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Everything posted by fidgetpoy

  1. fidgetpoy


    Sorry this took so long, been busy with finals
  2. fidgetpoy


    Tobias Fink is a human of raevir descent. His father was a hard-working farmer, and his wife gave him a son and daughter before her death. Unfortunately, Uriel Fink’s only son was a lazy country bumpkin, and his daughter was born a prodigy, destined for better things. When Uriel’s daughter one day left for the Royal City of Markev, Tobias grew jealous of his sister, and decided he would go out and find his own opportunity. After traveling the lands, going well beyond his homeland of Hanseti-Ruska, he would finally land steady work as the court jester for a distant keep. Day after day, Tobias performed humiliating acts for the lord’s sick humor, and was given meager rations to keep him full. It was a steady job and a roof over his head, so he wasn’t complaining, but as time went on he actually got better at his job. Tobias learned what buttons to push, he learned to subvert expectations, and he learned the importance of timing. Over a few years, Tobias went from being his lord’s plaything to being a proper court jester, and mesmerized his audiences with intricate magic tricks, light shows, and illusions. Unfortunately, this would all come to culmination on the lord’s anniversary, where Tobias was met with competition: a traveling bard of prominence. The old man had perfected his craft over the years, and was far more talented than Tobias. Growing desperate, Tobias made a few dangerous jokes about the lord’s wife, his weight, and even showed his audience where babies come from using only his hands. His living on the line, he panicked and splashed the bard’s face with a strange concoction, accidentally turning the old man’s head into a toad: complete with legs and a body. Trying to fix it, he only made things worse, and gave the old man (and his new head) a heart attack. He was chased out of town, and with only his jester’s costume and what he had picked up from his dorm, Tobias somehow managed to survive on his own for several months, traveling from city to city before finally reaching Sutica. Now, jobless and stranded in a strange land, Tobias only wants to start anew, and resume his quest for opportunity.
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