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Posts posted by ElNarnsaeAme

  1. ❈ A Celebration of New Life ❈





    When an elven woman finds herself to be with child, it is one of life’s most joyous moments. Those lucky enough to be in the Bear Mother’s favor are treated with the utmost praise and respect. Priests from myumierir’sul of elnarnsae’ame often accompany a woman throughout her pregnancy, to guide her through prayer for strength, and to keep she and her child protected. Somewhere between the middle of her pregnancy, and before childbirth, a celebration is thrown to congratulate the woman, and make offering to Bolomormaa for future and ongoing protection.


    The preparation for the woman’s ritual begins the night before its scheduled date, where her husband sets off on a hunt for a bear. Meanwhile, the next morning, priests and friends of the celebrated help to gather the necessary materials for the ritual, including flowers, drums, and candles. The pregnant woman is meant to display her best self for the occasion, and usually decorates herself in plenty of jewelry and a dress. Many choose to allow a priest or one of their friends to paint the skin of their swollen stomach with symbols and depictions of nature.


    Those invited gather at a shrine dedicated to Bolomormaa, in a circle with either their drum or candle, leaving a space in the middle with pillows and pelts for the pregnant woman to sit. Here, she will be gifted what the father has hunted, whether it be furs, or a necklace made of the teeth. Then, he will crown her with a tiva wreath made of rosebuds and lotus. Guests may then offer their own flowers to the woman, normally including sweet pea and heather, alongside other gifts.


    Following this, the group begins their drumming and prayers to the Princess of Bears, while the attending priest and women give offering. Her ritual is followed closely, and is given barely any change aside from its conclusion, where the pregnant woman is to speak Lentos’leh Halen - The Bear’s Promise.


    “Bolomormaa, Haelun'Lentosan

    erneh kae'leh iheiuhii hiylun'ehya weliera.

    kae iyl'Malii evar halere

    il'cerun iyul lentos'ohn.”


    “Bolomormaa, Mother of bears,

    May you hear my voice and Spirit.

    I swear to protect this child,

    With the strength of a bear.”



    The end to the day is just as cheerful and lighthearted as it began. A feast is thrown in honor of the woman and her pregnancy. Drums tend to pick up once again, tempting many into dance, whilst others busy themselves with weaving tiva wreaths. Naturally, up until her due date and after the ritual, a woman is spoiled in gifts and prayers and tokens of good luck in the weeks, months, and years to come.





    Written by hellebore. Thank you to Nivndil for translation, and also for editing along ThumperJack and Demigryph. ❤️


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