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  1. PlagueDoctor


    This application is being handled by SoulReapingWolf due to an error in my previous application:
  2. PlagueDoctor


    I have made the edits. :^D
  3. PlagueDoctor


    Hector Highwater is a Heartlander Human who was born and raised in Renatus with no parents or relatives to speak of. Hector was born blind and grew up on the street as an urchin having to panhandle for food which would occasionally lead him to a night or two in the city dungeon on charges of vagrancy. Although most people tended to avoid him, he did have a friend by the name of Lao Chun who was described to Hector as a charitable Far Folk man. But after a time Lao Chun left in search of gold and women leaving Hector once again alone. After his friend left Hector eventually left in search of a way to correct the shitty hand that GOD has dealt him. Along the road, he heard tales of the Druidic Order that might allow him enlightenment in living as a blind man. So eventually he made his way to the Cloud Temple to the best of his ability.
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