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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: waterleach#1350
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Metagaming is when your character receives information out-of-character but uses that information while in-character to their advantage in some way or another. For example, if you find out that an attack is going to take place due to discord, but then you mention it in character and start preparing for the attack.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming is when your character performs an unrealistic action or action which would not follow your character's abilities, for example, your skin deflects arrows.
    Status: Accepted

Orgoth looked at the man in slight confusion tilting his head a little to the side and looking behind him to see if the man was talking to someone else. Orgoth then smiled a bit "I have come seeking work and a place to settle down, why do you ask?." Orgoth then peers into the bazar to see a vendor selling cooked meat and immediately starts to ignore the man and walks off toward the shop.

Character Name: Orgoth
Character Race: Orc
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 23
Physical Description: Height: 6'5'' | Weight: 245 lbs | Eye color: Dark Brown | Hairstyle: Bald | Skin color: Blue Hue | Body-Build: Broad Shoulders | Limited Clothing
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hi there! As you can see, your app is almost ready! Just a few changes you need to make, but don’t worry - you are doing great!

  • Your Skin is not up to LotC standards. Please take a look at our Skin Archive for references and free skins that you may use if you’d like.
  1.  https://sites.google.com/view/skinarchive/home

You’ll be given 24 hours to correct the changes above. Once you are done correcting, please contact me!

My discord is Anime_Wolf#0080!

If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! WIKI

If you need to contact me, or need help,  you can join the LotC Discord here :Discord

Also here is a link to the new player hub! : New Player Hub

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Hi there, as you can see, you have been accepted onto the server! Well done on your application, you’re doing great! So now, I welcome you to the wonderful community of LotC!

To get started, I suggest going to tutorial island or do; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me?


Here are some links to help you start out! x3



 If you need help, Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord [Anime_Wolf#0080]. I’m often online, so you can message me with /msg Hopesky123 to find me in game. If I’m not around you can also use the LotC Discord which is right here! : Discord

You can also use /creq ingame and me or my fellow CT members can help you that way to!

Lastly, here is the new player hub, I recommend you look over it!


Have fun role playing! :D

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