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Posts posted by EmeraldUpsilon

  1. After 5 months of helping JuniperSelkie with this piece, I’m pretty proud to see her having followed through with this. Through her almost giving up several times due to writer’s block or people fighting against her on it. Through the real life issues she has going on. She’s been strong and I’d like to do what I can to help make sure this lore at the very least makes an impact on the server.


    However, I want to put this out here in clear terms.

    If you don’t like the lore, or even better the mechanics, say why in a constructive manner. Tell us what you dislike, why you dislike it, how you think you could improve it short of outright ripping it out.

    She, and I, are quite open-eared and are consistently listening for feedback.



    For those people who simply don’t want this to pass because they don’t feel it has a place on LOTC, for whatever reason. You don’t want water RP,  “I never liked Thalassos”, personal issues with Juniper, or the likes.  We’d greatly appreciate it if you kept your noise to yourself or at the very least present a coherent reasoning to why or a way it can be improved on other than “It doesn’t belong”.


    Thank you, friends

  2. Hi, folks! I’m the co-author to this lore piece and the one who worked out most of the naming and descriptors.  Just wanted to follow up on JuniperSelkie’s note on LOTC lacking sea life.   --Even if the magic piece attached to this doesn’t pass for whatever reason, we’d like to try to get this pushed through and even expanded upon in the future. Just for the honest sake of immersion and giving people something to work with if anyone else ever did want to try to go for the oceans for roleplay.  Even if there isn’t a huge in-game avenue for oceanic based roleplay right now, text-based and other mediums still need a little bit of material to work with and that is part of the reason we want to add this in.


    On a separate note, I’m hoping that at some point I can introduce some basic ‘sketches’ of these creatures to just give people an idea of how I visualized out these lovely children of Dresdrasil.

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