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Posts posted by PurpleSweetTart

  1. What an awesome post! Thank you for the mention and as you have been brave enough to talk about mental issues I'll tell you and everyone else that I also have depression and Borderline personality Disorder. I am on a variety of psych meds so "the beast says in its cage" so to speak. If you ever need to talk or are having trouble, please let me know. It's weird, even if I am sad, if other people are sad around me I tend to be able to cheer them up. Good job for working hard and getting a new pc! I also have lots of friends on the Autistic Spectrum so if you are having any issues, please let me now. It's very important to me to feel useful and helpful. If anyone ever bothers you IC or OOC, please don't hesitate to tell me and I will back you up. 



  2. 10 minutes ago, God Of Pie said:

    haha, that was you? I was afking and I looked back at my screen to see someone leading another around on a llama.


    And I personally prefer slowed down roleplay, as too many emotes in a short amount of time messes with my head and I'll end up taking much longer times with my emotes reading and re-reading other emotes to ensure I have read it correctly. I look forward to someday (possibly) roleplaying with you, even if it is something that isn't a peaceful interaction as we are two different sides of the coin. Best of times.

    Yes, that was Ry'lynn and her Druid Guide, Harold Applefoot, he gave Ry'lynn a ride on the llama cause I don't have a soulstone slot for The Dominion yet so until I get my next slot, you will most likely see us again!

  3. 1 minute ago, MyLittleUnicorn said:

    Ohh now that you remind me of the signature, I so gotta create updated one! Thanks for reminding me ♡♡♡ 

    ? ❤️ No Problem

    21 minutes ago, Ragnio said:

    First of all....Welcome to LOTC! It's always nice to see new players joining the server.

    Now to the next part: It takes a lot of courage to talk about your own disabilities and the problems tied to them. As such I am really happy to read this thread and hear your story, hear about your problems and that you don't back down, but instead continue to move onwards! You have my greatest respect for that and I hope to meet you IC soon!

    Thank you so much Ragnio, I hope we can meet IC soon.


  4. 2 minutes ago, MyLittleUnicorn said:

    Once again a welcome from me! You are absolutely amazing person and Im glad we got you on our community ♡ I do not know you perfectly but Iv spoken with you few times on the new player discord and can say your such a sweet person.

    Also gotta say Im so proud and glad that you did this post! ♡♡♡ Respect! It warmed my heart and brought smile upon my face! ?

    Thank you so much, I enjoy talking to you too, btw, love your signature!


  5. 3 minutes ago, Harold said:

    Hey Purple,


    I hope you're enjoying the server, although it seems you are!


    Messages like this, are why we do, what we do. 


    I'll be honest, your message has definitely touched me and I've passed it along to the rest of the Administration and Staff. 


    If there's anything else you need, want explained, or help with you can either message me on the forums or catch me on my Discord. (harold#0001)





    Operations Director


    Thank you kindly Harold, I really appreciate the support!

  6. 9 minutes ago, dkink14 said:

    I'm really proud of you for writing this Purple.


    Roleplaying is something everybody should be able to enjoy and I hope the rest of the community will help you out.


    I hope I'll get to drive you around on a llama again, since that was a lovely experience.

    Yes, that was insanely fun! I told my husband about it. He has no idea what it means because he's not  a gamer but I had to tell someone irl cause it was great!

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