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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Other
    Discord: bazel_relic67#3463
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: skip plz
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: skip
    Status: Denied

Read the scenario below this box and type out inside of this box how your character might respond. You must show an understanding of quoted dialogue and exposition throughout the scenario.

  oh im here cause a friend said you know him and i want to tell you that he is dead sadly


Character Name: Bazel
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 19
Physical Description: he is pale and wears a cyan winter coat
Screenshot of Skin:

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Definitions: These questions are not optional - you need to include an answer for each of these terms to show that you have an understanding of what they are, and how they work.


Backstory: Your character's backstory isn't allowed. You cannot include your character having any 'superhero' powers obtained from a crystal orb. A character backstory should be of humble origins to give a brief outline of the character's past, including things such as their childhood, adolescence and the events which led to their current living conditions. Please don't follow any cliché tropes and make something unique of your own.


Roleplay Scenario: Your roleplay scenario needs work as well. Treat it like a normal roleplay interaction, and keep it simple if you find it difficult. It's just a way for us to determine your roleplay quality, and make sure it meets our server's standards. In your next roleplay scenario, please include the following:


- Have your roleplay scenario be AT LEAST four sentences long.

- Include at least one dialogue surrounded by quotes.

- At least one action, where your character is doing something physical.

- Make sure your roleplay scenario doesn't have any metagaming, or powergaming in it.

- Do not include any personal thoughts into your emote. Emotes should be physical, and something that other people would be able to see/feel/hear.

- Make sure you write it out in third person.



Once the aforementioned things are changed, you'll be accepted into our server. Don't be disheartened, and don't give up - if things are too hard, feel free to reach out to me either the Forums via a PM, or contact me directly on my Discord: D A N N Y#2022.


Best of luck, I hope to see you on the server soon.

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Your application has unfortunately been DENIED at this time due to reasons listed below. Please read through them, and make the appropriate changes before applying again.


No Improvement: You haven't edited your application, or fixed any of the problems listed.



Feel free to re-apply at any time after this denial, just make sure you make the changes with the aforementioned things. Don't be disheartened, and don't give up - if things are too hard, feel free to reach out to me either the Forums via a PM, or contact me directly on my Discord: D A N N Y#2022.

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