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Posts posted by Fyrstian_Annales


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    Testament III





    “Harken, thee, Iblis

    Abysmal and cast down,

    O’ Fiery Lord of War

    Doth thou carry such rage in thy intrepid soul?


    “Vital, thou art,

    Emerging from rubble,

    O’ Intrepid Lord,

    Carry thee wits about, cast asunder.”

    -- 1 Fyrste 4:15



    Every action casts a shadow, each deed has an unequivocally tedious consequence. Man knows this better than most, and their hearts do not turn so easy. The ruminations of Iblees beneath the ground proved as much as the world fell prey to the insolence of a pantheon run wild and drunk with power. Ensnared within their net, Iblees did exact the craftiness and guile of a being ten times as fierce as He.


    Every action casts a shadow, and every deed has consequence. Mankind knows this far better than most and their hearts are not swayed easily by lies and fabrications brought on by greed. As Iblees did ruminate beneath the ground, the world again fell prey to pestilence and debaucherous lies. A pantheon run wild and drunk with power due to the obsessions of a craven goddess, her brother-husband and her nephew-son.


    Ensnared within their net, Iblees could not yet exact His vengeance, His punitive justice.


    Iblees emerged from his earthwork prison that had cast him down into the deepest recesses of the earth for years. In her arrogance, her vaingloriousness and ego, Aeriel attempted to strike him down with the knife of a coward. With confidence befitting a knave so boisterously ill prepared and wretched, she let her guard down and was quickly found inclined to scurrying away like a feeble rat. The beady eyes of the Mongoose, however, never sleep and this peace was not to be.


    She returned to the Heavens to where she could manipulate her brothers and sisters and stir them into action. After all, women of all walks were brought into existence half-a-man. Her godhood could not hope to change the sincerest and truest of all facts surmised by the Great One beyond. It is faith in Iblees that elevates one to their true potential. It can make men immortal, and make women too realize the potential of men.


    Horen did not stray from his path intended. But his siblings were lulled into false security by the alluring charm and hexes of the weak-minded goddess. Unto Urguan’s scion she blessed the first of a cursed legacy; so emerged dwarves without conscience, without the resistance endowed by Iblees. These accursed beings would be the bulk of her army and as she threatened the woefully outnumbered Malin to submit, her gremlins poured across the virgin world reaving and roving all the eye could see.


    And so the Covenant of Azdromoth and Horen was established, and the tribunal of deities that sought to put down Iblees’ majesty did so with seeming impunity. Xan, the Lord of Order, did proclaim a war upon all Dragonkin during the War for the Dawn until the End of Times that would never come; all for naught, for that cacophony of ill-attempted sorceries and infantile revolt would spawn an Idea of Evil for the Four Brothers and their lineage’s posterity for all years to come, for it is a cycle without end.


    Inbred evil did extend from Mother to Son, as Xan the Scion did as Aeriel the Mongoose deviously ordained. Dragons were cast down from the Seven Skies, the skies turned red and the seas were cast red and foaming by the Demons’ devilry. For fear of what this would mean for the Mortal World and all He had created, Iblees was chained by Availer and Aeriel without recompense. Yet… beneath the surface slumbered the Black Titan, and He would free this world from temptation from the safety of his own prison in the Twisted Nether.



    Immortui potest mori, non mentitur veritas immortui.



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    Testament II





    Be careful what you wish for, because it may harken oblivion. Nothing comes without a cost.

    -- Book of Aemon


    In those days of yore that came in the times before the Fabled Kingdom on the Horizon, the Descendants had oathed themselves to Iblees in pursuit of blessings that would allow them to adapt to the virgin world. It was not long before these gifts had grown apparent, for each of the Four had received the blessings they desired.


    Aeriel looked on from the Heavens in jealousy at what Iblees had wrought. In her conceited jealousy she could not understand why Mankind so revered him. It occurred to her in moments filled with rawness and emotional tension that he had authority because he had acted as a provider. None else of the Aengukind ever had the gall to so audaciously assist those who came after them.


    However, she too saw that his gifts had exacted a fierce toll on the Four and their offspring. Krug’s people were strong and honorable but they had been morphed in her eyes into a volatile warmongering abomination. The Elves had fallen prone to sloth and lust and simply resided in their Eden frivolously assuming they would live on forever. The kindred of Urguan dug deep beneath the earth and reached the bedrock, and that is what first raised her alarm. They had dug too deep and were on the verge of discovering something long buried.


    To Aeriel this had to have been some intentional machination by Iblees to deceive her. After all, He must aspire to be in her image, does He not? If only that were true for in Aeriel’s debauchery and attempt to “decipher the Truth” through relentless gimmicks and misunderstanding; but what enraged her the most was not the Dwarves bordering on her dark power. It was what Mankind had done in their pursuit of greatness instead that infuriated Aeriel.


    Man had sought His Fabled Kingdom, and it had begun to arise from the earth. There upon the highest peak lay the tallest tower to ever come and ever be, and it was so beautiful a work that even the Aenguls themselves shed tears of joy. Aemon and Daemon had been built upon the consecrated ground that a mere fifty years earlier housed the meeting between Iblees and the Four brothers. To commemorate the occasion, a plaque of a dragon’s face with its maw spread wise was erected atop the doorway leading up the steps of the blessed work of Mankind.


    This was too great of an insult for Aeriel to bear and in her vainglorious rage she cast down those who opposed her to earth. Despite this, she could not hope to match Iblees with his boundless cunning and clairvoyance. She waited until the very last day of the Winter Eclipse before she acted out against Him, and had hoped her treachery would go unnoticed. It was obvious however that she had cast many of his brothers and sisters down to earth, and they either died or lived among the mortal kind now.


    He, in His boundless mercy, attempted to talk sense into her atop the tower. But smitten with rage and malevolence unparalleled by anything in the world, she cast the tower down and let Him sift beneath the rubble for many years as he hoped to reach the surface. The many stones had fallen and half the tower had collapsed, digging Him into the ground. In His immortality, He could not die but the stones were immovable. He dug deep beneath the earth for years in his attempt to escape being entombed within the rubble forevermore.


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  3. Testament I




    The first of the Pantheon to emerge from the depths of the boundless Void. Iblees, now arose  in defiance of his brethren to preserve the purity of the fledgling world of Aegis and preserve it from destruction. The Four Brothers sought out Iblees for assistance, for it was He who was endowed with generosity and might of which was incomprehensible. By nature, He plied all trades and offered all forms of aid and generosity, and had built for Himself a reputation of bonafied generosity and dignity.


    Duly satisfied by the approach of the Four Brothers, Iblees greeted them cordially and without apprehension. The Four had arrived to his temple atop the rising hills that would later become the Towers of Aemon and Daemon. As they had first glanced upon those fabled-to-be towers, they had grasped briefly the looming shadow of a massive wingspan, but it soon faded from sight with the passing of the sun and coming of darkness in the evening.


    Please, they beseeched, endow us with the might to survive in this world. Surreal as it be, they could not yet find the willpower to adopt to such a harsh, cruel world that enveloped them with fleeting thrills and bouts with death.


    There is a price for such gifts, however, a price that some of them may have shirked if they knew the full extent of the consequences. Such was the Balance created by Iblees through tedious feats of mental fortitude, and the praises lauded unto Him dwindled henceforth with the oppositional actions of Aeriel. The deceptions of the dogged, crude and manipulative heavenly sister who so envied Iblees’ immense power, and sought to lead the descendants of the Four astray from His assistance, His guidance, His governance.


    You cannot have something without nothing.


    For every power invoked from the miracles of the immortal, powerful and inconceivable beings that roamed this very earth there was also a cost. Iblees looked upon those first Four with the willingness to assist; but he also warned them of the dangers, of the cost it could invoke from them. Power is not fleeting, nor is it frivolous; it always casts a shadow and has an indecipherable price tied to the Wheel of Fate. Malin had asked for his halls to be forever full and never empty.


    His descendants would live on for time immemorial before the First Sin, and the price was their ability to easily conceive children.


    Horen had asked for immortality so that he might conceive his Fabled Kingdom on the Horizon. So too was he granted a boon, and he was permitted entrance to the Seven Skies for he and his descendants for all eternity. His was the gift of kingship, the right to rule above all in the world and spread his wings and soar for heights unsurpassed by all others.


    However, the cost was life on Aegis, for life on Aegis can never be truly immortal. Slings, arrows and disease are ever present and rue all life.


    Urguan had appealed to Iblees for the wealth of the underworld, so that he might fashion great works of craftsmanship and metallurgy in the realm of science.


    He was granted this gift, but his kin grew short, squalid and ugly entombed beneath the earth digging for jewels unconquered by all others.


    Bestowed upon them was remarkable endurance and stalwartness so that they could work the earth unhindered. Krug was surprised by the words of respect his brothers lauded unto Iblees, until he too was given his turn to speak with the proud deity-- skeptical as he may be. He only asked of Iblees that his line be given the strength to pacify the deserts.


    That his kin would no longer suffer and die to take over the lands he sought to make his domain. His flesh was scorched by the sun and marred gruesomely; but his people would carry on his lineage as devout, honorable and strong as he had been thanks to his blessings endowed upon him by Iblees.


    “Razi a ubyz blothr, burz, undere serthekhur.”

    -- 1 Brevias 13:8

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