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  • Character Name
    Icarus Stonecrest
  1. Ginganinja42000


    At a young age I was cast out by my father and mother Jarrir and Aurra Aleyn as a ‘heathen” and a “disgrace to all heartlanders”. My father being a low tier power hunger politician at the time, tried to merge me into his dream of becoming a powerful political family and I just... couldn’t. I knew that i would never be happy in politics, you always have to be so reserved and you have to be a people person and after seeing what it did to my father and mothers marriage I couldn't bear to be unhappy like that. I only wanted simplicity and freedom, things neither my father nor the Church of the Cannon would give me. I want to explore the world and see the culture of the different races of out lands. I want a family, a happy wife and a child and a home to call my own. I want to travel across Atlas or the Isles of Vailor. I want to sing songs at the highest peaks of the Gules Mountains and search for The Four Brothers in the starry night sky. I simply want freedom, love, and maybe a good drink as well.
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