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    EVO_Anyama ︻デ╦───#8761
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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Sylcan Miraros
  • Character Race
    Snow elf
  1. laughinghuman


    Sylcan was born in the city of Talar’ikur and when he was growing up was always a trouble maker. He never really saw education or training for the army as any use to him and always tried to avoid it at all cost in the end his parents became very worried about his behaver as they saw it as un natural for a snow elf to act like this so they looked for help. But no one knew what to say and the best advice they got was to sit him down and teach him about thill’al but Sylcan did not listen. One day when Sylcan had heard about how his parents had looked for help for his strange and sometimes rude behaviour he ripped everything in his wardrobe all of the nice looking robes and cloths and patched them all together and wore it the next day. When his parents saw this they where out raged that he would do something like that and they realised there was no helping him they yelled at him for hours about how they raised him and he treats them like this but Sylcan did not take a single word in. But one night Sylcan parents decided he needed to live with other species thinking if he didn't like the snow elf way of life maybe he could fine some sort of peace with the other races. Sylcan did not see it at that he grabbed his clothes smaked and small bagged and stormed of as he thought what his parents did was just a way to get rid of him not seeing there good reason. His mother was so saddened about the events she died of shock only a couple months later at the young age of 324 years old his father was furious believing this was all Sylcans fault. Sylcan was just wondering the roads when a messenger gave him the letter telling him of his mothers death he felt so guilty and ashamed he cried for over a day. Sylcan realised how his father must have been feeling and thought it would be best to stay out of his fathers life and so he said he would never look for his father again and his father would never look for him again because of his fear his emotions would get the better of him and he may harm his son or worse. Sylcan wondered around the forest for many years doing small jobs to survive but mainly living of the land but on his 50 birthday he thought if over snow elf's his age would be going to join the military he would go out and seek adventure and money. Sylcan plan did not go so well he could never find work on his level because he had always skipped training so he spent months learning basic skills of how to swing a sword and then went out seeing if just maybe now he could find some meaning to his life.
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