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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Phylax#1100
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: The application of OOC knowledge to IC situations.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Attempting to force unfair and powerful actions in such a way that it is unrealistic to the characters.
    Status: Accepted

The walls seemed to stretch into the sky like profane monoliths and Marcus shrank beneath them, giving a slow mutter that came across more as an incoherent grunt. His temperament was not improved by the crowds and the cacophony of noise, the bantering of scrawny merchants who looked to him like they had never known the value of a hard day's work. He had never seen so many people, and had no desire to see any more.


His grumblings were disrupted by a wealthy looking ponce. The sort of man who had never gone hungry before in his life. An easy life, an unjust life, an-


These thoughts too were disrupted by questions. He had no wish to engage in a conversation of any length (or, in fact, any conversation at all) and so gruffly answered with his uneven, lilted accent: "Passin' through. Don' wish te stay." He pushed past the ponce and braved the bazaar.

Character Name: Marcus Stoneman
Character Race: Highlander
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 35
Physical Description: A gruff, hardy man whose apparent age has been furthered by labour and squalor. Strongly built, weathered skin and brown hair.
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Hi there, as you can see, you have been accepted onto the server! Well done on your application, you’re doing great! So now, I welcome you to the wonderful community of LotC!

To get started, I suggest going to tutorial island or do; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me?


Here are some links to help you start out! x3



 If you need help, Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord [Anime_Wolf#0080]. I’m often online, so you can message me with /msg AnimeWolf0080 or Hopesky123 to find me in game. If I’m not around you can also use the LotC Discord which is right here! : Discord

You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow CT members can help you that way to!

Lastly, here is the new player hub, I recommend you look over it!

New player hub

Have fun role playing! :D

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