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Application Comments posted by Nalvage

  1. This is the winter alternate skin, the necessary changes have been made, I believe. Tell me if I need to use this instead or another, in case the main one isn't lore-friendly.

    Nalvage winter skin ref.PNG

  2. 5 hours ago, Ivoryyy_ said:

    Changed Status to Pending


    Thank you so much for reviewing my application ! My bad, I didn't see these in the application rules, I'll get to the necessary changes right away ! As far as references go, I used this 

    as it was in the section titled Starting Locations in the Mortal Realm. I referenced some of the legends there as a base for the coven as far as acquiring magical knowledge through the same means as the exiled/hermit mage, but ultimately I created the House Einsof as more of a lineagel to give the character more connection and value to his family than I can personally write or express, but I'll correct it. I also didn't know that eye color would be a problem with the fantasy setting, and I'll edit that in the final submission, could you tell me if these edited skins might work for my character besides the eye color right now, at least the clothes? The idea is to have a hunter's coat that's sufficiently blended to the environment, I need to know if I have to simplify it.


    Nalvage Skin edit.png

    Nalvage 2.PNG

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