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Posts posted by ImStuckInLimbo

  1. MC Name: ImStuckInLimbo

    Character's Name: Marcus Clearwater

    Character's Age: 16


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Undead (Ghost)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Brief explanation of the lore behind a GHOST:

    A ghost is evolving from one stage to another depending by a few criteria about what I will refer below. The stages through which a ghost passes , or “levels” are:

        The first stage – Haunt . As a haunt , the ghost is thinking that it is a normal person , that it is still alive , doing what it makes everyday . The ghost has no knowledge that it is dead , it being caught in a delusional world , that is half reality and half constructed of its memories . All this time it will think what all things are good , his mind being blurred , but after time , strange things will happen that will make the haunt confused . Friends and the ghost’s close persons will feel his lack . Someone can talk about that person (the ghost) died and the house where it lived now is not his . This things will make the haunt confused , wanting to look for another answer to these questions . One time the haunt will realize what of her death , but this thing is possible only if the  proof what it  is dead can’t have another response . A concrete proof what the haunt is dead is to see his own body in front of him or where his body was buried.

        The second stage – Revenant . As a revenant , the ghost makes the “important decisions” what will affect her rest of life as a ghost . This is the point where the ghost has become aware that they are dead and now exist as spirits. All this time , the ghost knows what he is dead , and he needs to accept this . The ghost what can’t accept that he is dead develops a dark part in it . As a revenant , the ghost will begin to harness the powers of a normal ghost

        The last stage – Poltergeist or Spectre . At the last stage , after the revenant accepted or not if he is dead becomes a Poltergeist or Spectre . The ghost becomes poltergeist if he don’t accepts if he is dead . Poltergeists are ghosts consumed by anger and hate. They can be identified by their strong red color, ashy appearance, or completely black eyes . They are very violent, desiring only the evil of all and destroying everything that comes out of their way . The ghosts can become spectre if only it accepts if he is dead . Spectres are the opposites of Poltergeist . They possess the same powers as Poltergeist’s ones , but they use them for good proposes , typically not harming other creatures .

    (Credits to JustBany for desc.)



     Marcus Clearwater was the squire of Ajax II during the time that they were in Atlas. He trained well and fought well, though the boy did have a sharp tongue sometimes, which usually got him into nasty skirmishes with people of Norland and Sutica. One time, whilst in Sutica, he and a few others chanced upon a dreadknight. It demanded for food for its master, but was denied multiple times. It began to get violent, and, in the process of the fight, Marcus lunged forward to take an arrow for a sage. The arrow, thrown by the dreadknight, collided with his hand, exploding on impact and taking his hand off. The dreadknight was eventually exterminated, and the sage offered Marcus a wooden hand, and he agreed, but someone suggested that he got a functional hand from a mage. He sought out this mage in the treck from Axios to Atlas, and indeed got one, only to recieve a sword to the throat mere days later. The boy had thrown himself in front of an unsuspecting innocent who was about to be slain by a saint, thus taking the fatal blow for the man. His body was dumped into the ocean, but his spirit still lingers after 80+ years.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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