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Everything posted by Zook

  1. Zook


    Metagaming: Meta gaming is when you have knowledge of whats about to happen, even though there’s no way you should know that without a 3rd partys assistance. When playing factions there’s a hack called ‘Freecam’. This allows players to see through a base so they know whats exactly in the base. This shouldn’t be possible in normal minecraft without a 3rd party client. Powergaming: Almost as if playing RPG where its main point is competitiveness, though in reality the only competive thing about power gaming is is who can come up with the most powerful trait for their character has. An example of this, is a southpark episode, “good times with weapons”. The kids get ninja weapons and then “pretend” to have ninja abilities, cartman claims his power is having all the powers he can think of, which is power gaming.
  2. Zook


    Am I supposed to fix something
  3. Zook


    Zooks childhood before moving in with his uncle was tough, neglection and lack of attention from parents left him up to his own devices. Because of his outgoing attitude, as a child he would often chat with the neighbors who would often feel pity on the boy and give him their leftovers. Or going door to door offering to do yard work in return for food. He was never emotionally attached to his parents because they were never around or never cared for him, so when he went over to his uncles for a winter and they never showed up again, he wasn’t too sad. His uncle Jam, made him go out with him and help cut down wood in order to live with him. He was amazed at how well he landed the axe when he first gave a go at it that he could down down trees with a width of 1 feet wide diameter at the age of 10. At the age of 15 he was getting done before his uncle so he would go off and wonder around in the forest and occasionally hunt the nights meal with his tomahawk. Shortly after his 18th birthday he found a keen interest in joining the military for Hanset-Ruska. Because of the vast knowledge Zook understood of the wilderness surrounding Haense, his job was a messenger. Zook was to travel to the other allied kingdoms to deliver letters to their kings. He enjoyed the traveling and meeting new people in the different cities he met, but after 4 years wanted to settle back down and continue being a lumberjack. After a year of being settled down, the urge of adventure struck him again.
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