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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: 习近平#3712
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using out of character knowledge to impact how you play your character.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: To intentionally try to overpower your character, make them flawless, or be otherwise invincible.
    Status: Accepted

Aria looks at the man before averting her gaze, her cheeks flushed with surprise. “Well, I... I need to head to the church.” She brushes off her meager dress as she tries to compose herself. “Do you know where that might be. Sir.” As she glances around the market, she flashes her gaze from person to person suspiciously, her hands idly covering her coin purse as she looks back to the merchant with slight paranoia.

Character Name: Aria Barrow
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: Dark brown hair tied back with a strip of leather and emerald eyes. A frail Raevier girl around 5'5.
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Changed Status to Under Review




Welcome to Lord of the Craft and congratulations on completing your application! As you have been accepted via your application, your Minecraft account should have automatically been white-listed on the server. Should you have any problems with this please contact me through discord or private messages.


If you believe that you are in need of in-game assistance feel free to run the command /creq [I need a Wilven Monk] which will contact me or any of my fellow Community Staff Members who can offer our assistance! I also recommend you ask for help from a Wilven Monk as they would be more than happy to show you around the server and help you get situated.


  • We highly encourage that you read our New Player Guide in order to clarify any potential questions you may have. 

  • We recommend you take a look at our Nation & Major Charters Guide which will introduce you to the main locations you are able to find characters of the same race as yourself.


Have a great time roleplaying, and I look forward to seeing you around in future! Here is the link to the New Player Discord, it is highly recommended that you join in order to meet other players and ask questions!


If you require any further assistance, feel free to contact me through forum private messages or on discord at Fish#6373

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