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Everything posted by LegitRed

  1. LegitRed


    Archie was a high class warrior prior losing his memories during the battle of Leyulin when he was struck in the head by a sword. miraculously, Archie survived but at the cost of his memories. He had lost all memories of the battle and his life before the conflict. Its been years since hes lost his memories and hes now living a totally different life. He adventures the lands collecting artifacts and precious items that others are looking to spend lots of money on as well as getting into some trouble here and there with the High elves.. for some reason he has an itch about them! He likes to get most of his knowledge from books all across the land and keeps a journal of his travels. He also is a believer is Aspectism, it worships Cerridwen and Cerunnos. Refered to wood elves by "mother and father" they are direct ties to nature believing no creature can be greater than nature
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