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    Klaus Erzjaeger
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  1. Weaponcraft


    I’ve edited the application, I hope it is now okay.
  2. Weaponcraft


    Steelbiter, think it’s a strange name? Aye, but nay you forget we dwed’s of the ground are curious folk, hence the tradition of testing ya steel with a hard bite. Ne’ermind just testing it, nothing makes filthy goblin quiver when it hears the sound of teeth on steel. You’d be surprised to find what a travelling smith comes across, and what ‘e does for ‘is bread. But those days are over my lads and lasses, this lad is making his way to Kal’Varoth, if they don’t have room for their cave kin, then on the road you will find me again, another lonesome traveler for the humans to have their blades sharpened and ploughs repaired. -Thayne Steelbiter Thayne is a mountain dwarf, average height, a bit more built then some and relatively darker skin to his brethren due to his traveling profession. He’s a smith, and a leatherworker, a tradesman to his core. I wouldn’t say he’s antisocial, but he’s about a cave dwarvish as a mountain dwarf can get, he’ll come around eventually but most of his talking will be work. Not much can be said about his childhood, it was about as normal as a dwarf can have, his father and mother were both workers, hard workers at that, so the only time they actually talked with Thayne was when they were passing on their skills, smithing from his brute of a father and leatherworking/tailoring from his mule of a mother. Work seems to be the only thing that connected them so when Thayne came of age, there was no need for his skills yet so his parents encourage him to travel and work until his father passed, hopefully bringing back some new skills. His father just grazed 300 so Thayne has a while to wait til he inherits his father’s place
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