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Posts posted by MoonsWolf_

  1. Unknown.jpeg.b00e99cd5ff96335e166e5999fc51ef3.jpeg



    The light of predawn shown over the sea cast shadows in the alcove that were farther than the light could reach. A figure leaned against a stone pillar carved into the sea worn rock. Her cape fluttered as the sea breeze shoved its way into the small cave, the red tailed hawk screeching as it flew away into the light of oncoming dawn, her letter tied to its leg.


    To the captains of these seas



    MC-Name: MoonsWolf_


    Character Name: Son'ya Sparrow


    Age: 132 years old


    Race: Snow Elf


    Hometown: The Snow Elven City


    Possible Goals to Achieve: To sail the sea's would be and honor, and I know Aeriel will take care of my soul. And if it is written that I am to die on the sea it will be right. My main goals are to travel the world and to live and let live. The sea can take as easily as give, and therefore I would like to rest my life in her hands.


    Wanted Role/Job: I would like to help in anyway I can. I am an artist, and therefore a cartographer might be a good fit. But in any case, I will gladly become a sailor.


    Discord: MoonsWolf_

  2. xZ3betLZGN2qPWsKVF9G3eAXuiGKi9a3Mv0xez1XzE7RprUCFO3IRTKCcyv0tKnOEcP1EcSRBgWj85lcEHVye2P9rD2lkftsMW8Snzkh2Xrbs20F3zW036NpRTbkdHXuewFWN4u5



    Username MoonsWolf_


    Discord MoonsWolf_


    Timezone EST


    What group/playerbase are you most involved with? Elves, but I plan to have a human persona at some point in the near future.


    Staff History



    Ban History 



    Blacklist History:



    Why do you want to join the Event Team?

    I want to join the Event Team to bring people the full feeling of this amazing role-play server! and for people to be spurred in the direction of more role-play. I want people to have fun and not just wander around the server looking for something to do and eventually log off having wasted time.



    Why should we accept you onto the Team?

    The Event Team should accept me because I want to create a fun and exciting atmosphere for the players and to practice my writing with real people. I think that I could implement a creative and action packed part of the writing that gets people sitting on the edge of their seats. You should accept me because now that I'm going into a real world habitat (irl), it will be amazing to see how my writing changes and becomes even better.


    What kind of events do you aspire to create?:

    I would like to start with high to low fantasy but as I get better they would, as such, get better as well. I hope to lead adventures to forgotten parts of the world and have the excitement build and the players having fun.


    What makes a good event? 

    A good event is based off of:
    Details- Details are key to a great event because even the smallest detail in the beginning of the event could turn into the biggest turning point in the story.
    Cooperation- A good event is all based on the fact that people have to show up. If no one shows up, then the event won't happen.
    Creativity/Fun- Creativity is a big part because you don't just want the same old things and story lines, you want to make it exciting and fun for everyone involved.



    Create three in-depth event scenarios. I’m not looking for some prelude or whimsical idea here -- we want an indicator as to your talent and potential to be on the ET. You don’t need to write a word-for-word script, but we want a solid structure and plan as to how you’d organize and carry out an event:

    The Sea Women


    The sea would be calm, the day coming to an end, when a single note pierces through the gloom of the marine fog that lay thick over the water. Another note joined it and then ten, a symphony that was alluring and dangerous at the same time. The marine fog would clear enough to reveal women with the lower half of a bird perched on the rocks, singing to the men and women on board. Feathers ruffled, talons scraped against the rocky land while they waited for their next meal to arrive.


    Step 1:

    The boat would be sailing by and it would stope because of the singing, the people on board looking over to see what the commotion was about.

    Step 2:

    People may fall overboard, or the ship would start to go toward the Sirens. The Sirens would then either take some of the people that fell into the water or keep singing depending on what the people do.

    Step 3:

    If the people on board could get out of the trance and started attacking, the sirens fate would be determined by the roleplaying.

    Other Step if 3 doesn't work:

    The people would either all die or the sirens would swim off if the boat did crash. The crashing of the boat may leave a few survivors.


    Siren fathers, a carcass if so lucky, a limb maybe, any other body limb that a person can cut off.


    The Way Home


    The lake lapped and eddied along its banks, the sun shown on the surface creating a lavish canopy that overlooked the crystal clear waters. Stones were strewn about and the fish in the lake were nowhere to be seen. A horse lounged at the banks, a saddle loosely attached to its back, the girth barely touching the horses stomach. The creature had it's eyes closed, seeming to bask in the light that was reflected off the surface and bounced everywhere. 


    Step 1:

    The Kelpie would be standing near a lake or such and a person or people would come to see. The Kelpie would initially look to tired to be bothered with the person.

    Step 2: Depending on the person, they might role-play and get on the horse or attack it.

    Attack: If attacked the horse may try and kill the person by just hitting the person with the hooves or make them touch the saddle and become stuck.

    Mount: If mounted the person would be drowned unless more than one person was there.

    If more than one person: the other person might attack the horse but this would require them to follow he horse into the water. But the other person would role-play their actions and the Kelpie would work around them.


    The Hot Day


    The road near Sutica seamed to recoils as a large beast clicked it's way along before reaching Sutica. The day was hot, so the scorpion didn't feel uncomfortable, bu the loud chattering of the birds set him on edge, and the dense grass seemed to aggravated the arthropod. Having reached Sutica, the Scaddernak perched on a building and clicked its pincers down at the assembled. Having been let out by it's master and transported to this cold place, the beast was angry.


    Step 1:

    The Scaddernak would mount the building, destroying things in it's wake.

    Step 2: If people came out this would aggravate the creature and cause it to attempt to come down to kills those people. If they hid the Scaddernak would move on.

    Step 3: If attacked, the scaddernak would jump down and try to kill those assembled.

    Step 4: If the people won than they would have a scorpion carcass and poison. Any body limb is fair game to take.


  3. 9 hours ago, Slothtastic said:

    Changing it from Clans to Packs really doesn’t change that it’s still like the book series thing. You shouldn’t have it where there are set packs. If you’re wanting to have werewolves, don’t give them set packs. And with height and stuff, how does that work? Why are they different? Why are the set packs named after the seasons? Also I’m confused as to how Orcs and Dwarves would have trouble. Orcs and Dwarves probably have the highest pain tolerance currently. With Orcs probably just going into a bloodlust if there’s so much pain that for some reason an elf could handle better than an Orc. Orcs get arrows stuck in them and laugh as they enter a bloodlust and kill everyone nearby friend or foe. 

    Is this better? If you have any more small things to fix just let me know but I’m not going to rewrite my whole idea, but I do appreciate the input.

  4. Fixed some of the issues including the part about the Warrior Cats thing, I changed the name of he Clans to Packs, not to let it get mixed up. And I also added the Bazerk thing, also got rid of the magic. Ur right it didn’t make sense.

    8 hours ago, Yollyy said:

    I just want to know how and why the wolves have magic


    Besides that -1

    Look at previous message


    8 hours ago, Slothtastic said:

    This seems a bit too Twilight and I think Warrior cats? Is that what the book series was called? Or was it just Warriors? Either way it’s a bit too much of the two for my liking. If we were going to have werewolves, which we did, I’d rather them be like actual werewolves. Chaotic killers and crap like that. Ya know more Warhammer and Elder Scrolls than peaceful and right werewolves. So this is going to be a -1 from me. 


    Though I do like how you took Faoladh from what Irish Werewolves were known as. 

    Fixed, if anymore concerns, just let me know plz


  5. The Faoladh






    After the war of Elcihi'thilln, the leader of the Silver City turned to a researcher named Aelthos, who changed Lomal (the leader) into a snow elf. What the young Aelthos did not know was that one of those people that volunteered to be turned had a young wife who was left in the cold to wait for her beloved who had left for war. After a time of him not coming back, she packed her things and took to the snowy woods, forgetting her cloak behind her. And just like that, a snow storm wiped her farther and farther away from any civilization, while her and her undiscovered child tracked through the wind. She had not know of the child resting within her, but and only though it stress, and so, when she found a cave underneath a fallen tree, the elf women soon died. Not much time later, a Fjarrugiauga found her amongst the snarled roots, her final breath long gone, but even still, the Frost Mother cried out to the God of Winter, Wyvrun, and somehow, the message got through. Wyvrun, also known as Old Father Winter, had a soft spot for females and abandonment, and so, he told the Frost Mother to go out and find the nearest dead animal. An so, as she was told, the Frost Mother went. The Frost Mother came back with the carcass of a newly felled female Ker Wolf who had died of old age not to far from the Elf, and dropped it near the body, the two laying side by side, wolf and elf. Old Father Winter then looked inside the Young Wife, and found the babe, who was dining slowly, but not yet dead, and so He took the child from the womb and placed it's spirit into the wolf. The legends are not all completely sure of what exactly happened to make the next day possible, but they say that the next evening, a white and red pup stepped out of the cave, completely healthy and already 1 month old, and another female Ker wolf came to the pup and cried it off. 

    And so, the first Faoladh was made.


    . The Faoladh race are considered a gift from the God Wyvrun, but many consider it a curse because from the point you are turned and from then on you are bound to your pack, and there is no way to reverse the transformation, unless through death. 

    The Faoladhs have a bad side as well, they are known for their combat skills and ruthless mentality, but it get worse. On Eclipse Moon nights a Faoladhs Packs will be forced to go out on The Hunt, where their bodies become more of a werewolf shape, more humanoid, and they are forced to go to their nearest town and kill as many people as possible. This form is known as Bazerk. This is why most people hate the Faoladh Packs, although many fear them so much they offer them gift as way to ward them off, although it doesn’t help at all and most of the time gets them killed. The Clipse Moon Night is not the only time that a Faoladh become more of a werewolf form, i happens when they are overly angry or iritated.


    A Faoladh in human or other form is not a terrible sight, but it is not beautiful either. A Faoladh in human or elf form has a dull around it, any beauty it once had or happiness does not show in the persons "aura", and therefor they are a rather normal sight, although one can I identify them by their inability to speak. In wolf form, a Foaladh gains all of the things it lost in human form back. It is graceful and strong, beautiful and hard to resist. There are some legends that a young Faoladh female enticed a young man to come to her without anything but her looks, she then killed him and brought the hart back to her Alpha as a gift.  


    But do do not be fooled, and human or elf that steps into a Faoladhs Pack/Den site will find their end quickly, no matter the person or time. Faoladhs go Bazerk more often than not given that they get irritated quickly and are ruthless. Many a men have tried and failed to hunt these creatures down, the hunting parties growing thinner and thinner.


    The Faoladh have had a long lasting hatred for the Fjarriauga, or Frost Witches, given that they are rivals in territory in the North. Although the Frost Mother from the first Faoladh did help her, the dependents soon forgot this when a young Frost Witch killed a litter of puppies. A litter of pups is a sacred blessing to the Faoladh, considering the infertility of the Faoladh is much like the elf's curse. For a human turned Faoladh a litter is celebrated but not as much as a litter from an elf turned would be. The rules for the Faoladh's are simple, although they are different for each Pack, the unanimous one are listed bellow:

       -No hurting or treasonous acts against the Alpha

       -If the Alpha has pups, they are to be protected above all else

       -When hunting, consider your Pack mates and remember your station

       -Never try to mate with an already mated male or female


    The territories of the Packs are operated by the climate and geography, and much of the time, they do not feel they need to expand, but as with the Leathnu Te, it has been known to occur before.There are many small packs scattered across the land, the Faoladh having split from any larger pack to form their own, although many do not make it. The other small territories have the same hierarchy system but the only exception is if there is a bigger problem going on in a Pack, one of the Season Leaders will come down to the part of their territory they are letting them have and solve the issue. Although you follow one of the Seasonal packs, your loyalty is to your own Pack. But if in any case it comes down to the life of one of the Seasonal Packs or your own Pack, you are expected to choose the Seasonal. If otherwise, your are named a traitor. Anything between the two Seasonal territories is the Nomadic Lands, this is where if a young Faoladh chooses to go off on its own, this is where you head. No one owns his territory. There should always be a sliver of Nomadic Land.


    The hierarchy of the Pack has one leader for each of them, and two Betas to protect and serve the Alpha. The Tiers of the system are listed bellow:

       Highest ranking: Alpha- runs Pack and makes sure all other Pack mates are in line. Do not challenge.

       Second Highest: Betas- there are two Betas, usually both women, they protect the Alpha from any attack that she does not see. They also are the go between the rest of the Pack and the Alpha

       Alpha Apprentice: Dara- the Dara is a young female Faoladh Trodai who will one day become Alpha, unless a challenge occurs.

       Middle: Trodai- the warriors of the Pack, they make up the rest of the Pack.

       Middle low: Baegnach- the warriors in training.

       Low: Pups- self explanatory. Protect at all costs

    Pups are the joy bringers of any Pack and if you are born a Faoladh, you are considered "High Born" and even higher born are the elf pure bloods. There is no difference between Faoladhs turned by death or born, although the pain process is different. Pack Mothers are the Women Faoladh's that have recently given birth to a litter of pups or are nursing in the den. The mating system for the Faoladhs is no different then the Ker Wolves. Once mated, you are mated for life, unless your mate dies or given that Faoladhs are also Humaoid,  if your partner cheats, so pick well.



    Alphas of the Faoladh are known to be ruthless and kind, it depends on the leader, but all Alphas need to keep the peace and justice of the Pack, making them the executors of traitors or Leaders of Rituals. Leaders are chosen either by another Pack Mate challenging them to a fight to the death, a Dara being assigned the position when the Alpha deems them ready or by old age, in which one of the Beta's are chosen (this is rare given that Faoladhs have a very long lifespan, humans extending to 300, elves even longer then their previous enlargements). The changing of a human or other race to a Faoladh is a painful process consisting of a month of migrants and bones breaking and realigning. The stages of the process are listed bellow:

       The first three days) headaches begin to occur, causing hallucinations and screaming.

       The next five days) bones begin to crack, your spinal cord shifting to become more lenient.

       The next 7 days) fur begins to slowly sprout from the skin, fingernails lengthening and the skin on your body becoming paper thin.

       The next 12 days) The bones that had been broken begin to realign, causing another bout of excruciating pain while long canines grown in the mouth.

       The last 4 days) the final piece is the actual transformation into the wolf form, which is known to be the worst part, as it all happens at once.

    The following transformations are easier, but still painful, which is why some people prefer to stay in one form.


    The main drawback of being a Faoladh is that if you get any sickness, you are susceptible to becoming a wolf forever, any therefor never change back again. It is taken as a serious problem and the Pack take as much care as they can.  The Packs have a system for traitors which is followed out at all costs:

       -If a Faoladh gives away their pack or Alpha, they will meet out rightful justice

       - If a Faoladh kills or harms any pack mate, they will meet out rightful justice 

       - (The sentence they are given will be carried out by the Alpha, and so the things they do are not all considered death worthy.)


    Many Faoladhs go Bazerk, which is when a Faoladh decides to remain in wolf form but has such a hate for humans that they go into the Bazerk Wild form, which looks like a werewolf from American ledgers. Bazerks roam the countyside and kill off animals and any humans they can get their claws on. They sometimes join forces and wipe out towns, but it is rare given that they are so driven to kill that they often kill their own kind. It is incredibly easy to become Bazerk, and once fully Bazerk, you are forced to leave the Pack for the greater good, which causes problems with the human life around the territory.


    The only way to become a Faoladh is to either die, and to have a Faoladh find you within an hour of death, as to not let the decomposition process go too far, or to have the Alpha or Beta of a Pack mark you. There are four Alpha's, one for each pack: 


    The Summer Pack


    Habitat: lives between Warhawkes-Krugmar

    Diet: Carnivore and/or Man eater

    Size: Ranging anywhere from 4-7 ft tall.

    Color Varieties: Ranging between a brown-to a golden white.

    Skill set: -The Summer Pack is known for it's potions and it's magic, they are rarely fighting with another clan as they are the peace makers and have given up much of their land to other small packs because of this. It is still to be seen if they will ever help in battle.

    -The most laid-back of the Four Packs

    -Avoids conflict with humans/other races at all costs

    The First Leader of the Summer Packs: The First Leader of the Summer Pack was known as Aofie. Aofie was a young Druid girl when she was turned by the Founding Faoladh. Having lived in the heat her whole life, Aofie left the Winter Pack to journey out, seeking a warmer pack.At this time there were another three packs that no long are here. Spring, Winter and Fall, and so her first bet was to get to the Spring Pack, but she did not make it before she fell in love in the Nomad Territory, which was not claimed by any pack yet. She stay their with her beloved until he died of old age, being a human. She was left with a litter of pups witch she delivered the next Summer, and was forced to settle down. Soon, more and more Faoladh's started flocking to the Nomad territory and she had to take control of the Faoladhs, and so she made the Summer Pack.



    The Winter Pack


    Habitat: Form the edges of the Pack to the Northern Coast (Haense-Rivia)

    Diet: Carnivore and/or Man eater

    Size: Ranging from 4-7 ft tall.

    Color Varieties:  The Winter Pack has wolves that range from white to black, with any tint to their fur.

    Skill set: The Winter Pack has very little known about them, being the most secretive. The only skill set we do know of is that they are amazing in battle, but also the most brutal Pack.

    -Vicious to outsiders

    -Hate humans

    -Spend much of their time in Wolf form

    -Most difficult to conceive given the cold climate

    The First Leader of the Winter Pack: The founding Faoladh was the leader of the Winter Pack, en which you can read above ↑


    -------------Red Lines-----------

    -You cannot play as a Faoladh unless turned by an Alpha or died with a Faoladh in your company or finding you.

    -You can only use your Packs specific magic (if it has one) if you are taught by one of the people first

    -If caught turning you must give the person whatever they want, unless they ask for your life or something to do with your Pack

    -You cannot assume you were just born into a Pack, you can either be born and your parent died a Nomad or find a Pack Mother and be born from her.

    -There are no rules restraining the Bazerk side, although it would be helpful if you didn’t go around killing everyone

    -this magical creature is open to any previous race, although if you were a frost witch turned Faoladh that’s no a thing.



  6. Hello, so I had been scrolling through the magical creature application and I was wondering where you applied for it. I already have a person and such in Lord of the Craft but I didn't know if you had to go through the normal application process again as well.

    Please help, thank you!


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