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Posts posted by whyapac

  1. Full name: Pierpont Pelagius

    Summers’ old: One hundred and ten summers.

    Clerical role: Bishop of Sedan

    Diocese of Service: Nescia

    Minister of Ordination: Priest (V. High Pontiff Jude II), Bishop (Tylos III)

    Racial identification: [!] “Human, child of Horen” had been filled out on all admission forms [!]

    Sex: Male

  2. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    "Hacked client, contact Moderation Administrator Rilath#0001 for more information".


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    Essentially, I was inside of the Lectorate HQ (Temple Fortress of Saint Felder’s Rock) with my lector friends while talking with them on Discord. At that time, I had newly downloaded a client that had the feature of being able to climb walls. I thought I "needed" this feature because one of the lectors had taken my front door permissions as a joke and I had to use the climbing feature to access the temple through the roof access which was unlocked. This client had other features like being able to reach through walls. As a joke, I was reaching through a wall and spamming a lever that triggered a redstone contraption in the basement of the temple which was very noisy and had all the brother Lectors wondering how it was happening. I must have been being spectated because I was banned moments after. From what I've been told, it was another Lector that had reported me to the admins. I don't fault him for it and I'm actually a little glad he did it. It taught me a lesson.


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I agree with the ban. I was using a hacked client, which is a bannable offense. There's no doubt about it. I deserved what I got regardless of how innocent I was in my intentions.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    Today marks exactly 100 days since I've been banned, and there hasn't been a day yet where I haven't wanted to log onto LOTC but have been unable to because of the ban. On two occasions I tried to reach out to Rilath via Discord and ask if I can appeal sooner but I didn't receive any response. I assume he has been busy. When I got banned, I was heavily involved in Church of Canon roleplay and I had just been newly-appointed as Bishop of Sedan after leaving the lectorate. Things were starting to get extremely good for me and I wasted it all by being idiotic and downloading a client and doing something I shouldn't have. In my time being banned, I've spoken with some of the hierarchy of the Church of Canon and they have been gracious enough to offer me another role in the Church if I were to become unbanned and return. I believe they all know that I'm very sorry for what I've done and that I just want to roleplay.


    Attach other relevant information.


    When I got banned on 08/06/2022, Rilath said I could appeal on 12/10/2022. I'd like to come back earlier if possible. I think enough time has passed (100 days) to serve as a sufficient punishment for my actions and I hope this appeal stands to prove precisely how sorry I am. I really regret what I did and I don't make any excuses for it. I could guarantee that on my return that I would keep my nose clean and not cause any headaches for anyone. I'm just wanting to become re-involved in church roleplay again.

  3. Minecraft IGN(s):








    Ban Selection


    In-Game Ban


    Ban Reason


    "Griefing to Bypass LWC (Item Frame). Breach of Breaking and Entering Rules (No RP with using /breakdown). No-RP Killing (Hitting, Downing, and Popping), and Toxicity (Stealing and Teasing in Chat)


    What circumstances led to this ban?


    I was banned on June 15th, 2020 so I can't recall the exact circumstances behind the ban. I remember that I had started going around the snowy (and pretty much abandoned) biome next to the ice wall and was claiming unused cabins and igloos and it's probable that I didn't go through the proper channels and ask to have a moderator plant an inactivity sign and claim it correctly. I probably broke into a home, claimed it, stole stuff and bragged about my findings in public chat. As far as the No-RP Killing, I don't have a clue what that might have been. I might have killed someone and didn't do it correctly. 


    Are there aspects of the ban you agree and/or disagree with?


    I think my ban was fair.


    What motivates you to return to LOTC?


    Tomorrow will have been exactly two years since I've been banned. I was told I could appeal in August of 2020 but I had taken a break from Minecraft to focus on work and college and now I'm getting back into Minecraft and roleplaying again. I remember LOTC being one of my favorite servers to play so I'd like that opportunity again.


    Attach other relevant information.




    17th of Sun's Smile, 1683.

    A Thesis on Revival

    Father Pierpont of Yatl





    I say unto you, have you shared the altar with a fellow believer in recent times?


    When was the last time you, as a proclaimed follower of GOD and keeper of the law of the Church of the Canon, extended your hand to a non-believer in attempt to guide one to the Seven Skies? If the following questions left you convicted by our LORD, you are among many who see the need for spiritual revival.


    Think about the potential of a fully awakened church! When the Exalted received the (4) Holy Scrolls, the following of GOD was few until the three descendants of Horen brought the 'Will of The Creator' to men of many nations so that they may pass on the Regent of Heaven. If it was not for the descendants of Horen preaching the gospel to lost men and women, the Church of Canon and its righteousness would cease to exist.


    If we are to act as the Regent of Heaven, why is it that a brother will not speak to his other brothers and warn them of the Void? It is written that every knee shall bow when GOD reveals the entirety of the Holy Scrolls at the conclusion of our history, but there's no reason to wait for people to be converted in the end times. We can create humble servants and devout followers of The Creator who will bring forth alms, declare for the ministry if called by The Creator, and live a life of joy with eternal security.


    To bring people closer to GOD is not only a work of priests, deacons, nuns, and monks, but something all of mankind must do. Though a man who has not declared for priesthood may not preach, a man through his personal testimony with The Creator can be a winner of hearts and souls to GOD by their actions and lifestyle. It is true, you may be the only scroll someone reads. It is also true that you may be the only opportunity someone has to hear about The Creator and his perfection. Let yourself be read by the lost and encourage others to live a life for the LORD GOD.


    The need for revival is strong.


    Churches are dying.

    Your friends and family members are being damned to a sinners abyss.

    What are you going to do to stop it?


    Extend your hand to a lost soul and allow them to find haven in the everlasting glory of Our Creator.




  5. CHARACTER DESCRIPTION: I'd like him to resemble a ninety year old man but in ghost form. Cover him in liver spots, and perhaps factor in something to show how he died. He was killed in his sleep with a sickle and his neck was severed. Make him very creepy looking, but also make him fit the requirements for a 'Haunt'. Black and white saturated skin, blank white eyes. Have fun with it, though! Don't be afraid to push it. 


    RACE: Necrolyte (Ghost)


    GENDER: Male


    SKIN COLOR: White


    BODYMASS: Extremely frail and worn, less than a hundred pounds at the time of death.


    HAIR COLOR: White 

    HAIR STYLE: Either long white hair, or bald and brown spots on the head. 


    FACIAL HAIR: Long white scraggly beard. 


    EYE COLOR: None.

    CLOTHES: Perhaps an old nightgown, or maybe even overalls. I'll let you pick what looks good! If you're doing the pajamas idea, the cap would be a good touch. 


    PICTURE (If you have one): Try and base it around some of these pictures.






  6.    MC Name: whyapac       


        Character's Name: Amos     


        Character's Age: 93       


        Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): N/A, will be human. 


        Transformed form: Ghost       


            Creator's MC Name: N/A       


            Creator's RP Name: N/A       


        Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:    


    Ghosts were once living and breathing creatures until their death, and now they're forced to walk among the living despite being dead. Some are attached to the mortal plain because of personal affliction in life before they died, whether it was because they weren't fully indoctrinated into their faith, or they died unexpectedly and/or unnaturally, though there's hosts of other reasons why they might be tied to the realm of the living. Some may move onto the afterlife after they've taken care of business or become comfortable with death, while others will elect to stay among the living. Every ghost no matter how they died will pass through a series of three stages which are strikingly similar to the five stages of grief.


    In the first stage called 'Haunt', the ghost isn't aware that they're no longer living. They pass through the day as a normal person would, walking, relaxing, eating, sleeping. They might even rise early in the morning and make a trip to work. If they were a librarian they might even start stocking shelves or stamping books for record keeping, yet the work they do isn't actually helping the living, it's all just an illusion in the spirit's mind. Eventually, the ghost will start to notice peculiar things in their surroundings. A random family might move into their house as if they didn't exist, or their beloved one crying constantly over a painting or special item belonging to the deceased. The ghosts mind will play it off as part of a delusion, but eventually the subtle hints will start to stack and build into something bigger. Reality. 


    Once the ghost has learned of their death, they will start the second stage of the death cycle, the 'Revenant' stage. The ghost will start to channel his/her supernatural abilities more freely and can become invisible and visible to the living at a whim. They develop supernatural qualities, like being able to hover above ground and morph into different appearances once they become completely accustomed to being dead. Though they have heard of their death, they are not completely certain that they are in fact dead. Their mind continues to tell them that they're alive and well and it's all just stupid rumors or their mind playing tricks on them. It may take years for them to finally be able to grasp being dead and channel their supernatural abilities, but once they're awakened by irrefutable evidence of being dead whether by another person, they will either become pissed off and stay angry, or they will calm down. This all plays a large role in what will happen for them as a ghost in the future. Will they be a grouchy ghost consumed by fury, or will they be a mellow wanderer of the plains?


    In the third and final stage of the spirit cycle, if the ghost in the Revenant cycle has continued to live in spite for several years, the anger and frustration will eventually overcome the spirit and they will be driven to to torment the living as a poltergeist. Scratching, biting, throwing objects across the room, stacking chairs, breaking windows, anything to scare the living out of their wits. In contrast, if a ghost in the Revenant cycle has learned to cope with their death after several years of being dead, they will become a spectre. Spectres aren't out to kill, harm, or maim the living but instead coexist peacefully among them as a spirit. If helped by a human they can cross over into the afterlife rather than remain in the mortal plain. Some spectres simply elect to stay among mortals and live out their theoretically infinite number of days with the living. 


    Though ghosts are already dead and cannot be killed, they can be harmed. Holy magic, Shamanism, golden weaponry, mangegold, light, and enchanted weaponry are some things that can drive a ghost off and 'injure' them. They also can be forced to move into the afterlife.



            Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No.


            Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.       


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?: Yes.       


            Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Yes.


            Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No.

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