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Posts posted by PotatoDruid

  1. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Kese Torena


    Character's Age:

             300+ to 400+


    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Herblore [FA]


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Herblore is a druidic feat that allows the druid to perform various magical alterations to herbs and plants to serve different purposes depending on the situation, such as altering the appearance of plant such as an apple to give it a different colour, and/or physical appearance, and/or increased/decreased potency depending on the type of plant.

    Herblore can also be used for healing wounds from small, to severe by using given plants to create a mossy and magical seal of sorts that closes wounds that range from a minor injury, such as a cut, to something severe, such as a laceration, to act as a bandage with increased healing potential. Once the wound has healed, the seal will flake off.

    Another ability herblore offers is the creation of sproutlings; tiny awakened plants that act as assistants to the herblore druid that assist in mundane tasks such as retrieving items, tools and other herbs to the druid as they concoct a potion, or prepare a meal. Of course, the weight of the items must be light enough for their sizes to carry, and they are unable to be used in any other manner besides being little helpers.



    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are no subclasses as far as I know, but each tier has a different set or single skill they may perform.

    Tier 1 allows the druid to alter a plant's appearance and either increase or decrease potency.

    Tier 2 allows the druid to create a concoction that grants the drinker a vision of nature/druidic theme, yet is too vague to discern the direct meaning of said vision. The druid can also use plants as resources to create a mossy seal that can heal wounds that range from minor to severe injuries, speeding the process of healing exceptionally.

    Tier 3 allows the druid to create up to three miniature woodland-themed helpers that assist the druid in mundane and simple tasks, such as retrieving the salt and pepper to sprinkle over a cooking meal, or clean the table for the house guests, or pet the dog- or of course, be helpful assistance in concocting a potion or a cocktail drink.

    The tiers to be reached also depend on the druid's own tier of communion and control. For example, to create sproutlings, the druid must be a tier 5 in communion and control with infusions beings learned.



    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    Amidst the battlefield in a struggle between the Mori and the Orcs. Kese Torena, a druid in his own right, had retreated from a direct fight helping in carrying an orcish warrior that had lost a limb from a stray cannon shot. With the help of the others, they manage to get the wounded orc to safety behind ally lines and into the city where it is most distant from the fight.

    Laying the wounded orc on a bed, Kese rushes outside to gather whatever plant hey may use; grass, flowers, herbs- any that he could fit in his two hands before rushing back inside to begin the healing process. The other orcs that assisted in bringing in the wounded one work tireless to halt the bleeding with cloth and pressure, another making sure that the wounded orc stayed conscious by slapping him awake and speaking to him.

    With the plants gathered, Kese presses them to the stub of the blood gushing wound of the lost limb. [Emote 1/4 gathering materials]

    The druid's eyes gave off a faint glowing hue from his eyes as well as his palms, and beneath would begin to grow a fuzzy moss using the plants gathered, and gradually stretches across most of the wounded surface. [Emote 2/4 begin to create the moss]

    The moss continues to stretch out until the wound was covered in the material, the plant that was used completely turning into moss that perfectly covers the injury as the glow from the palms and eyes of Kese persists. [Emote 3/4 the moss continues to spread]

    With a subtle incantation and focused power, the moss seals the grievous injury, sealing the wound in a hardened shell similar to a scab to stop the bleeding, and begin the healing process. [Emote 4/4 the moss seals the wound in a scab-like shell]

    With the injury treated, all they could rely on was allow time for the wound to heal. Seeing that the wounded orc has been treated, the group allowed him to rest, while they return to the battlefield to continue the fight, including Kese.



    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    [Tier 2 Grant Vision. Concoction creation process]


    Lysanor, a fully fledged druid had been learning herblore from her teacher, Kese Torena, for some years now, progressing it along with her own lessons of communion and control. She had practiced what she could in the current stage of herblore, able to alter plants confidently without failure, she was ready to move into the next step. She finds that Kese had prepared a small workstation of sorts consisting of a small cauldron, various potted plants sitting nearby, and a glass container meant to hold about a cup of liquid.

    Kese: "Herblore allows us to create concoctions that presents the drinker with a vision. What this vision entails is wholly dependent on the person that drinks it. Our job is to create the drink that allows them access to it." he explained, and lifts a bucket of water to pour into the cauldron, before setting the fire below it to kickstart the boiling process of the liquid. He gestures towards the assortment of plants, and says: "Use your skills as a druid, and knowledge as a herbalist to decide on which should go first. The temperature as well as the state of the herb should be accounted for when adding to the brew. The stages the brew must go through are as follows; change of colour, thickening of the liquid, release of gas, and finally, change of smell."

    With this in mind, Lysanor gave a swift nod. Her eyes give off a glow, humming a tune to herself as she looks between the plants each with their own focus. First she picked a round fruit from one, slicing it to reveal a citrusy kind of nature which she dumps into the cauldron. As the water heats up and boils, the water soon takes another colour, near golden- or at least, a tarnished golden kind of colour. [Emote 1/4]

    Kese looked over to the cauldron, noting its change in colour...and giving an affirmative nod to Lysanor "Some fruits contain strong enough pigmentation that can stain the water into its colour. Because we are using our gifts, the magical addition enhances this property if you let the water boil and 'cook' the juices out of the fruit, making the colour more...solid." he explained, then waited a little while for the brew's colour to intensity until it was a nice proper golden colour. He then gestured her to continue.

    Lysanor looks over to her teacher, nodding. She awaits for the mixture to change in its final form in colour, up until she was given the signal to continue, noting the waiting time for the prior step. Luckily to perform the next stage, she was already knowledgeable of the plant that can perform this. Instantly she reached for a jar that had a dried sea-weed like plant, a yellowish green in colour, tossing a hefty bunch into the cauldron enough to get the brew at the right consistency, as well as adding its desirable effects to the drink. She waits a few moments for the plant to affect the liquid, then grabbed a ladle to stir and check its consistency, which was thickening as desired. [Emote 2/4]

    Kese watched the whole process, encouraging her to continue the stirring as not only does it properly combine the plants' properties, but also to figure out when to move onto the next stage. When the consistency turned somewhat gooey. With the mixture now golden and goo-like, Kese nodded to her "The reason why the mixture thickens is because it's acts as the structure for the radiance of the gift to hold, think of it like...micro sized chain links that holds the mind-opening effects." he explained, then gestured for her to continue.

    Learning this, Lysanor pulled the ladle out of the cauldron, hanging it nearby over a bucket for the contents to drip onto and not make a mess as she looked over to the plants and herbs to decide what to do next. She wasn't sure what plant releases gasses. She inched her hand closer to a general looking plant, yet not taking it as she looked to her teacher for confirmation.

    Kese shook his head "To get the right properties, use something...cruciferous, or legumes. These things are usually food."

    Lysanor inched her hand away, and now...had an idea. She goes for a jar that had bean-shaped produces, no doubt something related or close to legumes. She crushes them in a mortar and pestle, making a powdery substance that she dumps half of it into the cauldron before grabbing the ladle to mix it. After a few rotations, she dumps the rest of the powder in. After some time of mixing, the brew began to bubble, and soon puffs of golden smoke releases from the burst bubbles, floating into the air before dissipating. [Emote 3/4]

    Kese nodded throughout the process, watching the bubbles bursting into a gas awarded the apprentice with an approving nod. A hint of a smell could be sniffed, a sour and bitter scent, much like any strong medicine "When we eat food, the smell of them adds to the taste as well- it's how our mind does it. For this concoction, it works the same but instead, the gasses we breath play a role in the drink's effect. It goes to our stomach, and goes to our lungs, but both taste and scent work in tandem for our body and mind to take in the effect. Now you simply need to mix, and know when to stop the flames to get it at the right temperature."

    Lysandor nodded, and continued to stir the concoction as it boils and bubbles. The released gasses causing both to feel a hint of nausea, yet not enough to truly force them into a vision of unconsciousness. As he continued to still, the colour of the liquid began brown by a slight, prompting her to put out the fire with a nearby bucket of water before going back to stir. She stirs and stirs....until she felt she was done. A significant feeling of power radiates from the brew, stinking of sour and bitterness after it was given time to brew, and she fills the glass jar before corking it, showing to her teacher. [Emote 4/4]


    Kese took the contained mixture, looking it over...feeling its radiance...then gave an approving smile, looking back to Lysanor to say: "Well done, Lysanor. This is a ten out of ten perfect brew. Next time, you will perform such again without as much assistance from me, until you perfect it yourself as if it was second nature."

    With that, Kese gives Lysanor a gold star.




    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I think anyone and everyone could make a mistake in accidentally powergaming, and some also have the potential to powergame purposefully. But as a person I believe there are second and third chances for people to improve upon their mistakes and become better with handling stuff like this.

    If a student of mine makes the mistake of powergaming, intentional or not, I wouldn't scold them, and instead would try to put them in a different point of view how their powergaming could be perceived. Then I will tell them the mistakes they did, and give ideas on how to circumvent it along with examples of how to perform the way they want without blatantly powergaming.

    If the student powergames a second time, I will repeat my method, but with the addition of a warning. If powergaming continues, then I have the right to drop them as a student until they learn to handle that issue before accepting them again.

    If it continues after accepting them a second time, then I would blacklist them from having me as a teacher.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:

             None, I think I get a slot back since Herblore is changed to a feat.


    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.

             I've applied before Herblore was turned into FA, reason of its denial was because I was not tier 5 on herblore, due to misunderstanding on my part. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/208992-herblore-ta-lustbone/?tab=comments#comment-1888939

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Kese Torena


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Bardmancy (A+M)


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:

             Maybe- yes


    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?


  3. Hmmm...seems it's more of a re-word than a rewrite, since a good majority of the spells are just re-named of the ones currently present.

    I will, however, say I like the shorter casting requirements, as I think the current ones are wayyyyyyy too long.

    I also like the bark skin (as confused as I am with the explanation, but that's mostly because I have trouble understanding) and the HEALING (FINALLY, CALLBACK TO OLD DRUID MAGIC). Bloomblade sounds goofy but it's my kind of goofy- about time druidism gets some combat capabilities instead of literally one spell (Say what you want about druidism being a 'peaceful magic' but I call bs cus druidism is metal af)

    All in all, I give this 'rewrite' a 7/10.

  4. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Kese Torena


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Blight Healing


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  5. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Kese Torena


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Herblore is the ability to enhance an herb’s properties, increasing its potency to much more effectively create healing salves, poisons, or food additives.


    Herblore is an alchemist and chef’s tool to utilize the unique properties of herbs, allowing them to intensify or lessen its effects at their own discretion. Heightened flammability of oils, powerful sleeping poison, wound-numbing salves- The possibilities go on. It’s most often used with alchemy by druids to make healing salves and other medical-related things.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Herblore could be used to enhance and lessen the effects of herbs and does not have a subsection to it yet.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Tier 5 enhancement.

    Kese entered his home, returning his hand to the hefty basket he was carrying. In it were coffee seeds, ripe and ready to be processed into coffee beans.


    He places them on the dining table, moving his hands towards his lower back and push forwards, allowing an audible ‘crack’ to be heard, followed by a satisfied sigh. The druid sets his tired eyes on the basket, managing a slight smile in pride to his harvest.


    “...I am going to make the best coffee ever known to this realm.” he said to himself in a quieter than usual tone, holding the size of his leshen-like palm over the seeds with an intent shown in his eyes.


    A dim glow emitting from his eyes becoming much more visible as the intensity grows. A corner of his mouth lifts into a smirk of inside irony “...But I’m probably going to use it all.”


    The small flowers bloomed on his living wooden arm, rythmic in their motions as even the flowers of his hair dress took to the flow and joined with its own addition of motions. 


    The reaction of the seeds were minimal, probably a slight shake but that could also be from something else. It went for another minute of sheer focus and steel intent.


    Eventually, he lets out a breath, the rhythmic animations of the flora on him halting to an idle and his fingers began to take motion, picking up a single, assumingly enhanced seed to look closely, murmuring: “I’m going to name you..the ‘Diablo Shot’.”


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Tier 1 enhancement.

    The scene opens to an evening in the guildhall that Kese called home. He was sat with someone, a young epiphyte, his student. Both were facing a bundle of goblin ivy set on the table, a poisonous plant.


    The eldest, the druid, began to instruct his pupil, holding his palm over the herb before looking to her and saying: “Being able to commune is just enough, but adding some visual representation helps with the focus.”


    Following directions, the student held her hand out, hovering next to Kese’s before he pulled his away, no longer needing to act as an indicator. She breathed deeply, her communion and control were exceptional but this was the first time she did herblore.


    “You can delve into the makings of a plant using communion, like...a dissection but with the sole use of sense.” he explained, gesturing to the herb “Focus onto the base of goblin ivy, you have the knowledge to know what it contains and how it works but now it’s time you gain a closer insight.”


    She did indeed have knowledge of goblin ivy, knew where it grew, that it's poisonous, how to harvest it- she had to know. She remembered what she had read, and put it into visual as she begins a hum in her throat, and her eyes widened, floral limbs on her body began to mimic Kese’s own casting tells.


    “Do you understand it?” he asked with raised brows and clear curiousity.


    “I do.” he confirmed. Her connection was strong and tiring, but she was stuck here and looked to her teacher for guidance.


    He guides her gaze over to the herb once more with a glance, then told: “Draw out its poisonous properties, as if you are bringing into existence its deadliness, to serve whatever need its user will have of it.”


    Her intense and stressful focus was apparent from the shaking of her hand, eventually settling on the surface of the table as she began to gasp for breathing, exhausted and a little overwhelmed. She looked to him, unsure if she was successful or not.


    He extends his elongated wooden fingers to the herb, picking it up before saying: “..Let’s see how effective this enhancement will be before it loses it.” and gestured her along, taking his student to process the enhanced goblin ivy into a deadly poison. For what? Who knows.



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Because herblore is a little outdated currently, it’s very easy to powergame it and I understand the issue of that. However, I still live to what I believe when teaching, that if a student had powergamed is unavoidable, it will happen. To reprimand that, we should allow them to experiment, then tell them what works and what doesnt, to make better their understanding and to not powergame again.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  6. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Kese Torena


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Communion and Control


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:



    Communion is the hard base of all things druidic, it’s the trunk from which druidic gifts split from, an essential tool for any shepherd of nature. Communion is the means of communicating with nature, and is the first thing a newly attuned druid will experience, granted a sort of new perspective on life as they would be overwhelmed by the songs that nature begins to produce. At first this would be an annoyance to the newly attuned, a constant noise anytime they are near flora and could even affect their focus and sleep. The fledgeling is usually assigned a teacher who will act as a guide through this new perspective of life, taught to lessen then stress of it through meditation and concentration to broaden their connection with the realm that they would be assigned to protect. After some time practicing, it becomes less of a strain on the student, able to follow the hum and tunes of nature in a rhythmic fashion as it becomes part of their daily lives. When they master communion, it essentially becomes second nature to them, even able to tune into the specific hymns of nature’s song.



    Control is the first step that comes after understanding communion. Despite the name, a druid never truly ‘controls’ flora or fauna, but instead seeks permission to guide them into performing various acts, such as helping a flower bloom or guiding an animal out of an unnatural danger. Because druids act as guardians to nature, they would often only use this skill if it was for the well being of nature or the guardian that protects it. A newly attuned druid would find difficulty in having animals and plants cooperate, but with some time and familiarity, a flower could bloom almost without effort when asked.


    Control however is not an effective skill for combat, a druid may use it on a tree to cause a branch to move and lightly hit an offender's head or use roots to trip someone, but they may never reliably entangle someone. A druid may use control to ask an animal to create noises and distract an enemy, but it would depend on their own willingness of the request.


    Like communion, control is an essential skill that a druid must be adept in (T3) to perform various other gifts such as blight healing and herblore, as it requires both the communication and cooperation of the nature they are set to protect.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    There are other druidic gifts and feats such as blight healing, shapeshifting and transcendence. However they require MAs and TAs of their own.


    Infusion though is a subsection of Communion and control.


    Infusion is an ability that a druid can use to guide and flow energy in specific ways with different effects. They can use infusion to enchant natural objects, temporarily share power with another druid or aid in creating a new druidic servant of the aspects. Powersharing is one of the most known forms of infusion since the earliest known iteration of druids, powersharing is when a druid utilizes infusion to tap into their own energy reserves and flow them into another druid that is casting, allowing the druid receiving the power to create longer lasting gift effects and lessen the exhaustion one would experience. Attunement is another form of infusion, a sacred gift that allows a druid to act as a bridge for the aspects of an individual and open their mind to receive the gift of communion. Performing this gift drains the druid and the one being attuned, putting the latter through a vision of what was, what is and what might be, and by the end of the vision they would be given a glimpse of their totem and rise a newly attuned druid, or fail to be given a totem and remain un-attuned.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?




    Kese hummed a tune as he packed soil into the final clay pot of his personal garden. All carried different varieties of young plants, tulips and roses unbloomed, venus fly traps still small. All they needed was a helping hand.


    His eyes began a dim glow of green, and his humming increased in volume, soon joined by the tapping of his hand on thigh. He sets his focus on the unbloomed rose, lightly brushing at the bulb's underside with the tip of his finger.


    His lips curled into a subtle smile, as if witnessing something pleasant that only he could experience within the room, brushing his fingertip on the bulb upwards and guiding it into blooming beautifully, aided in reaching maturity.


    The song that he had been adding to was joined by the snapping of his fingers now, spinning on his heel to face the pot of venus fly trap. He withdrew the patting of his thigh and gravitated towards the plant.


     The glow in his eyes increased in intensity, and the plant grew ever so slightly in size until the 'mouth' of the fly trap opened right under Kese's leshen-like finger, brushing at the hair in the trap's mouth and clamping onto the living wood.


    Kese released a huff afterwards, as if had just done a quick exercise or did a quick moderately intensive movement, retracting his hand to his side as the glow of his eyes dimmed until it glowed no more. He looked to his garden, managing a proud smile and setting his hand to his hips the whole while he looked over his small achievement, murmuring: "Just a few more...after lunch." Then turned away from the garden to head indoors.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    Greensight (T4).

    Kese guides a student of his into the forest of Elvenesse, a hand set on the upper back of the Human male to guide him through the trees and foliages into a small clearing with a blanket at the centre. The dedicant had a blindfold on, and was seated atop the blanket cross-legged.


    “So...what lesson are we doing today?” asked the dedicant to his teacher, pinching at the fabric of his blindfold in an attempt to peek through.

    However, his action was halted by a swift smack at his hand by Kese, whom stood infront of him as he answered: “Greensight. I have already trained you to meditate and have an intimate feel of your surroundings through ‘Mapping’, now I will show you how to ‘see’ using it.”


    “...There is an ability that can let you see without...sight?” asked the dedicant curiously, along with a hint of confusion in his tone as he sets his hands on his lap, remembering full well of his lessons on mapping and the base of it being put in a meditative trance. [Meditation 1]


    “To some degree.” answered Kese, whom reached into his satchel to procure a small, clay idol that he had purchased before bringing the dedicant to this clearing. He sets the idol at a random spot, atop the grasses. “You can sense the life around you, and it...creates an image of sorts with the information you gathered. A little like how a bat would use sound to see in the night. The process is the same as mapping, but with an extra step, do you remember the first step?”

    “Meditation.” the dedicant answered along with a swift nod to his master. He was already in his usual position whenever he would meditate. He inhaled through his nose deeply, then exhaled through his mouth at a slow rythem, beginning to hum a tune. [Meditation 2]


    “Usually you would use communion to map onto your senses, starting with your spatial awareness, then sight, then sound...and so on. But you are blind, you cannot see.” he states, circling the student as he watches his performance, eventually stopping beside him with a limb coiling around the staff he held.


    The dedicant continued his rhythmic hum and controlled breathing, casting communion to map into his senses with his spatial awareness being the first. Without sight...he had great difficulty determining distance as seen from the constant twitching of his brow, strenuous facial expression and briefly out of tune hum. [Communion maps to spatial awareness 1]


    However, all he needed was to focus. He added the patting of his hand against his thigh to join his humming just as his teacher instructed him prior, feeling the flow of nature’s song and better communing with his surroundings, in his mind it was like an orchestra, and he knew the notes. His strenuous face faded into a look of relaxation, and he would even manage a slight confident smirk. [Communion maps to spatial awareness 2]


    “..Good, even without sight, a druid must be aware of his surroundings, and utilize their other senses. Do not forget your smell, hearing, touch and taste. Let them create an image, a representation of the area.” The druid instructed, remaining in his spot as he watched intently.


    The dedicant listened carefully to the rustling of the leaves of trees, bushes, and animals. He inhaled deeply to take in the smell of grass and soil, the spring flowers that bloomed, the river nearby. He stuck his tongue out, tasting the humid air of a recent rain. All these were information he needed to get an idea, an idea that slowly formed an image. [Communion maps to other sight 1]


    “And now...give these images its paint. Feel the life flowing around you, and use this new sense of sight to determine where you are, and where everything else.” He said with an ever widely proud smile on his lips as he observed, afterwards looking towards the idol he had placed down. “There is a lifeless item somewhere, I want you to use your greensight to point out its location. With your new skill, you can determine what is living, and what is not.”


    The dedicant’s expression mellowed, his newfound sight was...quite a crazy experience, yet very soothing. At first it was like hearing an orchestra, but now he could see it, feel it, smell it and taste it. There was a squirrel collecting berries and nuts nearby the student and druid, he knew that, and looked directly at it where the bushes gave out the animal’s position. There was a cocoon about to burst open and reveal a butterfly, he acknowledged it. Although they were subtle, they were sight nonetheless. Per instruction from his mentor, he focused now on the grasses, mapping out a floor to himself as to determine what was inconsistent. He looked...he sensed...and after a moment, he pointed, directly at the idol where in his mind was a dark patch of lifelessness over a vibrant green of life. After a moment, the student halts his humming, and exhaustion begin to affect him as he took off his blindfolds to see if he was successful. [Sight through flowing life energies]


    And he was, the dedicant had used his gift to make up for the light of sight. Kese was proud, and he knelt before the dedicant to match his height and place a hand upon his shoulder, declaring: “Lesson completed, my student. You have done well.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    Learning magic of any kind is experimental and often new for the student, mistakes will happen, and unintentional powergaming is very possible. The best way to go about this is to be polite but direct about what they are doing incorrectly. Point out the powergaming aspect of his emotes, explain why it can be seen as powergaming, then provide advice an example to correct it so that it does not happen again. All while remaining calm and friendly with the student so that they would not feel as if they have been a disappointment, or that they have failed.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  7. [!] A beautifully handwritten letter is sent to the chantry...its carrier...a cat seeming to have been carefully groomed as if this was its one and only purpose. It reads: "This one wishes to learn, yes? For the knowing of magic will help M'Riska achieve great deals using threat of the consequence or illusion to get what he wants." -M'Riska, The Sugar Cat

  8. How about 'No' on the 5k hmm? 
    Reading this I have to say I'm pretty happy with how the new heist rules are going....except for the initial 5k payment prior to the heist. See I understand why that is made a requirement, it's so that people will carefully choose a house and commit to it rather than go to a town and rob every house for every day...but it still doesn't make sense. For one, why and who the hell do these people pay the initial FIVE THOUSAND MINAS to? Is there some force out there that rolls the dice for the thieves? Is Nocturnal affecting their luck? No, it makes no sense and ruins other rp potentials. Say a group of beggars, down on their luck and starving decided to work together to break into a merchant's house to steal some valuables to pay for food? Well they can't do that because FOR SOME REASON they need to pay 5k for 'rp costs'. That doesn't make sense, what rp costs? The supplies are already there, bolt cutters and lockpicks priced fairly. It would make better sense to remove the 5k cost and instead allow the players the option to lessen the risk of a heist going wrong by buying supplies like bolt cutters and lockpicks, or decide to rely on luck altogether and un-efficiently break into a house that's more likely to draw attention. Also rolls for glass and windows is stupid, you don't need luck to break a damn glass window with a stone...it doesn't bounce off in any chance.

  9. MC Name: SubtlePotato


    Discord (Or Forum PM me): Vladere#4276


    Character Name: Alwin / Human


    Age: 16


    Why are you pursuing the route of Monkhood?: It's the most suitable choice for this young boy.


    Which sect do you wish to join?: The Moon.


    Do you agree to abide by the three laws of the Triumvirate?: Of course, with no question.

    (Do not Fight, Guide the Lost, and Teach the Confused.)


    MC Name: SubtlePotato


    Character's Name: Kesegowaase


    Character's Age: 158


    Character's Race: Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Herblore


    Teacher's MC Name: Delmodan


    Teacher's RP Name: The Owl Druid


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yup


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope




    MC Name: SubtlePotato


    Character's Name: Kesegowaaaase Torena


    Character's Age: 151


    Character's Race: Wood Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Nature's Communion and Control of Nature


    Teacher's MC Name: OhDeerLord


    Teacher's RP Name: Dwyn Tinuvial


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes


    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?: Yes


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope

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