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Everything posted by ItzDannio25

  1. ItzDannio25


    Rober was born in a small house in Fenn, Arcas, currently he has 28 years old, his family was poor but it was a happy family. Rober loved sword fights with warriors as a kid, he wanted to become one in the future. Nobody knew anything about his mother 6 years later when Rober was born, rumors say that she was murdered by an Orc, same happened to his father 2 years before. When Rober turned 21 years old (3 years after the death of his father) he decided to move to Haense to start a new life by being a seller in a street market food store. Due to the depression that Rober had due to the death of his parents, the store closed 1 year later, he also liked breeding and he decided to try working as a farmer harvesting potatoes with a Farklok called Gosephy. 3 Months ago, his plantation was destroyed due a huge storm, Rober started to live in a small residence in Haense with almost no money thanks to his plantations with Gosephy. Gosephy had more money than Rober, and she decided to give Rober some money so he can find a better place and become a warrior. Rober always wanted to become a warrior since childhood and he accepted the money but he didn’t wanted to live again in Fenn... He also decided to buy a beautiful armor to have it already when he would be a warrior. 1 week later, Rober said goodbye to Gosephy and began a journey traveling around Arcas to find a suitable place for his future dream, becoming a swordman warrior.
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