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  • Character Name
    John Smith
  • Character Race
    Human (~80% with about 20% High Elf)

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  1. He was born in The Free City of Ves, and lived most of his life there in peace working as an apprentice under a local blacksmith and was beginning to train under the former Ves Watch when the city burned to the ground. His entire family, including both his parents and his younger sister were killed in the blaze. He scrounged the family home for any remaining belongings and what little money that they had that survived. He returned a few days later in secret to bury his family’s remains in a secluded spot outside the city, where he struck out on his own into the world with nothing but his father’s cloak and a few minae to his name. He will ever secretly hold a grudge against The Imperial Legion for the deaths of his family. After Hearing of the Grand fair of Ves, he decided to return to his old homeland to see for himself how things had changed.
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