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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Through a Friend
    Discord: Mr Nuggelton#0557
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: When a player uses information they recieved through an off-world source to gain an advantage in-game.
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: When a player makes themselves over-powered.
    Status: Denied

Farindorf replies to the man “I have heard words of a great blacksmith in these parts and so I seek a axe from them.” and then proceeds to walk past the man, not wishing to waste anymore time with pointless conversations.

Character Name: Farindorf
Character Race: Dwarf
Character Gender: Male
Character Age: 37
Physical Description: Farindorf has a large brown bushy beard with blue eyes. He is 4'4" and rather muscular from his youth but his age is starting to catch up to him.
Screenshot of Skin:

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Your powergaming definition while not wrong, is rather short, please expand on it. You might want to use our wiki[https://wikia.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming_%26_Powergaming] for more information.

Your biography is abit too short, please add a few more sentences.

Regarding your biography:

  • One dwarf can’t defeat a group of orcs by themselves, that would pretty much be powergaming
  • You cant really be a part of the royalguard (Characters cant be part of already existing groups unless they have the permission of said group leader)
  • The age of 37 for dwarves is pretty much 13 for humans.. You cant retire at that age.. (100 for dwarves is 18ish for humans)


You can contact me here on the forums, through my discord (LionEY#7020) or by /msg (LionEY_) in-game for any questions or concerns.


Your application was good, however there are just a few issues that need editing. You have 24 hours to make the changes. Please message me here on the forums, or through my discord once you’ve made the changes, and I’ll take another look at your application.


The Wiki has lots of important lore information, as well as the metagaming and powergaming definitions, please refer to this when making changes. You can also join our New Player Discord – Where you can ask questions to our Community team, and meet other server players.

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Your 24 hours are up




You may reapply immediately, however please make the above changes before you do so


You can contact me with any questions or concerns through discord (LionEY#7020), my forum account, or on the server (LionEY_). 


You are also encouraged to join our New Player discord, a great place in which you can ask questions toward our staff, and mix with the general LOTC community.



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