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  1. Dgd


    Raukard was born in a small village within Urguan to a family of smiths. At a young age he was taught how to smith arms and armour, but in hopes of raising the family’s standing he was soon pressured to join the Legion by his father, and to join the Clergy by his mother. While being torn between the two expected choices, he developed an interest and knack for making mechanical trinkets and gadgets . Though this hobby wasn’t useful in the eyes of his parents, his grandfather took to indulging Raukard. Often in the evenings when his father had gone off to drink, his grandfather would bring him any mechanical doodads he could find, and told tales of all the wonderful inventions he knew of, being of Irongrinder heritage. Not wanting to upset either of his parents, and secretly wishing to join the Engineering Guild instead, he joined neither the Legion nor Clergy and took to being an apprentice or helper to various blacksmiths. After the death of his grandfather he began to travel, taking commissions in towns he travelled through and renting nearby smithies to complete them. He now wanders the world in search of opportunities to practice and learn of his craft, hoping to join the Irongrinder Clan and Engineering Guild.
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