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    Ethen Luxford
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  1. Ushnar


    Ethan Ward. Ethan was born into a family who’s ties were close than anything before. Ethan’s mother name was Maria Langley who was a Heartlander and his father’s name was Ethan as well who was a Highlander. The father’s side were simple farmers who didn’t bother anyone and his mother took his hand in marriage and joined their easy life. They all lived in the outskirts of Adria on farm not too far from the woods. Growing up, his father pushed Ethan into working the fields as well as learning how to use a bow precisely just like his father grew up doing so he could continue to family’s farm business as well as keep their land protected. After years of learning how the farm actually worked and knowing how to hit his targets pretty damn well, his father thought it was time he took over at a young age since Ethan was an extremely fast learner. When Ethan turned 16, he was pushed into working the farm by himself but still supervised by his father just to see how he operated without his guidance. A couple years past and life was easy until his mother grew extremely ill. His mother wasn’t going to live and a couple months later, she did die. His father starting his drink habit once again, the habit he had before he became better once he knew his wife was pregnant. Ethan being 18 at the time grieved over his mother’s death but was never the emotional type. Since his drunk father continued to drink more and more he started to become abusive. First it started with verbal, then mental, it finally became physical. His father would beat Ethan almost everyday, letting out “stress” as he called it. Ethan was still forced to tend to the farm as his father drank his life away. Ethan finally had enough and finally came to a conclusion. Ethan decided to run away. After planning out everything, he packed his things and decided to leave at night. After packing his things he waited for night time to pass, and when it did he was ready. At the latest time at night, he began to creep towards the entrance so he could leave but right before he could, his father was sitting right there outside tending to the ground. He asked what he was doing at this time in night, when he saw his huge bag he instantly knew what he was doing. His father dropped his tools and began to walk towards them, as he approached Ethan he grabbed his arm and threw him on the ground. Ethan was terrified, and out of fear, he grabbed the nearest rock towards him and hit his father in the head around his frontal lobe. Hitting him hard enough to kill him. Ethan was scarred for life, mentally and physically. After running off for years, he trained himself to live off in the woods while stealing from people. Furthering his bow skills, he also looked into taking contracts to gain money other than just stealing. More years past and he is now 23. He now has a small shelter in the middle of the forest as it is filled with food, medicine, and weapons of all sorts. Since the lack of communication with any other human really and the abuse of his father, Ethan has an insane struggle with speaking to people. He prefers to live on his own and be by himself for as long as possible. (Sorry if this story is pretty bad with not enough filler, I didn’t want it to be an extreme hassle for the mod reading over my application.)
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