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Posts posted by Draycen__


    For the first time in his life, Arric truly felt alone.. Truly felt no one could help him escape the hole he was trapped in. He sat at the bench in Sutica, his sword slowly scraping across the ground and when he looked up, he didn’t see the people of Sutica.. He didn’t see a vibrant city with joy, hope, anger, frustration or ANYTHING.

    He saw a void.

    A void which he knew he couldn't escape from now.. A void, swallowing everything, a void that called him to it. The ground was grey and he saw everyone.. He saw their shadows, laughing at him, mocking him.. He saw them all looking at him waiting for his death.. His voice, a murmur now and his movements unnoticeable as his shivers grew

    “You’re alone.. Why do you keep trying?”

    He heard them speak.. He couldn’t answer. He couldn’t move.. He couldn’t escape the torment of their mockery


    “Look at you.. You’re weak.. You couldn’t even stand.. You never could stand..”

    “You’re wrong..” he would tell them “I.. I can try again..” he would beg with them “Please.. Give me another chance.. I can do it..” They wouldn’t stop.. They wouldn’t care.. Why would they? Who would care about him? He is nothing.. Brought from nothing.. Will die from nothing..


    He couldn’t even stop it.. Stop him.. He did this.. Yes.. That must be it..Right? Yes.. Kill him.. It will stop.. You can be happy.. Again.. Laugh again.. Stop the void..


    “Arric.. You think you could? You’re weak.. I ruined your face and you couldn’t stop me.. I ruined you.. You could never stop me.. Now look at me.. How can you stop me now..?”

    The face.. The only face he could truly see.. He pretended to see everyone else.. But they were a void.. Compared to him.. The eye.. The scars.. He could see them all.. He could see it as clear as day.. See it while surrounded by the cold.. The face of the one.. Who did this.. He DID do this.. It’s all his fault.. Stop him.. It will be better.. Stop this madman.. Stop..




    I.. Can stop you.. I will.. I will kill you..


    The laugh echoes.. The only sound he could hear.. It haunted him, it followed him.. It wouldn’t stop.. The laugh couldn’t stop.. He heard it in his sleep, he heard it walking, he heard it fighting.. He will hear him always..


    “You think you can stop me now? Look what has happened to me.. I can crush you like a fly.. You can’t stop me. You can’t even touch me.”


    I.. Can do it.. I can..


    “You’re a bigger fool than I thought you were, Arric.. You can never kill me. Spen 30 years with the strongest wizard in Atlas.. You will still Die..”


    Just.. Like.. Just like.. Your Wife?


    It halted.. He saw it halt. So he stood, using a long fallen branch as support, he stood, the void still swirling around him, closing in on the shadow and him.


    I.. Can stop you.. Or I will die.. They are my only.. Options.. Now..


    “Then.. I can’t wait to see your corpse”


    Chuckles.. Not from it.. From him.. His helmet and head being thrown back into a laugh of pure insanity


    I.. Can’t wait.. To be free..

  2. While I do LOVE LOTC, I must admit it's raiding rules are less than favourable. Right now they allow players to grief and almost treat the server like a factions server, killing and maiming in order to gain items with little to no consequences. The main thing I have an issue is raiders that hardly RP and put people in a death situation. A great example of this is what happened to me yesterday. I was going about my business and Roleplaying when someone randomly decided they would stand behind my character and start to draw a sword. I've known this player to be a griefer OOC in the past and I decided what any normal person would do if someone wearing a ninja outifit decided to stand behind you and try to draw a sword does, I elbowed him to back off. 

    This player decided he would then defender default to PVP, being able to since I attacked him first, being put in an either "I attack or I die anyways" situation. He then proceeds to wipe the floor with me in PVP take all my items and go about his day like it never happened. This character ALSO has NEVER interacted with my character at all and only decided to take notice of me when I said 'I have all my stuff because I'm moving here'.

    While I do love the rule of being allowed to revive your character as many times as you so desire, it's also left the server in a state of kill frenzy because it's a a fix to a rule that was never there. The amount of quite honestly, PVP goons who raid for loot like LOTC is a factions server,  has sprung from players being able to kill without consent from a GM or the other player and raid without trouble.

    I love playing on LOTC very much but this huge issue of being able to go with bullcrap 'raids' despite them being so obviously "Ooh! That guy's got loot! I'm gonna kill him for OOC reasons, not because my character has any grudges against him!" and then getting away with it because of the rules is hurting my experience and I'm sure a vast majority of players would agree with. 

    Changes I would make to the raiding system:

    Raids must be looked over by a GM/helper/whatever and provide a good IC reason for why they are raiding. Excuses such as 'I want stuff' won't be enough.
    Raids have a set limited time for how long they are allowed to raid for, Eg. 30 mins

    Changes I would make to the killing system:

    A good IC reason must be brought forth for why you are killing the person. If one side of the party disagrees with the reasoning, a GM or other rank can be contacted to either validate the reasoning or deny the reasoning, in which case, a different RP option can be chosen
    This second reason probably wont happen and is a fools dream but, the victim can decide if they want to give over their items or not and SS to CT. This would stop raiding goons and pvp goons who jump at every opportunity to PVP, win and take items.

    Most of these are a fool's dream, I know, but it's a system that annoys the heck out of me, losing my items for doing nothing wrong and because a salty a-hole decided to come along and kill me for no reason.

    Thanks for making this server so great.

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