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Everything posted by CLAMY

  1. CLAMY


    Endar has reached an old age. Not thats hes actually old, but most orcs pass on or exiled before they reach his age. Born between Krugmar and Warhawkes, closer to krugmar, he has often drifted between the two cities finding and seeing new fights. The main reason he has got this far is probably because despite the blood shed and violence that he too enjoys, he also had a curious mind. At first it was nothing more then “what happens if you cut here instead of here” or trying out new weapons just for sport. But now as he aged and watched comrades and enemies fall, as well as mated and produced offspring some deeper questions come into play. To fight is to live, Krug knew that, and he lead the orcs to greatness. But to protect the clan, fight the evil undead, and provide for his family, are reasons to fight as well. While bloodshed exists everywhere, even in “peaceful” nature, Endar has been recently questioning that maybe fighting should only be done when necessary, of course however, the necessity arrives often.
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