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Application Comments posted by swaith

  1. Interesting Facts:


    “Very interested in studying - more so than the average forest dwarf Bal'ayle shares an affinity for dusty tomes and seeking meaning between the lines, often wanting to visit the places mentioned in the texts he is so in love with his avid interests draw him to new horizons.”  (Dedicated student and researcher) 


    “Bal'Ayle is not very tolerable of fools and believes in honor above all else, honest to a fault but sly, Bal'Ayle cannot help but speak up when faced with dishonorable behaviour, almost to his own detriment and frequently getting involved in situations that have nothing to do with him.” (Honour bound but willing to “bend the truth”)

    “Because of his interest in studying, he has developed a sense of grandeur that is often irritating to others around him, and while silver tongued, when it serves his purpose but rarely outright lying, he is often taken as judgmental, prejudiced, and egocentric. Not the most endearing qualities, but if you can get him to swear and oath, you will never find anyone more dedicated to keeping his word. Should you take what he says at face value however, without the oath? then the truth is up for debate.” (Awfully judgemental, very prejudiced and rarely bothered in the plight of others outside of his own interests.)

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