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Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Erisdar Barzul
  • Character Race
    Snow Elf
  1. ApexPrimordial


    (Biography addition excluding first sentence) He decided that he would return to the continent and if possible, begin studying alchemy in peace. As he hit the continent he began searching through the book on general knowledge he stumbled on a childlike coal fingerprint on the Capital city of Fenn, Tahu’lareh. After a few moments he figured that as it was the closest city and inhabited with other snow elves he would attempt entry. If that failed Sutica would likely be his next stop, the trade town probably had many foreigners come and another would likely be ignored. (lengthened description) Erisdar is a snow elf maintaining an average build (5’10” 160 lbs) mostly hidden under a forest green cloak. No weapons are visible on the outside of the cloak, but a small brown pouch is visible. If his cloak was off one would see near white hair bordering on silver in a disheveled clump with no certain method to it. Erisdar often holds a thousand-yard stare that would make it seem as if he was staring straight into the soul of anyone he engaged in conversation with. If one ever looked at his hands they would know for certain that he was not a warrior, but they likely would not suspect that he had lived off the land for several years.
  2. ApexPrimordial


    The last of few memories Erisdar had of his home were hushed words and hastily packed bags as his mother and father rushed to leave as the moon climbed to its peak in the sky. When they left that night his father resolved to head north to a frozen island he assumed would be empty, and therefore safe for his family. In time Erisdar would notice his father’s paranoia more often, sometimes in scenarios where it was totally uncalled for. Sometimes his wild eyes would peer into the shadows as if seeing a great play depicted in the void that nobody else could understand. He had always assumed this was the natural isolationist mindset that many snow elves had, but he was never truly sure. As Erisdar grew older he began building his own home on the island, a humble log home just big enough to suit his needs. He began hunting and setting traps to provide meat for himself which he would pair with what few roots he could find in the resting coats of snow. Every so often he would visit his parents as they elegantly aged, but when he arrived at their abode for the final time, a thick layer of dust was coating what furniture remained inside. A table with two books laying on it was the only thing of note left. One of the books contained general advice, but the other contained basic information on the subject of alchemy, such as the symbols of fire, earth, water, and air. After coming to terms with the disappearance of his parents, Erisdar took a torch to both cabins and prepared a boat with his few valuable possessions. He decided that he would return to the continent and if possible, begin studying alchemy in peace.
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