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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Other
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Meta gaming is using information that I’ve learnt in real life to the advantage of my characters roleplay, an example would be reading a chat log from skype or discord and seeing that someone has hid diamonds in a chest and then me going in character to t
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is forcing my roleplay onto another person without it being fair so for example if i was in a roleplay fight and I roleplayed “stabs [person] and kills them” this would be powergaming.
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Sarah Jun
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 27
Physical Description: Sarah is of average height and has long black hair that both her parents also have. Her eyes are a bluish gray colour and her fave is covered with dir
Screenshot of Skin:

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Changed Status to Under Review


  • Your character’s Background is a little too short. Please extend this to at least two decent sized paragraphs. You could include more information on things such as your character’s place of birth, upbringing, family, profession and any other important events that have happened to them.
  • You must include at least one clear Flaw in your character’s interesting facts/traits. A flaw is generally something to do with a character’s personality/behaviour.




You have 24 hours to make the edits above. Shoot me a message either here on the forums or on discord (my account is Aqua#5363) once you’ve edited your application.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me or another Community Team member if you need help or have any questions whatsoever. You can also issue the /creq command on the server to place a ticket should you require assistance.




Feel free to join our New Player Discord! You’ll also find the LotC Wiki helpful when searching for information on the server’s lore.

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Welcome to LOTC! As soon as this is posted you should be whitelisted on the server. Contact me or make a /creq in game if there’s any issues with this.


If you’d like some help in-game, you’re welcome to contact me or another Community Team Member. You can even request a Wilven Monk to guide your character around the server!



A few resources you might find useful are the LotC Wiki, New Player Discord and New Player Guide. If you ever need help in the future you can also send me a message on discord. My account is Aqua#5363.

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