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Posts posted by __June

  1. Dear All,


             To commemorate my reunion with the Vuiller family, I’m writing a brief introduction for those who are too young to remember who I am, which is essentially all of you. (I was born in FA 1755, probably making me older than the dirt you walk on.)

             My brother and I were adopted by Johan Vuiller c. FA 1760, and we were raised in Vuillermoz. Most of my spare time as a kid was admittedly spent playing practical jokes on people around me, or just generally causing mayhem. On one of these escapades, I ended up learning some Waldenian, and in the present day, I am fluent in the language. Sometime after that, I began learning medicine, which then allowed me to serve as a Combat Medic in the Scyfling War. Thankfully, I was learning how to properly wield a sword around the same time I had begun learning medicine. After this war, I had a bit of a grapple with how fragile life truly was, and took a leave of more than a few years, which brings me to roughly where I am now.

             I believe that generally concludes my very brief summary of my life thus far, and would be willing to elaborate on any of it if you can find me in my travels of Almaris.


    Ayla Vuiller

  2. Returning to Haense with a smile, Syvis would wander around, wondering where everyone was. An air of happiness would be around her as she bounced towards the palace, finally locating her friends once again. She’d tap Mio on the shoulder, gaining no recognition at first. However, she’d simply ask for Bjorn, having some tea with her that she wanted to share with him over a nice chat. As the news finally reached her ears that her best friend was long gone, tears would well up in her eyes, ”GODAN, why was I not there?” She’d yell out into the distance, ”I didn’t outlive any of vy.. I should’ve been the first to go.” She’d stare blankly at the adjacent wall, seemingly not hearing any of the next few words that were spoken to her. So many thoughts would course through her head, rendering her almost entirely useless as Mio kept talking to her as she sat on the floor in pure shock as she recalled all of her memories from the time she had spent with Bjorn, Jack, Mio, and Ionian. The memories were all fond, and she longed to have them all back, she wanted to take back the years she was gone and she wished she had spent more time with the four of them, drinking and laughing as they used to in their younger years.
    – – – – – 
    Later in the evening after most of the traumatic news she’d heard that day, she’d look up to the setting sun, taking in the beauty of the hues that were painting the sky tonight, ”I hope you’re happy up there, Bjorn. I miss you. Maybe sometime we could share some tea?” She’d chuckle weakly before she eventually fell asleep beneath the stars.


    I looked up at the darkened sky, the stars twinkling faintly. Midnight, I thought to myself, Where is she? As I looked around, I spotted a figure on the rocks, wondering if it was my fiance. I started walking towards it, hoping I was right. Then I heard it. Faintly at first, but an eerie song carried through the air, reaching me and sending chills down my spine. I walked forwards, not even noticing that I was moving towards the creature. Its song started drawing me towards it, and as I got closer, I realized my mistake. But by then it was too late. I examined the creature, its elegant features being quite terrifying up close. Once I was close enough, it hit me to the ground with its powerful tail, then dove into the water and swam further out, using its beautiful song to drag me to my demise...




    Sirens are born of watery deaths, and depending on your appearance beforehand, the changes you may go through while becoming one may vary. The features of these creatures are similar to those of elves while they're on land. They're fairly tall with pointed ears. However, a defining characteristic of these creatures is that of their dark hair and dark eyes. To become a siren, one must find a 'bottomless pool' of water. Once there, you drop an item made of aurum into the water as a sacrifice. You then dive into the water without any armor or weapons. Two beautiful sirens will rush towards you and end your mortal life. From there, your character will undergo some changes, they will grow taller and their ears will become more pointed, but while in the water, their legs will change, becoming powerful tails, their fingers almost turning to claws, their eyes will become an inky black, and they won't need to breathe while in the water, allowing them to stay beneath the water for as long as they desire. After they're turned to sirens for the first time, they can go back onto land, although it will take 30 Elven Minutes to go back to their 'human form.' However, when they wish to return to the water, it takes 5 Elven Minutes to become a siren once more.
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