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Posts posted by Kyunu

  1. tumblr_p5uoavQpny1vxekw4o1_500.gif


    Shōuhuò Yuèliàng jié - The Harvest Moon Festival (1722)


    The previous feasts ignited a new occasion for the Houzi, a tradition which would remind them of the success and peace that would come from leaving the past State of Shen, the militant regime of Huangdi Cao Cao. This feast opened a way to honor those who contributed to the effort of creating their new city and republic. This festival would be called the Harvest Moon Festival respectfully, full of unwavering happiness and prosperity that the Houzi would experience, the festival became a way to remember the first night away from the State of Shen, the full moon symbolizing such departure. This not only acts as a celebration in thanks for the luscious harvest of fish and crops, but also thanks to those who aided the Houzi in their dire times of need while rebuilding their home. A remembrance of the past moons, in order to recount the previous times where Hou-Zi came together and pushed through tragedy with great willpower.

    Traveling on a turtle ship, the Hou-zi brought many who wished to partake in the festival, traveling in the day and arriving in the nighttime. Once arriving at the gates of Jing-Taiyun, they left to the temple, where they were welcomed with open arms by Hsieh-Xin. Guihua, the head of the Feng Family, passed out moon cake to the participants and continuously welcomed them to the Jade Republic, as Xin gave a speech regarding the festivities, everyone sat around and waited attentively, munching on snacks and drinks. After they watched the moon settle on the bay, everyone went their own way, participating in the numerous events- The reed race where many people fell prey to the depths of the water as they attempted to balance their way over to the end showing the Hou-zi’s patience and virtue, the Wrestling Booth where they showed their strength, the Katana pull game where they showed their wisdom, and the drinking competition of the Twin Dragon Cafe to display their prosperity. Not only that, but many booths showed off their skills, such as the Wildlings and their strength, the Druid’s and their intelligent goods, the Masked One with their whimsical wares, and the Jade Republic with their traditional foods and tools. 

    With laughter drifting in the whispers of the tall trees of the Maehr’orrar, and echoing within the depths of the Wildling caves, mixed with the incense resounding from the temple… All returned home, with cheer in their hearts, and the Hou-zi uplifted once more.


    [ OOC ] 

    Thank you to everyone that helped with the event and all the people that joined! This event wouldn’t have been such a good one without the amount of people that attended and those who held events during it. Thank you guys!

  2. Seeing his personal work, as a freelance Illustrator, he has a strong portfolio as well to pair with his builds with a great imaginative process as he works. He leads projects very well and stays on task, managing to help us heavily with the Jade Republic/State of Shen builds quickly. Would make a great addition! +1 +1 +1 +1 +1

  3. [!] A delicate piece of papyrus would be written on with a black ink, a line of characters written at the top with a description below it. The paper is held up by nothing more than a string and a nail, with a few more copies of the same paper right behind it for one to take if they needed it. 
    Shōuhuò Yuèliàng jié - The Harvest Moon Festival 

    ━━━━━━━━┛ ◐ ┗━━━━━━━━
    The Jade Council, Chancellor, and Huangdi of the Jade Republic of the New Jing-Taiyun would like to welcome all to the Harvest Moon Festival, to celebrate the construction of the Jade Republic and in remembrance of the events that transpired in Qinghai and the blessings that were given to the Hou-zi thereafter. With prosperous harvest, we wish for all to take part in a new beginning, and to find peace within our bounty. 
    Enjoy food and drinks, made specially by the finest Hou-zi within our republic, such as Yuèbǐng ( Mooncake ) and Chāshāo bāo ( Pork Bun ), along with Júhuā chá ( Chrysanthemum Tea ) and participate in group meditations around the city. We will have various games and lessons, such as the craft of Lantern Making, Silk Weaving, Qiúqiān ( Fortune Sticks ), and more! There will be stalls by our own and ongoing activities throughout, we hope that visitors may come to enjoy the evening with us.

    If you plan to attend the festival, visit the Jade Republic, or meet our ferrier at the Sutican Docks, so that we may bring you to our city.
    ━━━━━━━━┓ ◐ ┏━━━━━━━━



    (Picture by Logan ) [!] An illustration in ink of the Hou-zi entry area is at the bottom of the paper.

    [ OOC ]
    The event will be on June 29th, at 3PM PM EST. Anyone is free to join! If you don’t know how to get to the Jade Republic, we will be at Sutica Docks at 2PM EST to ferry anyone who wants to join. We will not be doing a second trip, but will happily give coords to anyone else that wants to join after ther Ferry time.



    Taken by FaZe_MiaKhalifa | Listening the Guihua as she spoke in front of the Gong.

    Qīngmíng jié - Tomb Sweeping Day ( 1720 )
    ━━━━━━━━┛ ✦ ┗━━━━━━━━
    Zài tiānkōng zhōng, hóuzi yòu píngjìng yòu kuàilè.

    “ In the Sky, the Hou-Zi are both peaceful and happy.”
    -   Feng Guihua


    Allies and families, Hou-zi and friends alike, meditated within the depths of the temple, mumbling silent prayers to the fallen who did not make it on their journey of reviving the glory of the Hou-zi within the Jade republic. In honor of the ancestors, a sweet cinnamon incense was used within the temple in order to beckon the spirits of the ancestors to join in the meditation that occurred. Feng Guihua, a skilled silk weaver and one who recently mourned the disappearance of Feng Kuaisu, set up a gravestone for those fallen in their journey- such as the brave Lang Xiahou presumed perished at the docks fighting for the freedom of the civilians of the previous State of Shen. 

    The people meditated within the Temple, and listened to Guihua as she gestured to the ancestors and to Hou-shen as a thank you, and a plea, for that this day may be the end of tragedy and that they may continue to watch and guide the Hou-zi. The gong rang thrice, a loud bell ringing throughout the Jade Republic and throughout the ocean surrounding the isle, the cry of Hou-shen ringing through the heavens for all fall prey to. After a brief meditation, the people of the Jade Republic left for the tombstone, set up with an ashtray and another incense. Passing around paper, with golden character 钱 ( Qian - Money ) written upon it, the Hou-zi and allies bowed thrice to the memory of the fallen, and tossed the money into a flame for their prayers and words to be heard to their ancestors. The fire ignited fiercely, the sparks of the flames shared the emotions of grief and anguish towards the losses endured in their journey, but also incited that change came soon. 

    At the end of the day, they sat in front of the Mingxiang Tea-house, and ate together. Discussing plans of the future, discussing stories, sharing tales between one another and rejoicing in the present, the ancestors smiling upon them as they too took part in their own way. They hoped that peace, would continue to thrive, and with the coming end of the construction within the Jade Republic, the Hou-zi will continue to prosper under the eyes of the heavens. 

    ━━━━━━━━┓ ✦ ┏━━━━━━━━




    Taken by FaZe_MiaKhalifa | Those who joined sit at a picnic after visiting the gravesite.

  5. Jade_Republic_Flag.png?width=340&height=

    The Jade Republic

    The Jade Republic is henceforth defined as the territory of Jing Taiyun and made of up the races, cultures and individuals that live within its walls. The rights and laws enshrined in this document are only able to be changed by a super-majority of the Jade Council (at least 60% of the council must be in favour).

    The Jade Republic is a state of many races. The Jade Republic belongs to all who live in it, united by our diversity, history & common purpose, and is committed to working together to promote the good governance and welfare of all citizens of the Jade Republic.


    When the Jade Republic first came into existence the new Huangdi, Hsieh Xin, knew that the old laws of the state were no good. They were one-sided laws, used only to control the freedom of the common population. As it was the common people that placed Xin into power he knew that before he could institute laws he must first provide guarantees to those that had placed their faith in him.


    The Guarantees: 

    I. The guarantee to individuality. The Jade Republic from its founding has been made up of various races and cultures. This guarantee enshrines in law the right of all citizens to practice their culture, religion and traditions so long as these do not bring harm to any citizen of the republic.

    II. The guarantee to worship. The Jade Republic recognizes that it cannot claim to have a central religion as even the Hou-Zi who founded it have multiple faiths. This guarantee enshrines in law the right of all citizens to practice any religion anywhere but the Jīnyù
     Temple, which is reserved for the practising of the Hou-Zi faiths.

    III. The guarantee to free speech. In previous Hou-Zi empires the common people were not allowed to speak ill of their Huangdi and common folk from other nations only rarely allowed to look upon the Huangdi. This guarantee enshrines in law the right of all citizens to a voice, whether this is by speaking to their representative in the Jade Council or taking a matter to the Huangdi – citizens can rest assured that their voice will be heard and that they will not be punished for their opinions, no matter how controversial.

    IV. The guarantee to private land ownership. Land owned by a citizen of the Jade Republic belongs to them and cannot be seized by the State unless in a state of emergency or if the citizen is missing or deceased. (OOC: If the character hasn’t logged on for a long period of time).


    The Laws:
    I. Citizenship Laws.

    1. All citizens of the Jade Republic are equally entitled to the rights, privileges and benefits of citizenship; and equally subject to the duties and responsibilities of citizenship.

    2. Any person born in Jing Taiyun, born to a parent with Jade Republic citizenship, or has been granted citizenship by the Jade Council shall be considered a citizen of the Jade Republic. Additionally, joining any of the Jade Council families or groups will grant citizenship.

    3. Citizenship can only be revoked by the Jade Council and only in the event that the entity having citizenship revoked is proven to have broken the terms of citizenship.


    II. The State.

    1. The state of the Jade Republic is a unitary empire led by the Huangdi, an elected emperor chosen by the Jade Council.

    2. No alterations to laws can be made without the approval of the Jade Council, members of which get 1 vote on every matter presented.

    3. In the event of a loss of confidence in the Huangdi, the Jade Council may call for a vote of no-confidence. In this case each member of the council would submit an anonymous vote and if a super-majority votes to remove the Huangdi then they must step down immediately, however may stand to be re-elected.

    4. The structure of the Jade Council is made up as follows - The Huangdi, the leaders of the following Hou-Zi families: The Feng, The Shui, The Liao, The Hsieh, The Lang, The Tian, the leader of the Kha people, the leader of the Wildling people & the leader of the Maehr’orrar.

    a. In the event the Huangdi fills one of these roles then his/her vote will still only count as 1;
    b. An addition to the Jade Council can only be changed with the simple approval of the council. A removal requires a super-majority;
    c. The representatives of the above listed groups (with the exception of the Huangdi) are an internal matter for those groups and the Council will respect their autonomy.

    5. In the event of a disaster or other emergency the Jade Council may vote (by way of super-majority) to enact a state of emergency for a set period of time. During a state of emergency the Jade Council yields its power to the Huangdi, allowing the Huangdi to enact changes immediately without a vote, however;

    a. During a state of emergency the Huangdi is not able to dissolve the Jade Council;
    b. During a state of emergency the Huangdi is not able to lengthen the term of the state of emergency;


    III. General Laws

    1. Do not cause harm, or seek to cause harm to another citizen, resident or visitor of the Jade Republic;

    a. except if it is part of a cultural tradition and agreed upon by all parties;
    b. except if it is part of a religious tradition and agreed upon by all parties;
    c. except when done in self-defense or the defense of another citizen, resident or visitor of the Jade Republic.
    d. Breaking this law is punishable by shaving, an unlimited fine, jail time, exile and/or the revocation of citizenship.

    2. Do not steal from, or attempt to steal from another citizen, resident or visitor of the Jade Republic. Breaking this law is punishable by shaving, a fine of up to the value of the theft, jail time and/or a reprimand.

    3. Do not destroy, deface or otherwise cause harm to the property of another citizen or the State of the Jade Republic. Breaking this law is punishable by shaving, an unlimited fine, jail time, exile and/or the revocation of citizenship.

    4. Citizens are granted the freedom to enter and exit the city of Jing Taiyun as they please. Non-citizens must state their intentions for entering the first time they enter the city, unless they are a guest of a citizen.

    a. It is the right of the Jade Republic to ask non-citizens to leave their weaponry and armour at the gate.
    b. Once a non-citizen is known not to be hostile they may come and go as they please, though this right can be revoked at any time.
    c. While in the city of Jing Taiyun, visitors are expected to follow the same laws as citizens, and in turn are afforded the same guarantees.


    The Jade Council:

    Huangdi: Hsieh Xin | SaltyOlog
    Feng: Feng Guihua | Fruune
    Shui: Shui Haiyang | BebbZ
    Liao: Liao Chen | Evonpire
    Hsieh: N/A due to Hsieh Xin holding position of Huangdi
    Lang: N/A due to no one holding position of Lang family head
    Tian: Tian Hong | CrazyKoalaZ
    Kha: Tultelkos Tsisha 
    | EnderMaiashiro
    Wildlings: The Wild Man | Beordan 
    Maehr’orrar: The Sidewinder | Kyunu


    Majority: 50% or more of attending council members.
    Supermajority: 60% or more of all council members listed above.



  6. wj9KcqRK1M9mfkMTLqBT3nSSGbS-H00Wm7UN9Wc2CAe6Q_WTGflrn4fWHmOp5pAtkCHUEpleKIoZiO9RqodXfj4g635bxP3zsmYFhGS1y1NIlJpYjGbxWbZZArDKk802nmd60dPj


    [!] A book hidden within the storage boxes under a quaint tent within the Maehr’orrar’s new home is folded open, with only a few pages written into it. The book is made from hide, and a few pieces of thin paper raveled all together with a thread made from wool. When looked at, something seems to be scrawled onto the pages, a record of sorts. It’s presumed and can be assumed that one of the leaders attempted to write about the Maehr’orrar, but hasn’t finished it. 


    [ The following is IRP information that is open knowledge to anyone that enters the Maehr’orrar lands. However, simply reading this information does not give the reader the ability to perform any tasks specific to the Maehr’orrar. ]

    [ Click ‘ Next Page ‘ to continue reading the book. ]

    Principles of the Maehr’orrar

    1.  Seek stories from travelers and find every piece of dirt you can that would exist in your world. If they do not provide sufficient response, you may rob them of their life, but nothing else.
    2. Help those who are in need by aiding them in travel, such as escorting children back to their nations and accepting orphans who seek a new home into ours.
    3. Never betray the tribe, and cherish them as you would your own family, and never harm a child unless they decide to bite.
    4. Conflicts will be decided through a trial, such as a hunt between the arguing parties or a sparring match. No violence between tribe members will be allowed.
    5. Take up trade in order to provide to the tribe. If you are incapable of travel, or prefer to help from the backlines, you must find a trade.
    6. The leaders of the tribe may call upon all members to partake in a hunt, or any type of festivity.
    7. All major decisions will be made by both the intuition of the leaders and by anonymous vote.


    Life under Maehr’orrar
    Once someone is initiated into the Maehr’orrar, they are given a new name and introduced into the tribe. They are free to do as they wish as long as they come to specific meetings and calls by the leaders, as well as following the principles given to them. 
    The Maehr’orrar will typically travel together or by their lonesome but must try to travel in pairs of two. No matter who it is, it’s wisest to guarantee the safety of the family and tribe. Children who are brought into the Maehr’orrar must typically be seen over by an older member of the tribe, and must wear wooden masks made by the Timberiven or the Sidewinder when they are walking outside- though, they’re allowed to wear the skull of something that they hunt on their own as long as they clean it well. The Maehr’orrar tribe members are expected to be able to hunt and provide for the members of the family that have trouble contributing. More often than not this means the elderly or the youth that must be helped. A member of the Maehr’orrar tribe can find themselves out and about often, trying to seek stories from others- but when they are not, they must be provided back to the family in one way or another. It’s common for all those in Maehr’orrar to learn a trade, or at least partake in hunting and gathering. 
    Punishments in the tribe mostly include simple chores and an extensive amount of work, with the worst penalty being exilement. The worst penalty is normally avoided, as there is a strong belief that there is always change within the wind- and sometimes these changes can come with the group hunts and group traveling. While the Timberiven and the Sidewinder follow the two nature gods Cerridwen and Cernunnos, they say it’s unnecessary for others to follow if they don’t believe, but will hold the occasional hunt for these gods. The two particularly enjoy having the whole tribe moving together at once in order to create bonds between each other.

    ⇤ ䷖ Bone Carving ䷖ ⇥
    Carving Bone Weapons, Instruments, or statues
    The Tinderiven is the master of Bone Carving, as they excel in all sorts of things mentioned in this list.
    Initiates will be in charge of carving the Maehr’orrar’s instruments and weaponry, and will not be allowed to use either for an estimated amount of time-based on the approval of elite tribe members. However, their first hunt will come to use their skills and a weapon of their own creation, to earn their first skull. After acquiring the skull, they will engrave designs and patterns of their choosing to finally move forward and become a welcomed member of the tribe. Bone weapons consist of mainly throwing knives, daggers, swords, and possible bows. However, bows are an expert class design, as they use both oak wood and ivory bones. A member of the tribe may use any weapon they wish to use, however depending on the type of animal the item may be brittle and approved by the tribe leaders. The Maehr’orrar refuses to use any other metals, even for decoration. Bone instruments are limited, as many sorts of creations are not suitable for travel. However, all sorts of percussion instruments can be allowed, using various waxes and animal hides to create them. Wind instruments such as horns and flutes are created, though they are limited.
    For those too meek for battle, bone carving will take place of wood carving. Any statues created can be sold to merchants, a profitable form of trade.
    To begin carving the bone, there is extensive cleaning involved, including using a knife to completely strip the bones of any remaining meat. The bones will be cooked using a slow cooking method, and then promptly remove all sorts of guts and bits attached.  The bones will then be scrubbed to the core with a special Ivory soap made by the tribe leaders, and when the scrubbing is complete it will soak in warm water once more. Be gentle with the scrubbing, lest you ruin the quality of the bone or damage it.


    ⇤ ䷁ Oracle Bone Reading ䷁ ⇥
    The Sidewinder is the master of Oracle Bone Reading, as they use flames to create cracks in the bones of animals. It is required that you bring your own bones, or perhaps pick from a large selection to pick the correct output. The Sidewinder’s methods of fortune telling call upon the gods and spirits around them for their guidance- the person seeking a fortune will ask a question and the bone will be inscribed with the message. The fortune must be told within nature in a discreet place, where only the Sidewinder and her patient are together harmoniously with the forest. A fire would be started, and the bones that were brought would be coated in an extract specifically from the flower of the orange fruit, Neroli. Once all the bones have been coated in this extract, they will be placed near the fire and a prayer will be said to the spirits, and everyone around will close their eyes. After 10 minutes of listening to the flame crackle and the bone beginning to chip, the bones will be taken out using a special tool made from ivory bones- similar to tongs, in order to remove all the bones carefully. They will then be put onto a wooden stump in order to be read.
    After the bone cools down, the fortune teller will knock thrice on the bone to remove all negative energy from it and see if there are any estranged cracks that may come from the knock. Thereafter, what the bone says depends on what the teller may see. Culturally, the Sidewinder will perform an Oracle Bone Reading for all new members and children that may come into the Maehr’orrar. The question asked is normally, “In what shape does my future hold?” The results will determine what role the leaders wish for them to take and will offer the new members advice in their travels. The Sidewinder will often have initiates partake in readings and teach them the basics of how to bone read. What the character decides to do with it is up to them. 

    [!] A message written in larger letters states, “DO NOT PRACTICE WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE LEADERS.”

  7. oQRxKEhsFC72UMr9L2Iw6UK9Be-warW-jsIFsAkjNPpKyMpCbXtFF5UCsIYqHxzT-CKFFZ_8M85uCy-kAEXaepNPP7_UqUxx9nfsD2jpHMkCo9QZPGb5BMwLV0MtD4Eq2eqCKwwT

    Let’s dance (by Milamai on Tumblr)

    [!] The parchments would be covered in green smudges, presumably from fauna around them, as well as dirt marks. However, a small note would contain odd symbols and an extra message.


    “Our story is not one of interest, but if you so wish to seek our story, we will give it freely. Which should account for all sorts of knowledge, as secrets are meant to be exposed.”


    The Maehr’orrar began with two orphans, the current leaders of the Maehr’orrar, the Sidewinder and the Timberiven. Their families were killed by unknown entities, leaving them to fend for themselves in the brutal wilds. They forsook their family names, tossing them aside to don the names representing their new formidable pursuit of survival. The only form of knowledge they had was on Aspecticism, as they both idolized these gods to the extreme. Left to the forest in order to survive, they became attune with their surroundings- perfecting their knowledge of the forest; However, this left them thirsty for the knowledge that they missed out on. Seeking information that had once evaded them, they retreated to the roads and settlements in order to piece together the world around them through the tales of others; moreover, they were bloodthirsty for the stories of others that if the words of others were insufficient, it was unknown to what happened to these people.

    After all, even a child can bother to serve their family a plate of lies if there is nothing else to eat.


    However, on a fruitful day the Timberiven and Sidewinder sought refuge for their people. Hoping to find a peaceful home for the orphans the two leaders gathered, a home far from the violence that erupted in Arcas. They strode alone in the safe Cloud Temple, questioning those that may have a slot available for them to rest in. There was none, none except the great leader Hsieh-Xin, a Fei-Zhu that was baboon like with a cane that he leaned upon when speaking. The Timberiven conversed with him calmly, hopefully he would understand that she was looking for a home to shelter the children without a family. The conversation proved successful, she passed him a large sack of minas that she had saved when selling her ivory boons, and the peace between the Maehr’orrar began. However, the hunt was never close to ending, as many would have thought.


    [!] A campfire of bones lay still, with a couple of bones left all over it near Sutica. A bone carved message read;

    “ Find us on the roads, and we will request your knowledge. If an orphan is found on their own, they will be taken to a place where no one can hurt them. “



    If you want to join us, shoot @UmbreScye or @Kyunu a message! Send us one of the colored options that you want to try for:

    You will be given a nickname once you finish your membership into the Maehr’orrar! If you have a nickname in mind, make sure it’s nature related and that it begins such as; “The __”


    ↢ Blood Daughter/Son - Vipers ↣

    ? ॥ A fully initiated child of the Maehr’orrar ॥ ?

    You may pick any race for a child, but they must be under 10 years old and without known parents!


    ↢ Blood Sister/Brother - Pythons ↣

    ? ॥ A full initiated adult of the Maehr’orrar ॥ ?

    Adults aging over 16, are required to find the Maehr’orrar on the roads.



    Flag of the Jade Republic made by Fruu_Ne?#2935.


    A Feast to Honour the Kha ( 1718 )


    Wǒmen hěn gǎnxiè nǐ de bǎohù.

    [!] A message is written out to all of the allies of the Houzi under Hsieh Xin, written on a papyrus letter with a fine ink from the squids within Sutican waters.


    We are very grateful for your protection, and in order to honor the Kha’s aid, we bring fresh seafood from the Sutican ocean and hope that we may peacefully bring our people together once more. May those who partake in this feast be the Kha and our allies in Sutica, for protecting us in times of need.

             With this, we bring hope of a new era of peace between Houzi, Kha, and the persecuted all alike.”                 


    It was clear to the Kha and Hou, under the guidance of the Huangdi of the Jade Republic, that there would be peace for decades to come. As they gathered under a statue of worship for the Kha, they conversed on the future of Hou, and the truth of the events that occured at the State of Shen. They mulled over the hostile attitude of the past Huangdi Cao Cao and his Imperial Guard, and remembered the horror that they felt as they fled through the waters during their escape into Sutica. Not only were they down a well respected guard, but they had begun to lose all hope in whether they would be able to continue surviving - since for the most part all but one family were purely civilians. With the Hou-zi owning nothing other than their physical form, and little to no food rations, the great Tul’Tsisha allowed the Hou to seek temporary refuge in their homes. With a kind heart, she gave refugees homes in the caverns of the Kha, which touched the heart of Huangdi Hsieh Xin, and his people.


    On the day where the moon lit up the sky brightest, the Hou-zi of the Jade Republic, the Kha, the Halflings, and the Wood Elves of Maehr’orrar joined together as one in the caverns, whispering and shouting tales to each other under a night’s festivity of drinking and partying. The Halflings spoke many a story with cheer in their hearts, the Kha eloquent as can be- aiding others even still in a celebration meant for them, the Hou-zi smoking and drinking heartily - competing in their newfound liberty, and the Wood Elves prancing amongst the food and cave walls in delight. The various races gathered to feast cherished this moment of peace, an understanding they hoped would last for generations to come, and silent prayers were uttered to their various Gods that this was the start of a new age of peace and prosperity.

  9. Mingzhu looked down in dismay at the loss of a Heizhu brethren, and placed a fist over her chest. “May Lang Xiahou soul meet the heavenly plane, and rest among Houshen.” She shook her head, letting only a single tear befall her.

  10. MC Name: Kyunu

    Character's Name: Yè-Míngzhū

    Character's Age: 30


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    History [ Hou-Zi ]

    The Hou-Zi originally were primates, capable of many feats, until Metzli sought them out as ideal candidates to become her followers, and experimented by giving an already existing race sentience through granting intelligence. Hou-Shen was the very first to be given intelligence, and was told to be the prophet of his people, and so began the evolution of the Hou-Zi, into the Golden Age. Jing-Taiyun was the capital of the Hou-Zi empire, and thus had created a complex civilization, the lands spanning over the jungle of Asul. The times were stable and prosperous, and no turmoil would harm the land, but Metzli instructed that the Hou-zi must expand outside of the jungle in order to gain tribute to her name, and so began the First Great War of Malin. Initially the elves had no interest in relations with the Hou-Zi, their leader Malin had decided only after seeing the empire expand that they should extend relations- but all diplomats had been declined entry, making the elves weary of what was to come. Within two years of preparation for war, the time came for battle. The battle seemed to favor the Hou-Zi, until Hou-shen fell when they attempted to take the Malinor, and the Hou-Zi were eradicated from the Elvish lands. It had appeared that the empire was in ruins, until the Second Great War with the reformed Hou-Zi empire. By Metzli, perhaps unwarranted but it came to be in order to achieve her goals, Hou-Shen was reborn and sent back- and he began to repair the empire. The Hou-zi attempted to take over the Mali’aheral, Mali’ker, and Mali’ame, but in both cases were outwitted, but slowly the Hou-Zi retook control and won against all of them, however the elves united and took back their lands from the Hou-Zi, proving to Hou-Shen that they were fighting a losing battle. Following the deaths of all of his sons, the Hou-Zi surrendered. During the Jade Wars, nobility began to come in conflict with each other, and caused both major and minor conflicts within the decling Hou-Zi empire under the conditions of their surrender. The noble factions the fought within the empire had slowly caused Hou-Shen, who had witnessed so much defeat, to disappear- and this forced the Hou-Zi to wake up- and regardless of their faith and hope to Hou-Shen, he never returned to revive their empire. 


    Religion [ Shen-Jiao , Hua-Jiao ]

    Shen-Jiao focuses around worshiping Hou-Shen the Godking along with his children, while Hua-Jiao focuses on the reverence of the prophet Hualian in order to seek enlightenment.  Shen-Jiao is the older religion, where the immortal Godking Hou-Shen is worshiped, as he was the first Hou-Zi to be granted life by Metzli. He thereon lived to lead the people under Metzli’s instruction for two thousand years, producing three sons, and successfully introducing the Hou-Zi to many enlightening concepts, such as creativity, intellect, and victory. Hou-Da was the element of Earth, reflecting physical and mental fortitude; Hou Xiao was the element of water, reflecting wisdom and creativity; Hou-Wang was the element of air, reflecting bravery and liberation. Together with his sons, in life they were worshiped as gods on their land; However, during a twilight era for the Hou-Zi, Hou-Shen mysteriously disappeared- many theorized that he shed his mortal form in order to ascend, but these led to the crumbling state of the Hou-Zi empire. With this in mind, the religion became much more traditional, with Hou-Shen being seen as a god in the skies along with his children but it’s taught that the empire never fell, and those in the mortal realm must continue to serve and pray to Hou-Shen. When appealing to Hou-Shen, it’s expected to pray for more important than menial wishes. In the Heavenly realm lies the gods and ancestors, so there is also great ancestral worship among the Hou-Zi. 


    Hua-Jiao is a newer religion that arose within the Hou-Zi empire among the lower class as a doctrine, but was seen as forbidden, and outlawed by the Hou-Zi empire due to the fact it appeared as an insult to the Godking Houshen, and so Hualian was exiled for the creation of it. Hualian was a young man of the Fei-Zhu as a nobleman, who traveled for a long period of time, and found his own enlightenment through meditation in order to answer the questions he had asked through his travels- and finally he began to understand the world around him, coming to the conclusions of the Four Truths and the eightfold path.The teachings within the document include the eightfold path ( A way to enlightenment by letting go of attachments), the four truths ( The nature of the world ), the definitive nature of existence, and a list of ways in order to follow these beliefs and reach enlightenment. Even though it was forbidden to practice, many still did by merging aspects of Shen-Jiao and Hua-Jiao, and once the empire fell many practitioners came out and opening showed their faith. Most follow this to an extent, and there are monks who dedicate themselves to this path in seeking enlightenment.

    Yè-Míngzhū follows Shen-Jiao more closely than Hua-Jiao, and follows the virtues of Hou-Da and Hou-Wang under Hou-Shen. 



    Hei-Zhu Information

    The Hei-Zhu have the appearance of a Gorilla, and tend to be the physically strongest of the sub races. They trade out dexterity for overwhelming strength, and have been shown to be at the front lines of most wars, and do the heavy labor work in their community. Most seen as outstanding warriors, they profit off of the aspects of bravery and loyalty, and may also work as a lumberjack, bodyguard, and beast tamer. They’re comparably around the same size as a large Orc, spanning from 200lb to 400lb, at 6ft-7.5ft when upright, and also have the same general strength. In comparison, the Hei-Zhu tend to walk on all fours considering that it’s the most comfortable, but can walk upright if necessary. In terms of religion, they worship both Shen-Jiao and Hua-Jiao equally, but favor Hou-Da for discipline and strength. They seek to find perfect mind and body, and have shown through their culture they wish to focus on improving their physical and mental attributes the most, as such their coming of age trial is pure survival in the wilderness. Appearance wise, they tend to be darker greyish tones to black.





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