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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    Discord: MoonKarma#7010
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Using real-life knowledge typically gained OOC for an IC advantage. For example reading lore on the wiki then using that knowledge in character.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Powergaming, which some people call godmodding, is when a character emotes in an unfair and unrealistic manner that disrupts the RP. For example, always successfully defending against attacks or making their own, using magic beyond their skill, etc.
    Status: Accepted

Character Name: Ithilrielle Terrainu
Character Race: Wood Elf
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 64
Physical Description: A fair Elven maiden with comforting amber eyes and rusty red hair. She is clothed in thin cloth robes with a garland of flowers adorning her head.
Screenshot of Skin:

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  •  Your biography is great, however, I believe you’ve gotten the time frame confused. Linandria is a city in the Isles of Axios, built in 1571. Either adjust your age, or change the city to Caras Eldar, a more recent wood elven settlement in Atlas. You can also refer to the wiki for further information.


Hey there MoonKarma! Your application is well written and for the most part done well, with the exception of a few but minor mistakes. However, they can be fixed with a couple of tweaks and you’ll be set for being accepted onto the server! With that, you have 24 hours to make the necessary changes needed. Failing to make these changes within the allotted time will return in an automatic denial, though upon request I’ll be able to grant more time for your corrections.


The server wiki page has a great deal of important lore information. You can also join our New Player Discord where you can ask questions to our Community Staff, and meet other server players.


For future assistance and/or questions, feel free to contact me through discord at MrMineLoveDude#1404, or by issuing /msg MrMineLoveDude in-game. You can also issue /creq on the server to open a Community Staff ticket!

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Changed Status to Accepted




Congratulations MoonKarma! On behalf of the Community Team, we’d like to officially welcome you to the Lord of the Craft community. You’ll have a just a few brief moments while we get you whitelisted on the server and ready to go. Feel free to continue reading the rules or browsing the forums and/or wiki for more information or directly contact me if you prefer to!


If you’d like in-game guidance or assistance, feel free to contact me or any Community Team Member, and ask for a Wilven Monk, or otherwise just ask for assistance with becoming acclimated to LotC. You are encouraged to join our  New Player Discord, that is solely used for helping new players attune to our unique server, filled with many helpers and other CT members who are more than willing to help. 


Should you need help at any point in the future, please contact me through discord at MrMineLoveDude#1404, or by issuing /msg MrMineLoveDude in-game. You can also issue /creq on the server to open a Community Staff ticket!

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