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Posts posted by CrocsGuy

  1. MC Name: TakesOffCrocs

    Character's Name: Cruk

    Character's Age: 8


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ologs, also referred to as Ogres, are a subrace of orcs. They are the least intelligent but most powerful of the orc subraces. Olog culture is perhaps the most crude of all the races, rising from victories in war, many Ologs will often play with the corpses of fallen enemies. Ologs are led by a Rex, who organizes them in times of war and guides them in times of peace. The holy trinity of an olog is happiness, bloodlust, and hunger. Ologs have the ability to live up to the age of an uruk, however it is a most dishonorable fate to die of natural causes. This is why many ologs die before the age of 100, almost always in combat. Ologs do not possess a culture that goes further than war, as they are usually too unintelligent to read/write, and they are not musically or artistically driven. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand.


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Greetings LOTC. I hope to keep this short and sweet. My goal here is to provide a critique on the current state of villainy on LOTC. As someone who has played a villain for an extended period of time, I have gotten a sense of what both myself as well as fellow players find insufferable with roleplaying as a villain. I have included a TL;DR at the bottom for those who don’t feel like reading through all of my points. Finally, please note that I do not support the generic “minas or die” roleplay, but you’ll understand where this stems from in my post.


    The Glass Ceiling on Villainy RP

    Perhaps this was intended, but villainy RP in general has a glass ceiling in place against it. The only feasible things you can do while roleplaying as a villain are banditry or kidnapping/ransoming. Personally, I came up with the idea to create a “mafia” with some of my friends. That idea fell flat very quickly, due to the aforementioned glass ceiling. Who wants to spend hours wandering roads for the hope of finding someone to steal 100 minas from, or perhaps to kidnap and contain for 2 hours, in exchange for a subpar ransom? Any other “mafia-esque” RP is basically impossible, since the rules themselves are written to prevent such a thing.

    Something that came to mind while formulating my idea were things such as selling narcotics, terrorism, racketerring, and assassination. Each of those have their own issues. Only a small portion of the community roleplays drug use, and most of them decide to omit the fact that drugs are addictive, meaning there is zero market for such a thing. Terrorism is simply impossible. When consulting the possibilities with the moderation team, I was informed that any IRP damage to a region requires PRO permission. Who in their right mind would agree if I approached them and asked if I can set their settlement on fire IRP (not to mention a lack of explosives, but that's another issue)?
    Racketeering cannot be done, also due to the glass ceiling. When you enter a settlement with malicious intent, it is considered a raid. Unfortunately, approaching a nation leader and demanding “protection” money is considered malicious intent. Why do I require a raiding party, likely a large PvP fight, and multiple hours of gameplay in order to passive-aggressively extort money from someone? Assassinations also have no place on LOTC, mainly because you cannot force a character to PK (which I am fully comfortable with, don’t get me wrong), therefore your efforts of planning and execution are fruitless, at most causing a scene and making the victim forget 30 minutes of roleplay.  


    OOC Hatred of Villainy RPers

    On most, if not all, of the administrator posts, it is explained that LOTC is meant to be an environment free of toxicity, as well as the notion that players must keep their OOC and IRP emotions separate.  Well, my villainy had about a 70% success rate. During the remaining 30%, confrontations arose. There is only one time I can remember where I was not berated in OOC chat for my actions on my character during such a confrontation (shoutout to the halfings). The remainder of the confrontations usually resulted in either death or successful escape. Well, according to many players, death is too easy of a way out for someone who roleplays as a villain. Much of the time, I would be berated for simply playing a villain, attempting to kidnap someone and failing, or simply attempting to run. Oftentimes, I was insulted for not providing proper roleplay.

    Perhaps I was personally at fault, although I try my best to avoid unjustified and generic villainy roleplay. Usually, it came down to “we are right, and you are wrong”. For those of you who find that this is a select group of players, you’d be surprised to hear that some staff, who will not be mentioned, engaged in the OOC conflicts as the opposing party. The main point being, when you play as a villain, you are forced to deal with OOC hatred simply for the fact that you are a villain IRPly. However, this is an issue of mentality, and I doubt this can be changed.


    Events & Villainy
    In my year and a half on LOTC, I have seen many organized events happen, most recently Athera. Though I have not personally participated, all of them share a common theme; the players are forced to play as protagonists, with no place for villainy roleplay during events. This is more of a suggestion than a point, however, it would be nice to see events having more diversity, perhaps some choice as to whether you wish to roleplay as a villain (antagonist) or a protagonist, or events that add some substance to villainy roleplay. 



    1. There is a heavy restriction on how far one can get via villainy RP. Many illicit activities are restricted or simply impossible due to the way the rules are structured.

    2. Playing as a villain oftentimes results in OOC conflict, simply because you are playing as a villain.

    3. Events have no place for villainy RP, and force the player to act as the “protagonist” with no flexibility in that regard.


    That will be all. Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Feel free to leave any comments, questions, or concerns. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Hopefully we see some changes to villainy in the future. 

  3. [!] A raven would drop a note into the hands of Gamigin.

    “The ****...” he would mutter as he opened the note. He would read the contents and sit down on the grass with a frown. Gamigin was mostly apathetic towards death, writing it off as an inevitable part of nature. “Never thought I’d outlive the bastard.” he’d mutter under his breath. As he collected himself, he’d roll some Cactus Green in the note, remembering that Evindal had taught him how to do so. As he lit the creation, he would take a puff before deciding to head to Ruswick to see about erecting a statue in honor of his fallen comrade. He would toss the roach into the grass before setting off, muttering “Pulvis et umbra sumus.”




    [!] A missive is sent to all factions within Arcas, mainly Al-Faiz. Attached to it would be a sketch of the victim. It would read:

    “We have captured a female identifying herself as Aera. She will be held prisoner awaiting a ransom of 1,500 minas to be paid. If the ransom is not paid within one saint’s hour, she will be subjected to torture and experimentation and/or sold to the highest bidder. Any military retaliation will be met with the mutilation/termination of the subject. Martii vel mori.

    The missive is signed by one called “Patrinus”.




    [!] A missive is sent to all factions within Arcas, mainly those of the A.I.S. Attached to it would be a sketch of the victim. It would read:

    “We have captured a man identifying himself by multiple names, including Rederan, Aldred, Gamling, and Janislav. He will be held prisoner awaiting a ransom of 1,500 minas to be paid. If the ransom is not paid within one saint’s hour, he will be subjected to torture and experimentation and/or sold to the highest bidder. Any military retaliation will be met with the termination of the subject. Martii vel mori.

    The missive is signed by one called “Patrinus”.




    [!] A missive is sent to all factions within Arcas, mainly Helena. Attached to it would be a sketch of the victim. It would read:

    “We have captured a wonk identifying herself as Gribb. She will be held prisoner awaiting to be sold to the highest bidder. Any military retaliation will be met with the termination of the subject. Martii vel mori.”

    The missive is signed by one called “Patrinus”.



    [!] A missive is sent to all factions within Arcas, mainly Morsgrad. Attached to it would be a sketch of the victim. It would read:

    “We have reacquired our dear Edlyn. She will be held prisoner awaiting a ransom of 1,500 minas to be paid. If the ransom is not paid within one saint’s hour, she will be subjected to torture, experimentation and/or sold to the highest bidder. Any military retaliation will be met with the termination of the subject. Martii vel mori.

    The missive is signed by one called “Patrinus”.



    [!] A missive is sent to all factions within Arcas, mainly Brandy Brook. It would read:

    “We have captured a halfling identifying herself as Incadence. She will be held prisoner awaiting a ransom of 1,500 minas to be paid. If the ransom is not paid within one saint’s hour, she will be subjected to torture and experimentation and/or sold to the highest bidder. Any military retaliation will be met with the termination of the subject. Martii vel mori.”

    The missive is signed by one called “Patrinus”.



    [!] A missive is sent to all factions within Arcas, mainly Haense. It would read:

    “We have captured a female identifying herself as Maggie or Margaret. She will be held prisoner awaiting a ransom of 1,500 minas to be paid. If the ransom is not paid within one saint’s hour, she will be subjected to torture and experimentation and/or sold to the highest bidder. Any military retaliation will be met with the termination of the subject. Martii vel mori.

    The missive is signed by one called “Patrinus”.

  10. eQZkeTG.png


    [!] A missive is sent to all factions within the empire, mainly Helena. It would read:

    “We have captured 2 females, found near Helena. They will be tortured and handed over to the A.I.S., unless we are paid 2500 minas per female. We give you one saints hour to get the adequate amount of minas to us, or they will face a fate worse than death. Martii vel mori.”

    The missive would be signed by one called “Dux”.

  11. **MC Names of all involved**



    Brewing stands that I purchased at CT are disappearing from my inventory after I SS to Talon’s Grotto.

    **Date of occurance**
    11/21/2019, anywhere from 9:00 to 11:00 EST

    **In game specifications**
    I was playing my human character, Gamigin. I was gathering supplies for a build.

    **Steps to Reproduce**
    1. SS to Cloud Temple
    2. Purchase a brewing stand at the market in the Cloud Temple
    3. SS to your city, in my case Talon’s Grotto
    4. Look in your inventory, then proceed to get anxious about your severe memory loss

    **Expected Behavior**
    I should safely bring my purchased items through teleportation.

    **Actual Behavior**
    My items and my minas disappear after SSing.

    **Additional Information**
    I first purchased 2 brewing stands at CT from the market. I then SSed to Talon’s Grotto if that is important. After a while, I noticed that I’m missing the 2 brewing stands. I thought that I simply misplaced them, sucked it up and purchased another one. I SS to Talon’s Grotto, lo and behold it disappears.

    **Error Message**

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