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Posts posted by GraWolfQuinn

  1. MC Name: GraWolfQuinn

    Character's Name: Micin Coztic

    Character's Age: 16


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Kharajyr are a feline race created by Metztli, a daemon who wished to create her own life. They were born when Metztli crossed ocelots with infants that she stole from civilization. After many experiments she finally created a perfect white-pelted specimen named Tlatlanni, but was unable to reproduce him, trying many times to do so. But through her attempts to recreate Tlatlanni, she created the rest of the Kha; the Kha’Leparda- a ‘jack of all trades’ type, not excelling at anything in particular- the Kha’Cheetrah, excelling at speed and hunting- the Kha’Pantera, excelling at thievery- and the Kha’Tigrasi, excelling at fighting and strength.


    Kha reach maturity at 15 years old, and at around 150 they will die, however some blessed by Metztli have lived past this. They are typically 5”2 to 6”4. Kha also have felid abilities and can run on all fours like cats.


    Kha have a deeply complex society and culture. They worship Metztli in a deep and committed faith, and many do not believe she is a daemon. Metztli is known to them as their Muuna- their moon mother- and they live by doing their best to make her pleased with them. This is due to a rich history in which the Kha have been punished and rewarded on the basis of their collective deeds. As well as this, romance works interestingly with the Kha; when they see someone destined to be their “metz’al”- their lifemate- they know as soon as they see them. Before maturity, young Khas are known as kittens, and upon turning 15, they undergo a trial of adulthood. After they complete the trial, they receive the title of “S’”. They also don’t typically wear any clothes besides a loincloth or a breastplate. This is due to their covering of fur, they don’t see a need for clothes. 


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. [!]

    Notices are posted on boards all throughout Atlas. Among the locations are Sutica, Elven settlements, and Dunshire, as well as several human settlements including Belvitz though avoiding the Empire of Man. The lettering is written messily, but it is still legible. It reads as follows:


    I am seeking a family to serve. I am an honest, hard working man, I am quite proficient and experienced in cleaning and guarding, and I may act as a protector for your home and children. I will be glad to clean up and run errands. All I ask in return is a place to sleep and store my belongings.

    It must also be noted that I am a Kharajyr. 

    Send a letter to Derne Amoxi if you are interested.

  3. [[OOC]]

    IGN: GraWolfQuinn



    Name: Derne De’Jyr

    Race: Kharajyr (Kha’Pantera)

    Age: 31

    School(s) and Certifications applying to: The School of Magic, The Institute of Health; Bachelor’s Certification of Magical Ability in the Arcane, Associate’s Certification of Ability in Basic Medicines

    Magics known prior: N/A

    Are you interested in teaching, should you complete a degree?: Certainly.

    Do you accept the rules and regulations of the Eternal College and of Fi’halen?: Yes.

  4. Initiate Application

    MC name: GraWolfQuinn

    Character Name: Derne De’Jyr

    Race: Kharajyr

    Age: 31

    Do you know any magic currently?: No.

    Which subject do you plan to learn?: Conjuration.

     Do you swear to abide by the rules of the academy?: I swear.

  5. Cat-scratch scrawlings are written in signs all over Atlas. Each etched letter are careful and deliberate, made to be as neat as possible.

    Derne De’Jyr is a Kharajyr of black fur and sensible dress seeking a job in return for a warm home and food. Derne is willing to be a servant or a maid. Derne is a very diligent worker and only asks for a place to sleep- although an offer including a steady stream of minas shall stand higher priority. Please contact Derne De’Jyr by bird or letter if you are interested.


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