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Application Comments posted by P4NDA_Lou

  1. What is Metagaming?: Metagaming is using information that isn’t from your characters perspective to your advantage. For example, if you knew the person you were talking to had a bow, but your character hasn’t met them yet, you call out ‘They have a weapon!’ even though your character has no idea about the weapon.
    What is Powergaming?: The forcing of actions. Your actions are more like commands than actions. Meaning that the person you are doing the actions to gets to choose to imply or to reject the action. For example power gaming would be: “I stab the elf” where as you should use “I try to stab the elf”.
    Ezra is a maid of the Merton Family. She grew up, as a young child, on the streets in Renatus not knowing her family. A family of Highlanders saw her on the streets and felt empathy for her, the family took her under their wing, fed her and gave a roof over her head. When she was old enough, she became a maid for the family. Ezra never speaks of their name, only calls them ‘Madam’, ‘Sir’, ‘Miss’ and ‘Master’. Her only friend was Antony who was two years older and was the family’s stable carer. They played together in the free time and made each other laugh when the other was feeling down. But one day, when Ezra was twelve, Anotny crept into the maid sleeping room to share a cookie with Ezra. He was caught when the father of the family woke to the sound of giggling and came into the room. The father took Antony away by horse back into another city to serve another family. His final words were a whisper, ‘Goodbye Ezra’ and with a warm smile, he was taken. Then came the waiting, the cleaning, feeding and anticipation for the father to come back. After almost a year of the father, who hasn’t returned yet, Ezra packed a small bag and ran from the home to find her lost friend.
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