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Posts posted by ADropOfDawn

  1. MC Name: ADropOfDawn

    Character's Name: Sunshine The Jester

    Character's Age: ???


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



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    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:



    Ghosts are wandering souls stuck in the human world. If someone dies unnaturally or they were not baptized when they were alive, their soul will be re-born as a ghost. Some ghosts will find some sort of comfort and move on while others choose not to move on they'd prefer to stay on the mortal plain (I took most of that from the Wiki sorry). 


    3 Stages of a Ghost

    The first stage of a ghost is called a "Haunt." This stage of ghost hasn't realized that he/she is dead yet so they'd continue on with their daily tasks such as baking a cake if they were a baker. Also the ghost will appear the exact same as when they died, so if they were stabbed the wound would be able to be seen on the ghost's body. However the Haunt will soon start to notice things that do not fit in with the illusion that it is still living, such as: if a farmer goes to lye down beside his wife in bed but since the farmers death the wife has remarried and now has a new husband lying in bed beside her (Taken from the wiki again). The ghost which can sense the real world beyond their delusion  becomes very confused and angry at the sight of the new husband. As the ghost begins to notice that it is actually dead it'l try to manifest it's self in a way that the living people around it can see. Although, since the Haunt still believes it's dead it'd be rather difficult to interact with it. The Haunt will always refuse to accept the idea that they are dead, like the farmer would believe that his wife has left him and remarried not that he has died. If you can show the ghost proof that it is intact dead the ghost will break out of the delusion and become the next level of ghost. (I'm taking a lot of this from the wiki, I apologize for that I'm not really good at these sorts of things) 


    The next stage of a ghost is called a "Revenant." This is the most important stage of the ghost because it has now become aware that it is dead. Ghosts will react to this change in a couple of different ways, this shaping how the ghost will turn out. Since the ghost has become aware that it has died, it will now be able to access some of the powers a ghost would have such as: floating, becoming invisible, and shift their appearance. Although these powers are very difficult to master and may take many years to fully master. To access these powers the ghost must forget it's ties to the normal world such as: the laws of physics and mass. They may appear to float but to actually be able to float they must believe in their own weightlessness and the idea that they can float. A new Revenant will have no access to these powers and will still react to things as if it was a physical entity. (Again I'm taking a lot of this from the Wiki) Revenants cannot provide proof to themselves that they have died either. Another person must provide undeniable evidence in order for the ghost to enter the next stage. Revenants usually find this process very upsetting and disturbing. 


    The last stage of a ghost is called a "Poltergeist or Spectre." When Revenants are told they are dead, they can react in 2 ways. The first being that the ghost reacts negatively towards their death. If the Revenant reacts badly to their death and they cannot be calmed down, this will turn the Revenant into a Poltergeist. A Poltergeist is a ghost consumed by anger and hate, they can be identified but their red colour, ashy appearance, and black eyes. Poltergeists have mastered the ability to force their hand on physical people and objects. They will throw things, shriek and scratch or harm people. They will often change their form into an appearance that will scare their victims the most. Poltergeist's cannot become a revenant again and will make it their life purpose to scare and terrorize others. The second way a revenant can react to their death would be in a more calm fashion, these types of ghosts are called Spectres. Spectres are identified by their luminous blue colour, and they're are more neutral ghosts compared to Poltergeists. Spectres have mastered the ability to turn invisible, visible, and they've mastered the ability to change their appearance. They don't typically use their powers to frighten or disturb others, some Spectres can even be playful or mischievous. Spectres are simply ghosts that have made peace with the fact that they have died (I took that from the Wiki). It may take years for a revenant to become a spectre, or naturally if they start to accept death. These 2 types of ghosts will usually avoid each other being very different from each other. 


    Ghost Behaviour

    Ghosts are very shy and mostly keep to themselves unless haunting a place or person. Interacting with non-malevolent will often cause them to vanish. Ghosts prefer quiet places such as: abandon buildings, dark forests, or lonely roads. Ghosts have a gloomy appearance, if they're around another person for to long the effects of the ghost will sort of rub off on the person giving them thoughts of depression. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:




    Hey guys! Sorry if this app seems very confusing and worded improperly I'm not very good at writing like this. I have used some words and examples directly from the Wiki. The rest is sort of in my own words, although all the info is from the Wiki. Again I apologize for the bad wording and terrible punctuation. If you need me to add anything more to the app or remove some from the app please tell me I'm looking for all criticism to help improve my writing!


    Heres the skin https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/483717971877953555/484334095833235466/needs_to_be_ghosted_1.0_test.png



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