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Posts posted by Scorpio_Sage

  1. While I do like the is idea of messenger animals whether they be birds, frogs, rats, etc.... I do feel how they're used needs more clarification. (Here is how I'd personally change them for crp use). 'Birds' if are used for summoning help/assistance, emote range should be adjusted to shout range and in a unroofed area. My reasoning for this, is so that both parties are aware that a 'bird' summons is happening and can have chance to react to it. (This emote should be obvious)  Also the 'bird' should be actually animal head in the senders hand at the time of the summoning/sending. Message itself, since it's written in haste should be one to three short sentences tops. 'Birds' like other rp interactions should have set dc to hit and disable them from use. If disabled then another 'bird' summoning/sending would have to take place before another attempt can be made.

  2. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Wood Elf (Honorary Orc)


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Shamanism (Farseer)


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  3. --------------------

    IGN - WildWyvern

    Discord - WildWyvern#3228


    RP Name - Shonkhor'Lur

    Race - Honorary

    Age - 203

    Shaman or want to be one? - Want to be a Farseer

  4. Shonkhor'Lur sits in thought on the roof the krugian barn, as he take another long drag from his wooden pipe. *Peace always has a price, whether it be coins or blood. Only childish fools believe that freedom is something truly bestowed or given right. Like everything else in this world, freedom must be bought or fought for on the battlefield.*  "Mi wandarz, wut da neu prinzi will doah noa? Zhould beeya inzturaztin toah peep." *The medic muses to himself, before returning his charges at the clinic.

  5. I have to agree with Hurfer, it's to be rough for some nations that have focused on primarily rp to keep their nations alive. Will now have to force some kind of taxation/colllection on their citizens to survive.  While I'm sure they're be some players that willing give to support their nations, it could get expensive if you have multiple personas and different cities that need money for upkeep. I don't like such a small mina limit to player banks, at least let people store up to 5000 mina before we have to pay upkeep fees. Finally I'm curious how the scarcity of mina will affect basic trade rps like taverns. Finally I'd like a full guide on how the other professions work and play out in the long run, so I can better chose one to suit my rp needs.

  6. The honorary, Shonkhor'Lur watches thoughtfully as the great orc city fell into fiery ruin. Many memories both heartfelt and heartbreaking race through his mind as he boards the boat with his pet frog hopping behind him. *This is isn't the end, we will rise again from these ashes.*  As boat swiftly departs the elf wonders what new trials would test them in days to come.

  7. I do realize peace between rp communities isn't always possible and living together is always plausible. Yet hopefully after we clear out some of dead charters the staff will reopen the process again for those that need it. Though I'm curious what the future will holds for charters and maintaining them.

    1 hour ago, Ryloth said:

    A lot of cultures on LoTC do not cope well with diversity. Several of them are isolationists, and are highly discriminated against. Compromise and common ground are extremely difficult in many current nations to obtain, and the ones where it can be found, there are other factors that drive away groups of players. You can not find equality between two different cultures. There will always be problems. If some can be dealt with, that’s great; but it can’t all be dealt with.


  8. First off I'm glad to see a temporary charter lock down to help thin out dead or dying charters. There's no reason split the role-play between so many places on the map. There no good reason for every race to have a racial hub, races when they can should try working and living alone side each other to build a diverse rp community not put up walls. Slice of life rp is fun, but doing rp that involves compromise and looking for common ground can be very rewarding as well. Yes I know that of rp isn't always the easiest but as rpers I feel we should strive to welcome such challenges and not shy away from them.

  9. Perhaps the new Cloud Temple should just be a place for players to do the following:Get resurrected after an rp death. Basic rp and lore info help and tutorial.Not  to be used as a legit rp hub, as that’s what towns and cities are for.Way-station to bigger racial cities/rp hubs for small mina fee or players can simple walk if they wish. Very basic resource area for players to use. Allow you to trade basic materials for minas. Use minas to purchase much harder to obtain materials and decor items.


  10. The medic on hand recalls the tragic events of the evening. The orcs allies in question, came to Irrinor to sell their goods to the locals. Some of the khas present took great offense to the orcish shaman wearing one of their kins pelts. When confronted on this matter, the shaman was willing to barter the pelt back to them for price of 500 minas.


    Originally the khas agreed to these terms and the exchange was going to be made and perhaps things were going to be settled. Yet during this exchange the khas and two of the local elves decided attack the orcs unjustly and a skirmish ensued. After several requests from other locals and finally the high chieftain to stop the attacks on the orcish allies, the high chieftain ordered that kha attackers be slain for the these violent attacks on Irrinite allies.


    The cub in question, was  only slain after several warnings by the  chieftain to stop his violent assault on the half-ling druidess in his attempt to reclaim the pelt from her. While what happened was unsettling indeed. The slaying of the khas was not done with ill intent but due to their needless violence against the two orcs when more peaceful routes could have been taken.

  11. Hsieh-Tao Jian, while deeply saddened by the loss of his loving father.  Nearly thirteen now, he feels that he must remain solemn and strong to best respect the passing of his father. The youth does his at most to comfort his mourning mother and sister, feeling no anger, only admiration for his father’s bravery and sacrifice.

  12. I can’t say I think this is the  best method either, it definitely needs to have less vagueness. I’ve played on other role play areas where you had to apply to become a villain character if you wanted to rp anything beyond a common roadside thug. Not best method but it kept the rp areas from being over run with tons of cookie cutter villains.


    While I’ve also seen some places make it where you where only allowed to role-play as one villainous persona per player (which included alts) which I liked. The reason I liked this is because kept players from making several villains personas to cycle through to possibly troll other players or groups, and then just switch to another villain persona when things got too heated.


    With that said, there can be badly played heroes too, players that think their good guys/girls are invincible. This can come in the form of powergaming to avoid death or capture, metaing to locate the villains, or modreq mid role play because it’s not going their way.  While this can happen with villain types as well, it tends to be much higher with hero types. People need remember this go both ways, conflict blacklist isn’t best idea but it’s start.

  13. Honestly pvp gooning or raiding ET event is bad taste for starters, pvp should be barred from such events as it has no place.  I mean if you get bandit on the way to the event is is one thing but during is just tacky.

  14. MC Name: WildWyvern

    Character's Name: Jin Tao

    Character's Age: 6


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Creature/Entity Application format:        


     Format your title as follows: [CA] [Hou-Zi] [Scorpio_Sage]       


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    At their humble beginnings the Hou-Zi were an simple primates, before reaching their evolved and enlighten forms. They were merely simple animal lacking the knowledge of advancements:  fire, more complex tools, farming, or other refinements. Finally fortune would smile down on these simple creatures as their nature cleverness and cooperative nature, caught attentions of the Dameon Melzli.


    After searching for awhile she choose to uplift a successful pack leader of a large primate troop, which come to be called Hou-Shen the Monkey King. In exchange for these gifts he was to be her vassel and spread this path of enlightenment and uplifted existence with his people.


    With their new found sentience, Hou-shen a and his three son would lead the Hou-zi into brief but golden age of their existence. During their infancy they dealt mainly within the jungle, yet the overtime Meltzi would push them to want more and move beyond the safety of their jungle homes.  It was this great push, that would mark the beginning conquests in the lands of Axios. of the This time of prosperity and growth lasted nearly five decades.


    With their expansion into Axios the Hou-zi would come to face a new threat, the elves. At first the elves played little mind to these now more intelligent primates. Yet as the these primates began to emerge from the forests in the more alarming, the elves had no choice but to take notice. It was then that elves several diplomats were sent in hopes making connections with this newly merged race of primates. To their frustration the elves were turned away and took this as mark aggression and prepare to go to war as did the Hou-zi.


    Though the Hou-zi were successful at driving back the elves in the begin of these conquests, in time the elves able to get the upper in the war and reduce the fledgling empire to ruins.  Not only would they lose Hou-shen during this but his three sons would soon follow him in death from assassination in later wars with the other three races.

    In the end the great Hou-zi were defeated, surrendered and forced back into the jungles from which they came or be faced with death.  


    Briefly explain the racial lore behind this construct or creature:


    Like his father, Jin Tao is learning to practice both Shenjiao and Huajiao. Shenjiao is the veneration of the Godking Hou-Shen,  his three sons (Hou-Shen, Hou-Xiao, and Hou-Da), as well as the ancestral spirits. It is the oldest of the two practiced faiths of the Hou-zi people. Each of these sons represent an elemental aspects of wind, water and earth, respectively.  While Huajiao dictate requires one to pay homage to the Prophet Hualian, strict following the tenets of eightfold path to reach enlightenment. This dogma encompasses learning the four truths, a group of realities that expound the nature of existence itself.

    Subraces of Hou-zi:


    Laobai-Zhu are the most common and most numerous type if Hou-zi subraces, they sometimes referred to as the common tribe. They kind tends to fill the lower of the spectrum of social roles such as fisherman, farmers, and in some rare cases merchants. Of all the sub races, Laobai-Zhu are the most malleable able to to learn an array of skills, at the price not becoming true masters of them.


    Fei-Zhu- are said to be the fairest and swiftest of all the hou-zi subraces. Unlike the other subraces of hou-zi’s they are known for their ever brilliant array of fur color that be just about any color on the spectrum.  They typically take up roles suited to the noble cast like: political speakers, attendants, priests, artisans, and bards. Many Fei-zi lack the sheer strength of the other two subraces, but make for this with their nature mobility and nimbleness.  Should Fei-Zhu a decide to study the art of chi, typically moon (healing) or crane (agility) paths.


    Hei-Zhu- Are the tall and hulking variant of hou-zi, standing over seven feet tall. Due to their massive size and brute strength many either serve as soldiers or monks following the sun or turtle paths. While not as numerous like Laobai but not as rare as the Fei-Zhu, they still boast a thriving population. Most the Hei-Zhu tend pay homage to third son Hou-Da the deity of strength and militant discipline.





    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  15. Name: Rivádh Daeynore
    Race: Wood Elf
    Gender: Male
    Age: 83
    Rivádh stands roughly five foot seven, with deep bronze colored skin. While his normal hair is a dark auburn, Rivádh chooses to dye it an ivy shade of green in devotion to his wooded homeland. Eyes of gold, some elven merchants have claimed due their resemblance to two shining coins. His usual attire consist of an long indigo tunic, matching hood decorated with black feathers just above the ears, two gold bracelets, and pair of well traveled tan leather boots. On his shoulders, Rivádh carries large back pack that contain his tools of the trade, and basic traveling supplies.

    Rivádh grew up in Dominion of Malin with his father and mother. His childhood for the most part was a pleasant one, except for time he fell ill from handling a poisonous tree frog by mistake. Now he refuses to handle any form of amphibian, and tries avoid them in general just to be safe.


    During his youth, he would watch his parents come and go from their sacred duties at shrine of Kwakwani. Rivádh’s father worked tirelessly as one of the watchman for the shrine, while his mother was an acolyte there. When not serving at the shrine his mother spent much of her time making pottery to sale in the local market place.


    As he got older, Rivádh helped his mother with glazing and painting the unfired pottery. Though he enjoy this greatly, yet he soon found his true calling. Raising his brush to canvas, he began his journey of painting people and world around him. Even with some nature talent, it took Rivádh several years to earn some level of mastery in his craft. After the Dissolution of the Dominion of Malin, he left his hometown to further study of the lands and people beyond. Returning only recently to his homeland, visit his friends and family there.




    Other Notes:

    Tends ramble on when intoxicated. While not a heavy drinker, he will not turn down a drink offered by a friend.
    While he doesn’t hate dwarves, he finds many of them to be uncouth beings. Though he won't openly admit it, Rivádh does greatly admire dwarven architecture.
    Suffers from Ranidaphobia (fear of frogs).

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