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Everything posted by MartaGamer32

  1. MartaGamer32


    Marta Capuntas is an orphan who lives with her sister Elsa Capuntas. They were born in the city of Ves, in the Duchy of Adria, and basically traveled throughout the Empire of Men. At the age of ten, her parents were murdered by bandits, leaving her alone with her sister Elsa, who was 8 years old. They had to grow up in the forest and learn to survive, Marta Capuntas had to learn to hunt to survive with her sister since she was too young to learn alone on her own. As time went by and they grew up, Marta taught her sister to defend herself and fight. When she was 17, she found a city called Reza, they were confused because they did not know what it was, nor who lived there, but they met the people and settled in the city after a short period of time. As the years passed, Marta explained to her sister everything that had happened to their family, and that she remembered that when their parents lived, they once told Marta and Elsa never to leave the Kingdom of Curonia. That's why they both left and headed to Avalain, capital of the Kingdom of Curonia, where they met a man named Alexander II Merentel, who took care of them as he could.
  2. MartaGamer32


    Marta Capuntas is an orphan who lives with her sister named Elsa Capuntas. We were born in the city of Ves, in the Duchy of Adria, and basically traveled throughout the Empire of Men. At the age of ten, my parents were murdered by bandits, leaving her alone with her sister Elsa, 8 years old. So, they had to grow up in the forest and learn to survive, I personally had to learn to hunt to survive with my sister since I was too young to learn alone on my own. As time went by and we grew up, I taught my sister to defend herself and fight. When I was 17, we found a city called Reza, we were confused because we did not know what it was, nor who lived there, but we met the people and settled in the city. As the years passed, I explained to my sister everything that had happened to us, and I remembered that when our parents lived, they once told us never to leave the Kingdom of Curonia. That's why we left and headed to Avalain, capital of the Kingdom of Curonia, to meet a man named Alexander II Merentel.
  3. MartaGamer32


    Marta Capuntas es una huérfana que vive con su hermana llamada Elsa Capuntas. Nacimos en la ciudad de Ves, en el Ducado de Adria, y básicamente viajamos por todo el Imperio de los Hombres. A la edad de diez años, mis padres fueron asesinados por bandidos, dejándola sola con su hermana Elsa, de 8 años. Entonces, tuvieron que crecer en el bosque y aprender a sobrevivir, yo personalmente tuve que aprender a cazar para sobrevivir con mi hermana ya que era muy joven para aprender solo por mi cuenta. A medida que pasaba el tiempo y crecimos, le enseñé a mi hermana a defenderse y luchar. Cuando tenía 17 años, encontramos una ciudad llamada Reza, estábamos confundidos porque no sabíamos qué era, ni quiénes vivían allí, pero conocimos a la gente y nos establecimos en la ciudad. A medida que pasaban los años, le expliqué a mi hermana todo lo que nos había sucedido, y recordé que cuando vivieron nuestros padres, una vez nos dijeron que nunca saliéramos del Reino de Curonia. Por eso nos fuimos y nos dirigimos a Avalain, capital del Reino de Curonia, para encontrarnos con un hombre llamado Alejandro II Merentel.
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