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  • Rules: No
    Referral: minecraftservers.org
    Discord: dogcroissants
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: Powergaming can be avoided by making a character that fits in the setting and staying in character. Don't make actions for other players and don't make actions that would not be possible for a character to perform in this universe.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Metagaming disrupts fair roleplay because when your character knows things they shouldn't, it makes the fun of roleplay and finding out that secret completely obsolete. It can also ruin someone else's experience by sharing a secret they did not want to be told until they acted it out in the story.
    Status: Denied

You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.”

((How do you respond?))

"Y-you've been expecting me?" Artemis pauses at the entrance of the tent, her eyes wide. She looks around the tent for any danger but, only seeing the old woman and her floating candles, relaxes and continues inside. She sits down in front of the old woman, her legs bent under her. Artema smiles warmly, "Well, I'm just passing through. I was on my way to the (Healing Magic School; Not sure where the most popular healing school is). I wanted to learn more about healing magic because of my elven mother, Ariana. I was very close with her when I was younger and she taught me the very basics of healing magic. She said I had a natural talent for it..." Artema chuckles softly at the mention of her mother, but then her eyes drop to the floor. "She disappeared when I was 7, leaving me with my father and her gift, a young wolf named Bow. Bow and I grew closer and my Father and I drifted apart. My dad, a human astrologist named Aeryn, loved my mother with all of his heart... when she disappeared, his heart shattered. I used to be close with him. In fact, I was homeschooled by him. He was very smart and hard-working and I admired him. But..." Artema sighs and furrows her brow, "Then, he got a new girlfriend. Her name was Scathe Cathexis and she was a vile woman, an elf. She was only kind to me around my father, otherwise she'd... hurt me. Physically and mentally." She pauses for a minute before taking a deep breath and continuing, "They ended up having my sister, Relight. She was the center of attention. My father was either studying or hanging out with Relight and Scathe. So I spent my time with Bow in the forest." Artema's eyes get cloudy. "They started to fight; Scathe hated that Aeryn was still thinking about Ariana. She..." A tear falls down her face. "She poisoned him... She told me. She kicked me out(At 22) and all I grabbed were my father's goggles and a bag of coins." Artema smiled softly and looked up at the woman with eyes clouded with sorrow. "Now, I'm off... I want to be just like my mother and father. I want to be hard-working, smart, and kind." She looks a little happier as she continues, "I like reading and writing; also drawing. I'd say I'm comforting, curious, creative, generous, protective, shy, loyal, faithful, kind, hard-working, honest, and a hopeless romantic. My flaws are that I'm gullible, easy to read, timid, oversensitive, impulsive, and insecure."


(Ignore the text and wolf features, She's a DnD character but I altered her to fit the universe in Lord of the Craft)


Character Name: Artema Cosimo
Character Race: Adunian
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 22
Physical Description: A sun-kissed, 5'3 slim-thick Adunian with eyes like dusk and short, brunette curls streaked with blonde highlights. She has star marks on her arm.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hi there, as you can see your application has unfortunately been denied, check below for the detailed reasons why.


However, don’t fret, you are free to reapply immediately, just remember to edit and change all that is listed below <3


Your Roleplay Scenario & Backstory states that you know how to use magic! Please know that you can’t learn how to use magic until you are on the server. If you have any questions please message me! 


Your Roleplay Scenario & Backstory doesn’t have a lore reference! You need at least one, please take a look at these links if you need help. Or message me and I'll do my best to help you



Your Physical Description states that you know how to use magic (According to your graphic and your backstory)! Please know that you can’t learn how to use magic until you are on the server. If you have any questions please message me!


You also indicated that you did not read the rules in your application. Do review them before applying again.




Don’t worry though! You can submit a new application and try again right after, just make sure you correct the things listed!

My discord is Dogged.! If you have any questions I'm happy to help! If you don’t have discord please reach out to me on the forums @Doggedwasupxxx. 


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