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Posts posted by Ghazrial

  1. Move it way farther from belvitz it's way too close to ct and putting directly in a nation's territory just stops anyone else from really using it or even bringing in the roadside rp / banditry / raiding of these caravans when it's directly in a nation's territory. 



    Go put it near warhakes or where the renatus tile is or well was since it's gonna be removed on the 5th ; Northern nations need some love too and moving that there could increase the frequency of players there

  2. The free-folk are gonna tear down the wall with the giants but then there gonna side with all the human nations

    and the human nations are gonna fight the undead with obsidian weapons to kill them but then there gonna get a dragon and were gonna have to kill them and the dragon but first we gotta capture Constantinople to receive all the holy / obsidian items within it to defeat the undead and their dragon. And then either this somehow lead's to something like the dragon actually being like deathwing from W.O.W and it's like the wombo combo of crossovers Minecraft,GOT,WOW and the dragon just fucks over all of atlas or with the power of plot armor the human nations defeat it and win the game of life.




    Lord of thrones btw

  3. RP: 

    Name: Charlemagne "The Hairy"

    Race(can be any): Human

    Why do you wish to join the Peace-Warriors?: Dunshire need's a break 

    Please recite The Peace Warrior's Pledge here:



    "I pledge allegiance to the great people of Altas, who be so fair and varied in look and style. I pledge to protect all children, all men, all women, and others who are threatened by war, and I pledge to never become the threat of war that I have pledged to protect others against!"


    "I promise that I will never bear a lethal weapon against another while campaigning for Atlas-wide peace, and I promise that I will never harm others even with non-lethal weapons unless there is no other option."


    "And lastly, I pledge that I will always uphold the good morals of peace, prosperity, and comfort for all that I wish to bring to the rest of Atlas"




    Discord(helpful but not needed): n/a

    Username: Ghazrial

  4. 1 hour ago, Starfelt said:

    If we're going to keep these long distances, give us back the old horses! Make them at least faster then the road buff we get as players. They serve no point, and the whole reason a lot of people liked this idea was because of the notion that we could have horses actually mean something.
    Get horses to a good spot, and travel distances wouldn't be an issue.

    Genius support this man horses #1 


    Horses need more love they can bring back the movement you all want and give you the great roadside rp you deserve 

  5. Why not make horses great again?


    Horses are literally only good on roads and even than there pretty slow compared to vanilla horses,make horses great again make them fast even off road regions and increase their speed 


    than we can use horses to travel distances fast  but not kill roadside rp 


    best of both worlds !!!!



    MC Name: Ghazrial


    Character's Name: Wu' Kong


    Character's Age: 45


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):N/A


    Transformed form: Hou-Zi (Hei-Zhu)


    Creator's MC Name:N/A


    Creator's RP Name:N/A


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Hou-Zi were normal monkeys until Metzli came along with an experiment to create loyal servants. She came upon the tribe of monkeys and gave their alpha (Hou-Shen) intelligence and wisdom. Hou-Shen quickly spread this knowledge with his other monkeys and they quickly developed into the Hou-Zis you see today.


    After the race became prominent, they began developing technology and buildings very quickly. A while after, Hou-Shen received a vision that he must expand across axios from Metzli.


    As their expansion started, the Hou-Zi met the elves and began to have trouble with them, which resulted in three great wars.


    In the first great war, the Hou-zi race conquered territories of the elves and once the men and resources of both races ran to a low, they both had a 100 year ceasefire. The Hou-zi decided they could rule all of axios if they conquered Malinor, the heart of the elven empire.

    During the siege of Malinor, the Hou-zis leader, Hou-Shen, was slain, and with him the rest of the Hou-Zis will and morale for conquest. The elven king ordered a retaking of all the captured lands taken by the hou-zis and pushed the Hou-Zis all the way back. The hou-zis retreated back into their jungle, distraught because their leader and previous way of life was gone.


    Metzli called back the soul of Hou-Shen once more. She wanted to return him back to the world for him to fight once more for her experiment. Metzli regenerated Hou-Shen with white fur and golden eyes.Hou-Shen came back and started his fighting once more, quickly taking many outpost once more. The three leaders of the elves met and decided to form an alliance to overpower the Hou-Zi. After fighting, the Hou-Zi were beat once more and were forced to retreat back to where they started.


    There are three sub-races of the hou-zi.The Laobai-Zi, the Fei-Zhu, and the Hei-Zi.

    The Laobai-Zi are the most common of Hou-Zi. Their fur is usually brown or comes in shades of brown, and they are arguably the most adaptable of the Hou-zi. The Laobai-Zhu live the shortest lives, of 80-100 years.

    The Fei-Zhu have the most colourful fur, which can be white, gold, and even shades of blue or green. Fei-Zi are the smallest of the Hou-Zi but because of this they are usually the most nimble of the Hou-Zi. The live medium lives, living 150 to 250 years.

    The Hei-Zi most closely resemble gorillas, and are the largest. They usually have black fur, and can reach heights of 6’5-7 feet tall. They live the longest of all the Hou-Zi.



    Religons of the Hou-zi

    There have been 2 religons for the Hou-zi people and they have co-existed alongside eachother for many many years. The 2 religons are Shenjiao and Hua-Jiao.



    Shenjiao is the oldest of the 2 religions and the essential idea for Shenjiao is worship of Hou-shen,who historically was an immortal god-king for the hou-zi and not only that but swell worship of his 3 sons and the ancestral spirits. His 3 sons are worshiped as well not only because of their familiar bond but because they have aswell ascended to rule unto the heavens with Hou-Shen the 3 are Hou Da  the youngest of the 3 and he is considered the embodiment of the earth and swell he is the Patriach of the Hei-zhu subrace. THen there is Hou-Xiao he is the middle child of the 3 and he is the patriarch of the Fei-Zhu subrace and he is considered the embodiment of water. Then there is Hou-wang the eldest of the three,he is the Patriarch of the Laobai-Zhu subrace and is depicted as the embodiment of air.


    Hua-Jiao is a religion that rose quickly among the lower class Hou-zi peoples following the teaches of he Prophet Hualian,he was a Fei-zhu nobel man who lived in the era of the first war to be fought with Malin. He taught the four truths that define existence and the eightfold path which is a list of commandments to follow in order to properly understand the four truths and reach enlightenment. However his teachings were banned as they were seen to undermine Shenjiao and Hou-shen the god king. Hualian was soon exiled to far off lands and his followers were left untouched,they followed Hua-Jiao secretly but merged it with many Shenjiao traditions over the years.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yep.


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:  Yes


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No


  7. RP Information

    RP Name: Tybalt

    Race: Human

    Age: 19

    Past services to Norland: None.

    Current residence: Norland.


    OOC Information

    MCName: Ghazrial

    Discord: Pretty sure you got it.

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