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  • Rules: Yes
    Referral: Other
    Discord: Pastelgenixlive#5583
    How do you avoid powergaming in roleplay?: a thing referred to in and out of character stuff
    How does metagaming disrupt fair roleplay?: Power gaming is a unrealistic and godly actions of a player
    Status: Denied

You’ve just stepped off of the boat in the port of a massive and fortified city. Before you lies a sprawling bazaar, with numerous shops, stalls, and seated traders selling wares to folk of all walks of life. Just as you’re about to continue walking onwards, into the market, you’re approached by a well-dressed gentleman who looks upon you with a big smile. “Welcome!” He began. “What brings you to this lovely city? Adventure? Wealth? Or some grand aspirations to elevate your place in society?”


" Hello! yeah ummm well very much Adventure ! i love Adventures!" she said very happy

Character Name: Alma
Character Race: High Elf
Character Gender: Female
Character Age: 18
Physical Description: Alma has dark skin with very green hair with a flower crown on her head with a blue top and gray pants
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Your application has unfortunately been DENIED at this time due to reasons listed below. Please read through them, and make the appropriate changes before applying again.


Definitions: Your definition for 'metagaming' is incorrect. Both definitions need more elaboration - I'd advise putting in an example for each of them to help demonstrate your understanding for these roleplay terms. Plagiarism won't be tolerated - please use your own work.



Backstory: Your character's backstory is long enough and has a good foundation, however, it can be better. Please go more specific with detail - what things was Alma interested in when she was locked inside the house because of her parents? How did she find out about how her brother's died? Aside from a fear of humans, how did the death of her brothers affect her? Take the time to flesh it out, put some time into double-checking your work and try again.



How would you define roleplay, and have you ever roleplayed before?: You've failed to answer this field - please try again with a serious attempt. It is important for you to give us a definition as to what roleplay is to you, as well as provide insight to your familiarity with roleplay. Although no experience is needed to actually get whitelisted on the server, it is preferred. Please answer honestly.



Personality Traits/Quirks: You have failed to answer this field properly. Some advice on how to handle this section is to make sure your character's personality traits/quirks somehow line up to their past. Maybe a traumatic experience in their past has left them with PTSD, and makes their hand twitch every once and a while? Make sure to also give your character some flaws.



What does your character want to achieve? What drives them?: You need to provide an answer. For your next attempt, some advice would be to make your character's achievements somehow tie in with your background. Maybe Alma's parents were cooks in the local tavern, where she spent a lot of her childhood working? Perhaps because of that, she wants to master the cooking different cuisines? Be creative, but make sure they work for your character.



What is your character's biggest fear? What caused them to develop this fear?: Valid fear, but just elaborate more on why this actually happened, and how it affects her.



Roleplay Scenario: Your roleplay scenario doesn't meet our standards. Please put more effort into it, and add a combination of both dialogue and actions from your character. The more detail, the better.


- Have your roleplay scenario be AT LEAST four sentences long.

- Include at least one dialogue surrounded by quotes.

- At least one action, where your character is doing something physical.

- Make sure your roleplay scenario doesn't have any metagaming, or powergaming in it.

- Do not include any personal thoughts into your emote. Emotes should be physical, and something that other people would be able to see/feel/hear.

- Make sure you write it out in third person.


Character's Skin: The skin you have applied to join our server with does not fit with our server's theme. Please find something more medieval, and fitting with the fantasy genre. Plaid clothing with ripped denim jeans and high boots don't suit Almaris. Refer to the link below for some generic skins that can be useful for your first character:


Skin Archive:



Feel free to re-apply at any time after this denial, just make sure you make the changes with the aforementioned things. Don't be disheartened, and don't give up - if things are too hard, feel free to reach out to me either the Forums via a PM, or contact me directly on my Discord: D A N N Y#2021.





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