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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Google
    Discord: ermac10108
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: An easy step is to remember that the other character is another person and not some NPC to beat. You also need to remember that you're a regular person, not a god, not a Main Character.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Metagaming gives extremely unfair advantages to people that shouldn't have them (e.g. A wheat farmer knows how to get inside an ocean monument and kill the guardians and what the guardians do.).
    Status: Accepted

You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.”

((How do you respond?))

"H-How do you know who I am?, you stutter in your shock. The old woman gestures for you to sit down again, and you figure you might as well, what harm could an old lady in a tent be anyway. The hag groans and mutters,"I don't really think it matters. You're here now and the tent is closed so tell me your story.". You go to respond, "The tent isn't-", but when you look behind you the drapes are tightly wrapped shut. You resign yourself to fate and take a seat on the deceivingly hard cushion. "So do you want me to start from the very beginning o-or?", you stutter, visibly and audibly nervous. The hag just sighs and rolls her eyes sarcastically, broadcasting the message you needed, and partially expected. "Uh okay then well uhh..", you stammer and stutter. You can't seem to find the right words. The hag senses your discomfort and offers a solution, "I see you aren't too keen on talking with strangers. I might have an incense that can help you open up.". You nod hesitantly, and she reaches behind her and reveals a small bundle. She grabs a small twig off the ground and puts it to a candle flame until it lights, before raising it to the bundle. After the incense burns for a few seconds she waves it around in the air to extinguish the fire. "Take a good, deep breath.", she says calmly. The moment you inhale the smoke you feel your lungs become warmer, and your anxiety melt away. You start to talk, "Okay, I was born to bakers in Adria. Our trade was, well, obviously baking goods. We really only made types of bread because it was cheap and easy to produce. We managed to survive but I decided to leave. I wanted to work as a Blacksmith but I uh, had no idea how to. I set out to find someone to apprentice to and now I'm here.". The hag nods slowly, "Hm well I can't help you there I'm afraid. You are destined to become great in life, I wish you great luck on your journey.". She gestures towards the entrance, which is now open. You leave the tent wondering if she was actually expecting you, or if she just says that to everyone...

Character Name: Raylee Parryw
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 21
Physical Description: 5'4, 115lbs/52kg, Blonde hair, Green eyes.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hi there, as you can see, you have been accepted onto the server! Well done on your application, you’re doing great! Welcome to the wonderful community of LotC!

To get started, The server IP is mc.lotc.co The server is 1.18.2 - 1.19.3

To get started, I suggest going to tutorial island or do; /creq Can a Wilven come assist me?


Here are some links to help you start out! x3




 If you need help, Feel free to contact me via the forums or my discord notapan . I’m often online, so you can message me with /msg NotAPan  to find me in game. If I’m not around You can always do /creq with your questions or you can also use the LotC Discord which is right here! : Discord

Lastly, here is the new player hub, I recommend you look over it!

New player hub

Have fun role playing! :D

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