUST replant at least two! We have but one Earth, Do not Violate it! Only kill animals for food! AND! If you fight on the battlefield of a city, Do not kill the old, Do not kill the children, do not kill the women, Do not Kill those dedicated to worship, and do not kill those who take refuge in places for prayer, NO MATTER THE FAITH, RACE, GENDER! Only fight those who are soldiers, Not the man who bakes the bread for them!


    Do not force your faiths upon anyone...let people live in peace...AND DO NOT! DO NOT make people have to pay to stay in their homes! AND DO NOT DO NOT evict people from their homes! What right do YOU have to force people to leave their homes...Do not prevent people from eating! If you are besieging a fort with no innocents within, then you may blockade them! BUT DO NOT DO NOT blockade the cities which people live in! Allow people to leave the cities! Allow people to leave peacefully if you are besieging!


    And do not mistreat the prisoners, Be good to them, And feed them...AND DO NOT torture them...And most of ALL Don't punish with fire! Only God can punish with fire! Treat them kindly...You may keep them chained well and guarded well...but do not scar them...let them pray, sleep, and eat as they please…

    He nods in agreement with himself the raising his finger and points to them as a parent would wag their finger to a disobetent child

    Do not Murder any royal families or leading families...You may arrest them….But as for the women, and children...Let them walk free...safely...WITH YOUR SOLDIERS! To whatever nation they please… I know Many of you Must be angry by our proposal...But why...Why be angry for having mercy, and do things that Even GOD commanded…


    I have done my duty to bring forth this duty so I may not be punished on the final hour for not trying to bring mercy to us all…


    I also say we should make areas...for Animals, The Plants, the trees, to be untouched, And a place just for peace, For it is our duties as the caretakers of the earth to protect it...Be easy and do not harm the animals, and do not wipe the animals from the face of the earth. I know many may hate different races…..But...Killing a person just for their race is wrong...they had no choice in it...So halt from it… Also… As for the Youth...We as the parents for our nations, and leaders of our people! Must take care of them….for one day they will be in our shoes...So, Set up programs...to keep children from doing crime...and falling to evil…


    I fear I have used up all My time, but I thank you all for listening, I pray that With my words, We may help bring a better world before us...And Prevent the shame which we bare for doing such crimes to our world...May Allah forgive us for our past crimes, and give us Seven skies. There was a Saying We had back in Haria ‘kam hi jamilat rahmat daw' alqamar’ Which means ‘Oh how Beautiful is the Mercy of the Moon light’ Let us Be this light which brightens up the darkness.  Peace Be to you


    Propose Your Own Laws

    The Global Assembly is accepting submissions of proposals from civilians. After being given a template, civilians are allowed to draft their own legislation, and to place it before the General Chamber to be reviewed. If it passes, your law shall become codified in international proceedings. Simply draft your legislation, and mail it to the Global Assembly's administrative offices. Should your suggestion be legitimate, you will be invited to a hearing among other delegates to answer questions and address critiques.


    Lawbook: Here

    Law Template: Here

    ((Contact Discord: Liam#7649))


    In World News;

    • The international community has recognized the Duchy of Blackmarsh as a seperate entity from the Reiter controlled Vrakai.
    • In Cyrilsburg, the mayoral election of 1656 have officially launched. The front runners are Matthew de Cantwell, a staunch capitalistic nationalist, and Stephanos Palaiologos, an up and coming populist. Other contenders include small government candidate Magnus Ironwood, Veres Draskovits' second run for office, and Emilia Gray Thompson, a declared socialist, is rumored to run, as well.
    • The Krugmarian delegation chucked a plate towards Saeed Ibn Malek, whilst giving a speech on the floor of the Holm senate in regards to the rights of prisoners of war.
    • Prince Antonius of Renatus-Marna marched into a Global Assembly hearing earlier this Seed, immediately assaulting a spectating clergyman. The situation is being investigated.
    • A new coalition of revolutionary, working class individuals have begun to establish a new, international, leftist political party. They're rumored to establish branches in both Caras Eldar and Cyrilsburg. The group addresses themselves as, "a coalition between Bernardists, Sanoists, and militant Raevir communists."
    • The Sohaerate of Haelun'or and the Dominion of Malin have broke out into a set of brief skirmishes, and the situation is expected to escalate. Dominion officials also accuse Haelun'or of harboring weapons of mass destruction, similar to the thanhium bomb released in Johannesburg decades ago.
    • High King Torvin Blackaxe abdicated his throne recently, passing down the title to Garrond Frostbeard, the new High King of the Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah.
    • The Druidic Order officially vassalized under the Dominion of Malin.
    • The General Chamber of the Global Assembly narrowly denied the Church of the Canon, under the governing body of the Holy See, membership status in the Global Assembly. More on that matter to come in a followup notice.
    • The location for the Global Assembly's headquarters has been decided upon, being established in Cyrilsburg, built upon "neutral soil." Construction is expected to begin sometime in 1657.


    We appreciate your continued support. Keep an eye out for our future events and notices.




    [!] The notice ends here.

  6. [!] A rather urgent notification is submitted to all major news publications, state press outlets, and tavern noticeboards. This news seems to be of the most fascinating caliber.




    Est. 1651




           As many are already aware, for the last three Seeds, the Global Assembly's judicial branch, lead by Magistrate Louise Ferdinand, has been hard at work to resolve the recent assault of a Renatian envoy, the alleged oath broken by the King of Santegia-Haria, as well as the kidnapping of political leaders. King Leo de Savin, after spending nearly a month in Renatian prisons, was released on a 7.5k mina bail, paid by the Tribe of Kadarsi's leadership. Afterwards, on the 11th of the First Seed, 1655, King Leo de Savin was tried in his absence, reprsented by his three lawyers from the private law firm, San Adrían & Co.



    [!] The court case between King Leo de Savin of Santegia-Haria v. the Crown of Renatus-Marna, c. 1655


           The result from the court hearing is cited in this excerpt, taken directly from the judicial report;


           "The ruling was conducted after a rather brief hearing, where both the plaintiff and defendants lawyers presented a shocking lack of evidence to all accounts. There were no such existing documents entailing any alleged “oath” between the Renatus-Marna government and King Leo, despite the plaintiff’s emissions that such an agreement was being considered, and in the process of being drafted. In addition, there was no reliable evidence which lead the court nor the international community to believe that King Leo de Savin, nor the state of Santegia-Haria, had any ties to the ‘Reiver’ mercenaries, let alone any bandit group. However, based on overwhelming eye witness accounts of specific Santegian soldiers present at the incident, King Leo de Savin, along with any military personnel, are banished from within the borders of Renatus-Marna, lest invited otherwise. In addition, this shall furthermore set a precedent that, in order to present sufficient evidence in a court of international law, physical documents must be accessible to the jury and the magistrate."


    ((The full report can be found here.))


           In summary, the result from this court hearing was inconclusive, due to a stark lack of evidence. Due to the eyewitness accounts of Santegian soldiers present at the incident, however, we have decided that it is fair to uphold a ban on Santegian envoys from unjustly treading upon Renatian or Marnan soil, at least until further notice, or unless otherwise lifted by the Renatian government.


           The political side effects from this outcome, thus far, have been an increased fervor in the "War on Banditry," declared last year by Palatine of Haense, Robert Sigismund. At the Second Convention, he attacked nations which utilize bandit warfare, stating, "We cannot make any discrimination against states who harbor such terrorism or bandits who propagate it." This has set a standard, including among allied nations such as Santegia, that the employment of bandits by world governments is becoming increasingly frowned upon. This political development is an awfully large cultural shift from earlier eras, where mercenary employment by world governments wasn't too uncommon.


    That concludes this report. If you've any inquiries relating to this court session, or about the Global Assembly, do not fret to contact our offices.


    Godspeed to you all.


    [!] The notice ends here.

  7. [!] After an emergency meeting between the human nations, held in Senntisten, a report is published.





    Est. 1651





    [!] Ser Sylvester, the Curonian delegation, and other ambassadors to the Global Assembly denouncing the self-styled Kingdom of Adylith, and declaring it a mere Barony. [Colorized, 1654]


           After a Global Assembly conference held in Senntisten, Marna, on the 9th of the Sun's Smile, 1654, the human nations of the continent came to an almost unanimous agreement, regarding the current situation with Adylith and accusations of the small province being a "False Kingdom." The newly formed "Human Summit," which represents all human nations in Atlas, spent about a Saint's hour, discussing the terms of Adylith's new status in the international community. This meeting comes only a couple Saint's days after the Warnation of Krugmar attempted to forcibly vassalize the small territory. The conference was called and organized by the Principality of Curon, under the Global Assembly's oversight.



    [!] Auralia de Hartcold of Adylith addresses the Human Summit.


    The following are transcripts and summaries of speeches given throughout the night;

    ((A copy of the word-for-word transcript can be found here.))

    Ser Sylvester of Curon's Opening Statement

    • Curon accuses Adylith of being a "False Kingdom"
    • Accuses Adylith of "spitting on the traditions of mankind"
    • Threatens military action against Adylith


    Auralia de Hartcold of Adylith's Speech

    • Claims that she has attempted to convince her husband, Thomas de Hartcold, to concede Adylith's royal title
    • States that he is too stubborn to do such
    • Sympathizes with Adylith's opponents


    Crown Prince Constantine Horen of Renatus-Marna's Speech

    • Renatus-Marna offers their sympathies to Adylith, after hearing of the incident with the Uruks
    • Opens it's doors to all Canonist, Adylithian refugees
    • Concurs with Curon, denounces Adylith's status as a "Kingdom"


    Governess Alison Skion of Riviä's Speech

    • Concurs with the opinions of Curon and Renatus
    • Cites the former "Kingdom of Arbor," which met a similar fate
    • Denounces Adylith as a "Kingdom"


    Grand Ambassador Amalric Kaneen of Santegia-Haria's Speech

    • Offers to allow Adylith to vassalize under Santegia's banner
    • Offers their assistance in repelling the Uruk threat to the small territory
    • Offers them a potential pathway to statehood in the distant future


    Ser Sylvester of Curon's Speech

    • Curon hops on the bandwagon, offering Adylith to vassalize under Curon
    • Calls vassalization a "silly" solution, as Curon cares more about respecting human traditions rather than loyalty to a singular nation
    • Threatens a military coup against Adylith, should they not concede their title within a Saint's week.


    King Aurelius Horen of Renatus-Marna's speech

    • Interrogates Aurelia de Hartcold, inquiring about her lineage
    • States the three, legitimate paths to Kingdom status
    • Rule by blood, rule by conquest, rule by God


           After some time of debating and listening to speeches, the Human Summit came to an agreement, dubbed the "Adylith Solution," which was signed into effect at the end of the meeting.The former Kingdom of Adylith will now be demoted to an Barony, where it shall be forced to vassalize under a larger nation within a Saint's week, or else the Human Summit reserves the right to take military action against the hermit territory. Shortly after the conclusion of the Human Summit, Adylith agreed to vassalize under Curon, after offers from Curon, Santegia-Haria, Renatus-Marna, and Krugmar were all made. Furthermore, their former King, Thomas de Hartcold, shall be taken to international court over two accounts of breaking his oath to Curon and the Church. 

    ((The full declaration can be read here.))


    These policies are in the process of being implemented. We thank the Crown of Renatus-Marna for hosting this Human Summit.


    Godspeed to you all.


    [!] The notice ends here.

  8. [!] After a brief public conference in Markev, on the 10th of Malin's Welcome, 1654, a publication would be pinned to the Global Assembly's noticeboard.





    Est. 1651




    [!] Ser John, Maer of Markev, speaks at the podium briefly after the conference. Seated behind him is Eadmund Estermont, the head of the Estermont Trade Company.

           The Global Assembly's administrative division, in conjunction with our new treasury department, are pleased to announce the first of our economic policies, the Estermont International Imports Agreement. After many discussions with Eadmund Estermont himself, the GA has found it appropriate to make the Estermont Trade Company the official exporter of goods to the international community, and they are now recognized as such.

           Our new deal, designed to raise revenue for the Global Assembly's treasury, implements a ten percent tariff on all Estermont sales, made to governing bodies of the Global Assembly. Ten percent of all sales, made to member states, partial-states, and vassalized GA states alike, shall be deposited into the treasury. In addition, should any non-member states wish to purchase items from the Estermont Trading Company, they shall now pay an additional 100 minae fine, which shall go towards the Company, not the treasury.


           To summarize the recent provisions,

    • 10% tariff on all imports from the Estermont Trading Company to member states, partial-member states, and vassalized states.
    • 100 minae fine for imports by non-member states.
    • Funds raised by tariffs shall be deposited into the treasury, which shall be used for international operations, approved by the General Chamber, as well as staffing salaries.
    • Individuals shall be unaffected by this trade deal.


    For reference, here is an updated map of current GA relations;



    The Estermont Trade Company sells all sorts of various goods, of which prices vary, depending on the market. Common goods which the Estermonts produce include, but are not limited to;


    7.pngFerrum Armour

    104333_ninja_512x512.pngFerrum Weaponry

    preferences-screwdriver-settings-tools-w                           Various Tools

    latest?cb=20170609224530   Construction Supplies

    Icon_Apple.pngImported Foods

    We are optimistic about the future of this trade deal. If any armies, governments, or otherwise would enjoy purchasing supplies from the Estermont Trading Company, please contact their offices, or Eadmund Estermont himself (JuliusAakerlund#0658). By purchasing from the Estermont Trading Company, you can rest easy with a good concious, knowing that you've supported the paychecks of the working man, funded the treasury which strives for international progression, and that you have a reliable product!


    And remember, if you're interested in purchasing anything -- anything at all -- contact the Estermont Trading Company, as they're almost sure to have it in stock!


    [!] The notice ends here.

  9. [!] An urgent article is published in Atlas' various newspapers, and is transferred by courier to all GA member states. It appears to be an extremely urgent notice.





    Est. 1651




    On the 18th of the First Seed, 1654, at around midnight, Chairman of the Global Assembly, Lotte Baptiste, had an attempt taken on his life. Being assaulted in an alleyway in Cyrilsburg, Curon, the middle-aged politician was nearly slaughtered by an unknown assailant. Baptiste is now being treated at the St. Amyas Sanitarium for multiple minor stab wounds, facial scars, and detoxification. His condition is extremely critical, and he is expected to be under intensive care for at least the next four Seeds, possibly with permanent disfigurement.


    In Baptiste's absence, whilst he is unable to carry out his duty as Chairman, the temporary Global Assembly Chair shall be Chief-Secretary, Alexandra Bradshawe.


    In addition, we ask the citizenry of Atlas to report an odd, sketchy Raevir man to the authorities, or directly to the Global Assembly's law enforcement branch. He was last seen in Cyrilsburg, Curon, directly after the incident. He dawns a large, red trench coat, of which he uses to conceal his large arsenal of bottled poisons, gasses, and other mild chemical weapons, alongside a dagger. He is considered to be armed and mentally unstable. Authorities presume that he is a nationalist Hansetian, judging from his heavy Raevir accent, and that the attack was politically motivated. There shall be a reward in minae, should he be found.


    [!] The crude sketch of the assailant is plastered unto the notice.



    Name: Unknown
    Ethnicity & Accent: Raevir
    Race: Human

    Age: Estimated middle-aged

    Reward: 500 minae alive, in custody ; 100 minae dead


    We thank you for your cooperation, and we thank the Curonic law enforcement for their swift service. Please contact Miss Bradshaw with any further inquiries pertaining to the Global Assembly's affairs, for the time being.


    [!] The notice ends here.

  10. [!] A publication from the Global Assembly's office is sent out to all major newspapers, heads-of-state, and other such popular locations to submit information. It would be the report for the recently held second convention, oh boy!







    Est. 1651





    [!] An artist's depiction of Ser Sylvester Halcourt giving his opening statement, at the peak of the conference.

    The Introduction
    The Global Assembly has recently held it's second convention, where a litany of states attended to spectate and participate in the largest political conference of the year. We would like to thank the Principality of Curon, and the local administration of Cyrilsburg, for providing us with a venue for this occasion. They have been of tremendous help. With the additions of Dunshire, Renatus-Marna, and Rivia to the Global Assembly's ranks, it is now safe to say that the Global Assembly represents the majority of Atlas' populous. From this date onward, the Global Assembly shall mark the beginning of a new era in the history of world -- the 1650's shall symbolize the foundation for a progressively bold generation, where political communication, debate, and proper evaluation of the geopolitical climate is valued above all else. With an estimated 42 delegates in attendance, we are honored to have become such an esteemed political establishment.


    Without further ado, here is a map of those nations which attended the second convention;



    (Note; The Kingdom of Adylith and Princedom of Fenn also sent representatives to spectate the convention, but did not sign onto the Global Assembly's charter, and as thus, did not participate in discussions.)


    Convention Summary

    The following are brief summaries of major events which occurred at the Convention, with a bulleted list including all notable portions of the Convention. A full transcript is available to read. ((Shoutout to @ReddWhite for making this awesome doc.))


    • Ser Sylvester Halcourt of Curon gave his opening statement, on behalf of Curon, which welcomed all delegates to a hall of peaceful negotiations. It was then followed by an accusatory statement, condemning the Crown of Renatus-Marna, labeling them as "terrorists."
    • The General Chamber then disburses, as delegates individually discuss alliances, treaties, and declarations of war among eachother.
    • After ten minutes, the convention resumes, where all delegates then declare their factional alliances.
    • The primarily human nations of Haense, Renatus-Marna, Curon, and Rivia all opposed to declare their political alignment, as they believed it would only contribute further to factional, divisive politics.
    • Dunshire was demonized by Krugmar and Kaz'ulrah, with them both declaring Dunshire as an "agitator." Kaz'ulrah later retracted the comments after the convention.
    • Krugmar also officially labeled the Dominion of Malin and the Druidic Order as enemies of the state.
    • The Krugmar delegation gives a speech, demonizing all Elves, stating that they shall all be "burnt to ash," whilst declaring all voidal magic and Aspectism outlawed in Krugmar.
    • The Kronheim delegation gives a speech, reminding all that they are a peaceful nation, with a recently revamped educational program.
    • The Hansetic delegation gives a speech, declaring a "WAR ON BANDITRY," promising to combat all banditry, which has recently harmed Hansetians and Curonians alike.
    • The Kadarsi delegation gives a speech, declaring it's support for the "War on Banditry," adding that all terrorism committed in the name of the Qualasheen faith is to be severely punished.
    • An uninvited individual from the Southron Confederacy speaks out of turn, declaring that a "War on Banditry" will lead to increased sword control. He is then escorted from the room by GA sentries.
    • The Chair then asks for donations towards the Global Treasury, and raises a total of 3,859.2 mina in one night!


    Speech Transcripts

    A full transcript can be found here.


    Curon's Opening Address from Chancellor Sylvester Halcourt


    “Welcome, esteemed and honored friends, to the Principality of Curon and, more specifically, Cyrilsburg. We convene today to address issues which are of a global nature - those plagues and cancers which hurt all mankind, and the other descendents as well. It is the goal of such supranational organizations as this to promote peace and tranquility among the nations. Out of a respect for neutrality and hope for peace, we have offered the Global Assembly this hall, and host its second convention. We pray that God grant us guidance in these trying times, and deliver us all into a new golden era, but this era cannot dawn as long as petty, factionalist, meaningless wars plague us. Let today be the day that mindless warfare comes to an end, and mankind may rekindle its former glory. I publicly urge the Crown of Renatus-Marna to put an end to the terrorism it incurs upon other nation states, and to abandon such false claims to the title King of Ruska. That is all. May GOD bless us all.”



    Krugmar's Speech from Ambassador Tajo'lur


    “I will declare all elves inferior in both culture and race, they shall all perish in death camps constructed by Krugmar after their forest is cut to the ground and burned to ash. Along these lines the disgusting use of voidal magic and druidism is forbidden in any land on or surrounding Atlas, and any users will be killed on sight by the uruks uf Krugmar. Praise the spirits! Kill the elves! Though all Suticans are free from this persecution. The Suticans are nice to us."



    Kronheim's Speech from Consul Dorin Irongut


    “I would just like to say, as we have mentioned, we give friendship to all who would be peaceful with us. That being said, to those who are peaceful, we have much to offer. Our walls are strong, our food good, and our ale great! We also, as mentioned, offer an Academy of all sorts to anyone who would come. It's just great. It really is. That'd be all."



    Haense's Speech from Palatine Robert Sigismund


    “Mister Chairman, Secretaries of the Assembly and my honorable representatives of the nations of Atlas, I bring a concern that we as leaders must address and that is the issue of banditry along our roads that threaten travel and safety. The Dual Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska can not stand for such blatant acts of banditry against the good nations and denizens of Atlas, and will take a stand against it. We cannot make any discrimination against states who harbor such terrorism or bandits who propagate it. To any who would condone violence, we direct our next words: All banditry and terror constitute an axis of evil, threatening to derail the peace and stability of humanity with your perpetual desire for unwarranted aggression. Your actions offend the sovereignty of nations at the cost of lives and the well-being of the great citizens of the nations we represent, respectively. I trust that we make this a priority for the safe travel of our citizens, merchants, and children."



    Kadarsi's Speech from Saeed Ibn Malek

    “Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, with this I begin say bismillah, my fellow ambassadors of the United Nations Of Atlas. I come here as [The Tribe of Kadarsi]. Today, we bring before you a matter that we wish to help all nations, groups, races and identities. We have all heard claims and actions of terrorists who try to use the Imam Rashidun name and GOD’s name to do actions to harm people. We wish to help destroy any terrorist organisation, and help any nation combat these acts. We wish to meet you great ambassadors, and nation leaders, and help us help you, to prevent such actions. We have proof within our holy books that has come before these actions already saying on how we are not allowed to do such. I suggest that together we may write a document, or somehow get these facts that doing these actions are forbidden in our faith, to help show and teach people that doing these actions, is wrong. No innocent person should suffer, because we, as governments and leadership, did not try to bring forth the facts and teach that these actions are wrong! No matter your faith, your race, or what you believe in, I am sure we can all agree that murdering innocent people, and attacking governments, and soldiers and these terrorist acts are wrong. We have a duty as people to stand up and fight these crimes and actions! I come before you, as the Grand Imam of Imam Rashidun, to help teach that these actions are wrong, and go against our faith. I pray that together we may fix this problem, Inshallah, I would give you chapters of our holy book already condemning these actions, I have already made a document public, condemning the actions, but I fear I don't have much time to speak, but thank you for your time, great leaders of Atlas. I pray that all of us may have peace, and respect."


    Treasury Funding

    We're proud to say that, after our second convention, we have raised a total of 3,859.2 mina from member states! These donations shall be used for staffing paychecks, assembly upkeep, and shall be publicly available for Global Assembly use, should the nations of Atlas vote on a measure which requires funding. We encourage more nations to contribute to this pool, if at all possible!




    Visual Gallery

    [!] A collection of an artist's depiction of the convention is displayed below.



    Screenshot Gallery

    (Mostly taken by Youngie)














    Upcoming Events

    We've many items on our agenda for the near future. Here's what to look out for, in the coming days;

    - The Third Convention, to be held in about two Saint's Weeks. The primary focus shall revolve around international law, and passing international legislation.

    - The Otto Border Dispute, declaring a resolution to the long-standing feud between Haense and Tal'Azwyr, a Dwarven vassal. A private meeting shall be held to decipher the outcome.

    - Militaristic conversations between Krugmar and the Dominion of Malin are to be planned. A private meeting shall be held to decipher the outcome.

    - The Estermont Free Trade Agreement, which will be a very short economic conference to discuss international imports, specifically weapons sales.


    Final Word

    The Global Assembly, with it's recent success, would like to thank all participants. Truly, this shall be a new way forward for the nations of Atlas. Should any other heads-of-state read this publication and desire to join, please contact the administration. All nations and governing bodies are welcomed.


    We thank you all for reading this report. Godspeed.


    [!] The notice ends here.

  11. 5 minutes ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

    Madeline wouldn’t really remember signing anything important, but she’d be glad that Dunshire’s a part of the Global Assembly anyways “Uhhh... yeah! Fer t’a ‘alflin’s! Fer Dunshire! Fer Bernardism!”


    Lotte distinctly remembers Madeline signing documents. Perhaps she was too high at the party.





  12. [!] The Global Assembly's offices submit a publication, alerting all of the new arrival into the General Chamber!





    Est. 1651



           It is with great honor that we invite the Halflings of Dunshire into the Global Assembly! After discussing the prospect over numerous, alcoholic, Halfling-made beverages, the Halflings then expressed their interest in attending the next convention. We're honored to have Dunshire aboard, as of the signing of the Accession of Dunshire.


           They are invited to attend the second convention, to discuss all ideological qualms they have with the rest of their international peers, and to express their qualms with their exclusion from beneficial politics.


    That is all. Godspeed to you.

  13. [!] The Global Assembly's administration publishes a new document, immediately followed by the screeching of millions of Curonians and Hansetians.






    Est. 1651


           As of this notice being publicized, the Crown of Renatus-Marna has now joined the Global Assembly. After a personal meeting between the GA's administrative branch and Renatian leadership, the Accession of Renatus-Marna was signed into effect, and the joint kingdom officially joined the General Chamber.


          While half of the Global Assembly shall find this decision to be abhorrent, disgusting, and outright immoral, the remaining delegations shall rejoice the arrival of the new world power. Indeed, with the realm's strongest political superpowers in one room, the GA is soon to see quite the interesting second convention.


    That is all. Godspeed to you.


  14. [!] Job applications are pinned to notice boards across the lands.





    Est. 1651


           The Global Assembly is an neutral political organization, tasked with maintaining proper, international channels of communication between nations. To complete this monumental task, however, it is prudent for the organization to hire individuals to assist with such arduous efforts. As such, the Global Assembly's administrative branch now sees it appropriate to begin hiring both secretaries and guards.


           Should one desire to work for the Global Assembly, it would be necessary to disavow personal political convictions whilst tending to their duties. This is a non-partisan, external, and unbiased effort, and as such, you mustn't express your political beliefs whilst representing the international community. Your task should be to either maintain order, as a guard, or to convey messages and conduct meetings, as a secretary.


           As a guard, otherwise addressed as a sentry, you shall wear the emblem of the Global Assembly and brandish our custom plates, keeping peace during diplomatic hearings and conventions. Often times, ambassadors and politicians can become rowdy, so it is necessary to have some degree of security present. If you currently hold a position as a guard with other political ties, worry not -- so long as you abandon your political affiliations whilst on duty, you may be accepted regardless, while maintaining both positions. Loyalty, reliability, and the ability to follow orders is required for this position. Salaries tend to consist of 100 mina/hr.


           As a secretary, you shall be working under the watch of the Chief-Secretary, Alexandra Bradshaw, and the Chairman, Lotte Baptiste. They shall assign you with certain tasks from within the administrative branch of the G.A., such as conducting small meetings, assisting with conducting conventions, delivering messages by hand to diplomats, organizing paperwork, and attending other meetings when requested. Salaries tend to consist of 100 mina annually.


    If either position interests you, please apply below:


    Sentry/Guard Application:


    Full Name:

    Guard Experience:

    Do you pledge your loyalty to the international community, and the people of Atlas, that you shall not engage in any political corruption, and disavow all political beliefs whilst carrying out your duties?


    --- ((OOC Information)) ---




    Secretary Application:


    Full Name:

    Diplomatic Experience:

    Do you pledge your loyalty to the international community, and the people of Atlas, that you shall not engage in any political corruption, and disavow all political beliefs whilst carrying out your duties?


    --- ((OOC Information)) ---




           Please note, not all applicants shall be accepted, and salaries may vary depending on the financial status of the treasury, the contributions made by the international community, and so forth. Nothing is guaranteed in this position. You are dedicating your time, mainly to serve the interests of political communication, and shall place that duty ahead of your own paycheck.


    To all applicants; We thank you for your participation. Godspeed.


    [!] The notice ends here.

  15. [!] A formal report is issued to all the governmental bodies of Atlas, the seal on the very formal envelops resembling that of the Global Assembly. As you view the organization's emblem, it's unofficial, triumphant anthem would chime out in your head.





    Est. 1651




    The Introduction


    To those unaware, the Global Assembly is a new, international organization, tasked with unbiased, nonpartisan, and external mediation over political, judicial, and legislative affairs when communicating between world governments. May it be international relations, declarations of war, peace agreements, trade routes, border disputes, or legal conflicts, the Global Assembly is present to mediate all conflicts -- not to make peace, but rather, to ensure that each nation's ambitions are properly communicated throughout the international community.


    After each meeting held by the Global Assembly, the administrative wing shall draft a public report. The Global Assembly's very first convention was held on the 11th of the Deep Cold, 1651 ((Tuesday)), and we would have published a report at that time, if it hadn't been for the odd bird migration patterns over the last few months. Needless to say, however, this meeting was extremely successful. An estimated 43 delegates from all corners of the continent attended, along with the Global Assembly's administrative team.


    [!] A map is pressed unto the notice.



    The following nations had been in attendance, with two representatives from each delegation;


    The Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah


    The War Nation of Krugmar


    The Duchy of Curon



    The Dual Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska


    The Consulary Republic of Kronheim


    The Tal'Azwyr Confederacy


    The Tribe of Kadarsi


    The Republic of Vrakai



    The Dominion of Malin had also been set to attend the convention, but their attendance was barred last minute by the Prince of Foreign Relations, Khaine Csarathaire. All other nations either denied to attend, or simply did not RSVP.


    The meeting had been held in Markev, the capital city of Haense, graciously provided to the Global Assembly by Queen-Consort Ingrid Sarkozic and King Otto III, We thank them for their generosity, and for providing us with our first venue for this historic event.


    The Convention


    Opening Statements:



    As the room gathered in attendance, all delegations were present -- except for that of Krugmar, who were strangely missing from their seats. The meeting began with the organization's Chairman, Lotte Baptiste, introducing himself, followed by the Chief-Secretary, Alexandra Bradshaw. Their statements introduced the organization's goals, outlining their ambitions for the future, the desires of the nations in attendance, and what their goals may be. Afterwards, delegates from around the room gave their statements on what their desired outcome is to be from this project. Finally, the opening statements concluded with the Palantine of Haense, Robert Sigismund, giving a brief speech about the Global Assembly being a grand crutch for the people of Atlas, and furthermore, their governments. The Duchy of Curon proclaimed that they wished to retain their recently acclaimed independence, the Tribe of Kadarsi spoke of how they wished to end religious violence carried out in the name of the Qalasheen. Krugmar touted racial superiority, Vrakai and Kronheim both cited economic success, and Kaz'Ulrah declared it's domestic ambitions.






    The Arrival of the Krugmar Delegation:



    Suddenly, after the Palantine concluded his speech, the Rex of the War Nation busted into the hallway, followed by about five bodyguards. Rex Leydluk'Raguk had been dawning his Krughai military uniform, complete with a peaked cap. His inexplicable, secretive scar gave off a rather militaristic and authoritarian vibe, as he silently sat himself at his delegation's table. Their arrival was then announced, as all the onlookers remained quiet. His arrival certainly was threatening, and notable enough to include in this report.




    The Signing of the Markev Accords:



    The Markev Accords were the primary attraction of the entire convention, the document that each delegation had been waiting for. This parchment, a set of ten, simple rules, was to be the founding document for the Global Assembly, turning a small, administrative agency into an internationally recognized organization. When the time came to sign, all participants happily agreed, with the exception of the Republic of Vrakai. They refused to join the Global Assembly this time around, due to acclaimed "domestic concerns." However, all other ambassadors swiped their pen across the page, prepared to join this new, innovative, and unprecedented project. After such, the organization declared that the first convention had been adjourned.




    The Second Convention


    We thank all ambassadors for attending this successful meeting, and we thank the city of Markev for hosting this first, historical event. The Global Assembly's second convention shall be held in 1653, after the Confederacy of Tal'Azwyr and the Kingdom of Haense settle a minor land dispute in their own, private meetings, with oversight from the Global Assembly. Please contact the Global Assembly if your nation or major settlement would desire to join the organization and attend our next meeting, as you must RSVP in advance. All are welcome, either as a member state, or a partial-member state.


    We hope to see many more ambassadors at our next convention. It shall focus on international alliances and war declarations, where ambassadors shall physically converse with one another, and create formal alliances, blocs, and political ties. We shall be creating factions. The head-of-state may select any two ambassador they wish, and one ambassador may include themselves.


    We hope to see you all, and more, at the Global Assembly's second convention in 1653. Godspeed to you all.


    [!] The notice concludes here.

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