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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: minecraftservers.org
    Discord: justatanil091#3665
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: To avoid powergaming in roleplay, prioritize storytelling over being the most powerful. Create balanced characters and collaborate with others for an enjoyable Minecraft roleplaying experience. Stay true to your character's limitations and work together for a fair and engaging gameplay.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Metagaming disrupts fair roleplay in Minecraft because it's like cheating by using out-of-game knowledge to gain an advantage. It ruins the immersive experience and makes it unfair for others who are playing in-character and following the game's rules. It's more fun when everyone plays fairly and stays true to their character's knowledge and abilities.
    Status: Denied

You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.”

((How do you respond?))

Example: Well.... It was a rather complex yet an adventoures story. Let me start at the beginning. I left the capital to journey towards Adria. On the way i met aggressive Oagers. They wanted all my gold and ransacked my bag. Fortunatly a knight arrived on time. Yet he lost his limbs. He passed away on spot. I took his sword and continued the fight. 2 against 1. on a flimsy chance i won. But i keep asking myself... At what cost?........ Anyways to keep it short I arrived safely. Now tell me, How can I be of service. You have my gratitude for the warm welcome.

Character Name: Justin
Character Race: Human
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: My Character has Brown short hair, blue eyes, is mediocare buffed and has an average height of 168cm.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Hi there! As you can see, your app is almost ready! Just a few changes you need to make, but don’t worry - you are doing great!

  • Please remember to include backstory in the Back story & Roleplay Scenario! Even if your persona doesn’t talk about it

  • Please make sure to mark out what your character is saying with quotation marks, or make sure to make out your actions however you see fit!  

  • Please make sure to use actions in your backstory/roleplay scenario. This is just to ensure we know what you are doing!

  • When talking about your character’s actions! Remember to use 3rd person!

  • Your skin isn’t server appropriate. Might we be able to interest you in a skin from our skin archive? 

  1. https://sites.google.com/view/lotc-skinarchive

You’ll be given 48 hours to correct the changes above. Once you are done correcting, please contact me!

My discord is Anime_Wolf0080! If you don’t have discord, please message me on the forums @AnimeWolf0080!

If you need to contact me, or need help,  you can join the LotC Discord here :Discord

I recommend going to the New player’s category, going to help chat. Pining @Community team saying “I’m new and would like some help with my application. I got put on pending!” If I or another team member can not be reached. 

If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! WIKI

Lastly  is a link to the new player hub! : New Player Hub

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Hi there, as you can see your application has unfortunately been denied, check below for the detailed reasons why.


 Unfortunately, your 48 hour editing period has expired.. However, don’t fret, you are free to reapply immediately, just remember to edit and change all that is listed below <3


  • Please remember to include backstory in the Back story & Roleplay Scenario! Even if your persona doesn’t talk about it

  • Please make sure to mark out what your character is saying with quotation marks, or make sure to make out your actions however you see fit!  

  • Please make sure to use actions in your backstory/roleplay scenario. This is just to ensure we know what you are doing!

  • When talking about your character’s actions! Remember to use 3rd person!

  • Your skin isn’t server appropriate. Might we be able to interest you in a skin from our skin archive? 

  1. https://sites.google.com/view/lotc-skinarchive


Don’t worry though! You can submit a new application and try again right after, just make sure you correct the things listed!

My discord is Anime_Wolf0080! If you have any questions I'm happy to help! If you don’t have discord please reach out to me on the forums @AnimeWolf0080

If you need to contact me, or need help, you can join the LotC Discord and the New player hub!, here is the link! Discord

I recommend going to the New player’s category, going to help chat. Pining @Community team saying “Hello, I got denied, can someone help me with my new application! I’d like to try again!” If I or another team member can not be reached. 

If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! WIKI

Lastly  is a link to the new player hub! : New Player Hub

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