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Posts posted by Weabonache



    Canonical Thesis on Humility and Poverty

    “Though he has given me the ability to reap all benefits of this world, I give this gift back in humility for all I need is GOD” Joe the PIOUS




    1. Canonical Perspective on Humility and Poverty

    2. Expectations of the Laity

    3. Expectations of the Clergy


    Canonical Perspective on Humility and Poverty

    GOD calls all men and women of Descendant race to strive to be humble and replace worldly indulgence with consumption of faith. Humility can be described as poverty of the spirit or dependence before GOD. To fully understand and relinquish worldly pleasures and credit when due is to accept that we are dependent on GOD’s goodwill and graces so much so that no other matter of worldly proportions can holy even a flicker before GOD’s importance. This same ideology can be applied to material wealth, as though to be rich is not a sin, many vices pertaining to misuse of wealth are outlined in the Scroll of Virtue given to Horen the Exalted by GOD himself. To relinquish all items of worldly value is to show your understanding before GOD that all came through him, and by virtue of subsidiarity, he is above all wealth material. This is a great virtue for to be fully dependant on GOD and his graces is to be a saint on earth.

    Expectations of the Laity

    As a collective body under the Church we are all expected to strive to understand and learn of our faith in a more full and profound manner. This expectation develops as when a man of GOD learns of some previously unknown manner in which they can expand the graces of their own faith they are expected to utilize that manner. This thesis is meant to spread the ideals of Humility and Poverty to the populace so that more may practice the virtues of charity, humility, and abstinence.

    Expectations of the Clergy

    The Clergy are the more learned members of the Canonical Church who have dedicated their lives towards the pursuit of GODLY virtue. This virtuous life is expected to turn to proselytization of one’s neighbor, and so we are held to a higher standard. As a member of the Clergy we are looked to as a standard of how to act, and the more Humble and charitable members who practice abstinence and other virtues outlined in the Scroll of Virtue and the other inerrant scriptures bestowed to the Prophets of yore by GOD the more parishioners will imitate those actions and incorporate them into their own lives. Wealth is not bad and the Church needs finance in order to maintain its status and spread the good word of GOD, but the misuse of finance by Clergy for enjoyment or gluttony is greatly looked down upon as those funds could be directed towards other more appropriate programs.

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