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Posts posted by Raguk


    Report 2.: Duh Bruuz.






    Mi dun gruk wu’ mi ben told



    Account, as told by: ZrarlyRAGUK

    11th of the Grand Harvest, 1686

    At the city state of Holm



         We rallied in Belvitz—a wonderful city if I must say myself—when the sun was at its peak. There were a hundred of us in total, with ten being mercenaries. It was a sight to be seen, the might of KRUGMAR.


         Anyways, we headed South up the steep road and passed through into Holm territory without any resistance. We then reached Holm itself, the citizens scrambling for their homes. Once we actually entered, there were but a few: the visitors of the city and a kha that seemed to be of some importance.


         They, the visitors, quickly geared themselves but could not organize for we were already upon them. A Lak took down the Kha and a RAGUK defeated Borin. The rest? They were ignored, unworthy prisoners as they were nothing but cowards.


         I raided their tavern, however, stuffing my sack with booze and foods of all sorts. Holm’s drinks were quite plain, but as expected as a mishmosh of cultures. Taverns could only sell brews that they knew many would enjoy, and there were very little boozes that met that standard


    That is all there is to it, really, other than executing Borin with Thoak Goldhand as a spectator.


         A few days after the execution, Durrr’Lak and Glottgut’Raguk, the Swampgoth and Wargoth respectively, arrived at Holm followed by a small contingent of orcs. There, they caused conflict with the people within, and thus skirmished a group of Holmite defenders, who appeared to not even be of Holmite origin.


         The orcs and their allies initially held their ground against the defenders in the field, where they managed to bring one down and cause the others to flee. There they chased, until one looped around and managed to mortally wound an orc. From there, the enemy skirmishers were finished off.

    14th of the Grand Harvest, 1686

    Scribed by:

    Zkribblr of RAGUK




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